Rage-extreme anger: sudden and extreme anger angry outburst: an outburst of strong anger

Lust - sexual desire: the strong physical desire to have sex with somebody, usually without associated feelings of love or affection eagerness: great eagerness or enthusiasm for something

Pride -satisfaction with self: the happy satisfied feeling somebody experiences when having or achieving something special that other people admire proper sense of own value: the correct level of respect for the importance and value of your personal character, life, efforts, or achievements

Envy - wanting what somebody else has: the resentful or unhappy feeling of wanting somebody else's success, good fortune, qualities, or possessions

Gluttony - excessive eating: the act or practice of eating and drinking to excess.

Sloth - laziness: a dislike of work or any kind of physical exertion

Greed - strong desire for more: an overwhelming desire to have more of something such as money than is actually needed

A/N: I owe everything to ForeverIndebted. I totally overworked her, and I apologize. She is the most amazing beta EVA!! THANKS!!

Disclaimer: Yes. I'm JP. I'm making millions of dollars from typing stories on my computer in the basement. NO!! I DO NOT OWN. (unless JP will sell to me for 10 dollas. Then I might own. nah. I can't write that good)


7 Deadly Sins

PREFACE - Jeb's Journal Entry

May 31, 2008, 4:35 PM

The scientists thought that they had created the ultimate destruction of the Flock. Why else would they call them the Seven Deadly Sins? Rage, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, sloth, and greed: The perfect solution for destroying the Flock.

So, they made me compose a list of which sin would be best with each Flock member, since I raised them temporarily.

Angel - Greed

The Gasman - Gluttony

Nudge - Pride

Iggy - Sloth

Fang - Rage

Max - Envy

Total - Lust

And, taking in consideration that Max is my child, I'm giving Fang Rage. It can consume people, kill then even. Maybe if he dies, then she'll realize her true potential doesn't lie within boys.

Or maybe not.

This is very risky business. I have to go undercover and inject the "sin" into them. Maybe I could get Dr. Martinez to do it; unknowingly of course. She is a sort-of-doctor, after all.

And if Max ever reads this, I want her to know that I was forced to do this. I'm putting you with envy only because I want you to learn from this. The only one I attempt to kill is Fang. No offense to him whatsoever, he's just getting in the way of the big plan.

Sorry, Maximum.

End of Entry for May 31, 2008, 4:38 PM

Jeb sighed as he shut the laptop. He honestly didn't want to hurt Max.

Ter Borcht peered through the jail bars. "Bedtime, Batchahlder. You'll be released tomorrow to perform your duty." The lights flickered off, and Jeb spent his last night at the School.

A/N: YO! This is the Preface, so therefore, short. It's just an introduction to get started. The next chapter is short, too. MY BAD. I'm trying to make the second chapter longer. PEACE OUT

Two Reviews. That's all I ask. That will give you the ACTUAL CHAPTER!! OoooO!!