Hey everyone, Loki here. Just wanted to thank all the people who have read, favourited and alerted me so far! Don't worry, my Companion Chronicles is still under way, I haven't got writer's block or anything, just been juggling with reformatted computers and tracking down files. Technical difficulties you could say. For now, I hope you enjoy this story. It will be one story, not a series, but it's a bit longer so broken down in to chapters. Please read and review, I really appreciate feedback!

Loki xx

PS: I don't own Doctor Who or anything to do with it, except my original characters. That's the BBC's department. Right, on to the story!

Hotel Yasumi

"Owww!" complained Donna Noble as she picked herself up off the floor. "I didn't think you could get whiplash in a spaceship."

"Are you alright?" asked The Doctor sheepishly.

"Oh, just perfect." Donna rolled her eyes, "I can't turn my head right and my elbow is killing me, but I'll go off and do samba any second now." The Doctor actually looked hurt, he had been genuinely concerned. Donna sighed, "Sorry. Yes, I'm fine. Are you?"

"As soon as I work out just how we collided with something I will be." replied the Time Lord. "My shields were up."

"Sure about that?" Donna asked. The Doctor shot her a look and she shrugged, and then winced.

The Doctor looked at the screen and raised an eyebrow. The exterior view of his spaceship was quite peculiar. Even more peculiar was when, just as he was reaching for the door, it opened inwards, almost knocking him over. His eyes widened, the TARDIS wasn't meant to do that. Had the mechanism been knocked awry? A young woman, more a girl really, with a headset on and holding a digital tablet like a clipboard ran in, wide eyed. Her eyes were startling amber.

"Are you ok?! I came to check on you!" she sounded scared. "I don't know how we managed to hit you! The shields must have malfunctioned!"

Donna was more interested in her bright blue hair, but the girl looked like she was supposed to be listening, "Sorry, what?"

"I said, are you ok?!" repeated the woman patiently.

"Who are you?! How did you get in here?" challenged The Doctor.

The girl looked affronted, "I just walked in because it was a pretty big smash." She saw Donna rubbing her neck, "Oh! I'm so sorry, you must come in, come on!"

The Doctor and Donna didn't have much choice because people were stopping to stare. The pair promptly stepped out just behind the girl and swiftly shut the door. The Doctor gave a start as the door handle shifted in his hand and changed shape, he jumped and spun around. Where the TARDIS doors had been was now a shining white painted door, with a brass number plate on it. It matched the other doors spread down a dark blue carpeted hotel corridor. Donna's mouth dropped open and The Doctor just kind of stared.

"Oh! Don't worry!" assured the girl brightly, "It's a refitted chameleon circuit. All our guest's vehicles garages are designed to fit in to the décor.

"You mean these aren't hotel rooms?"

"No, of course not! Why would we put our rooms in a basement?" the girl spoke like it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard suggested.

She took them to the end of the corridor, passing several people who waved and nodded at her, gestures which she returned emphatically. They came to a familiar circular platform and Donna immediately shied away.

"Oh no, I ain't going on one of them again!" she protested. It was a teleport deck.

"It's nothing to worry about Mrs…sorry; actually, what were your names?"

She was interrupted by the teleport suddenly lighting up as a man straightened up one they came in sight, like some kind of robot. In fact, it was, well, an android anyway. He gave a smart salute and the girl smiled slightly.

"Hello Jules." She greeted.

"Miss Cairn." He replied.

"Most polite staff members on the team." announced 'Miss Cairn' as she stepped on to the platform. "Wish there were more of them." She winked.