This is my second fic so it probably might not be original (I think) or good (I think) but Please enjoy it!

I don't own CCS!

BEEP! BEEP! BE- click

Damn alarm clock… I rolled on my side, attempting to get some sleep.


I grumpily threw the covers off my bed, grabbed my alarm clock, and threw it at the wall. There was a satisfying crashing sound as I smiled sleepily. I yawned and stretched. Crap! Should have checked the time first! I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid.

Luckily, I had my wristwatch. I always forget to take my watch off before I go to bed... and before I get in the shower. Thank god it's water-proof. Alright, enough about watches. I checked the time. 7:34 A.M. It took a while before that registered in my mind. My bright emerald orbs widened. Crap! I'm late for work again! Damn it!

Why does this keep happening to me? I tend to be late for work most of the time. It's not my fault. That alarm clock is sooo annoying! Then again, it was built for that anyway. Where do I work? Fuuta Diner. I only sing there and I'm usually nothing special, but you should see it! It's the most popular dessert restaurant ever! Today's our busiest day! Do you know why? You probably don't and I don't remember. Still I can't believe I'm late! I was supposed to be at work an hour ago! Sure, Im only 16 but that can't stop me from working, now can it?

I hurriedly took a shower, making sure to wash my hair with the cherry shampoo my best friend, Tomoyo Daidoji, gave me for my birthday last year. Wrapping a towel around myself, I ran to my closet and grabbed a light pink shirt, dark denim jeans, and some hot pink sandals. I didn't have time for anything else. I ran downstairs. Grabbing my keys, I ran out the door, forgetting to dry my wet, auburn hair. Oh well, I don't have time!

"She's late again." Chiharu said, checking her watch. "Why can't that girl just set her alarm clock or something?!" She tied her apron on and started the stove as the sound of girls screaming outside continued.

"AHH! I can't take it anymore! If they don't shut up, I'll make them shut up!" Said a blonde employee, Miya Takahashi as she glared at the glass door that revealed a bunch of girls.

There was lipstick smudges on the glass doors as someone of the girls were pushed against the doors. Why were there so many girls outside? There is only one name that makes the female population go crazy: Xiao Lang Li a.k.a Syoaran Li.

Let me give you more details. Syoaran Li is coming to Fuuta Diner to sing as their guest star. Sakura is going to sing with him because let's face it; the girl's got a heck of a beautiful voice. She might even become a star one day, you know?

"I don't care if he is a celebrity! I'm gonna fucking snap!" She yelled.

"Miyu-chan, calm down." Rika said in a calm voice. Miyu went to the employee locker room, mumbling angrily. "Should we let them in now?" Rika asked turning her attention to her friends, Tomoyo, who was holding a video camera tapping everything, and Chiharu. They nodded.

Rika went to the glass door and turned the 'Sorry, we're closed' to the 'Open' sign. It was silent for a few minutes. It was really actually relaxing until the girls came in screaming and talking... and screaming some more. They all settled in the seating part of the café, near the stage where Xiao Lang Li was supposed to perform.

Chiharu got some earplugs and put them in her ears while Tomoyo was making a video called, "What girls do when they see their fave celebrity." Rika sweat dropped at the two as she decided to call Sakura's cell.

Rika pulled out her phone and dialed her number. Then Sakura burst through the doors, making everyone go silent. The doors slammed against the white walls causing a dent in them and shaking utensils on shelves. Tomoyo directed her camera on her. Rika shut her phone.

What's with everyone? I come in and they act like I'm some celebrity or something. Oh now I remember why today was so important. The celebrity guy is coming to sing with me. I walked to the kitchen. All the girls went back to talking. They probably thought him. You know, their 'dream guy'.

The first thing I saw was Tomoyo flashed a camera in my face. I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't ask." Chiharu said. Did she have ear plugs in her ears? I held a curious expression but nonetheless, nodded.

"Kawaii! Sakura-chan, your hair looks longer when it's wet like that." Tomoyo complimented obviously still filming. Well, if it was Tomoyo, I had to take it as a compliment.

I walked to the employee bathroom, where I found another employee, Miyu, fixing her hair. She looked at me.

"Ahh, Sakura-chan!" She said. She raised an eyebrow. "What happened to your hair?" She asked. I looked at one of the mirrors. My hair was all over the place.

I groaned. I can't go out their like this! I forgot my purse too! I mentally slapped myself again. I'm always forgetting!

"Here, you can borrow this." She said, handing me a pink rubber band and two chopsticks for my hair. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing the rubber band and chopsticks. I quickly put my hair in a neat bun, leaving a strand, and stuck the chopsticks in.

"Are you nervous?" Miyu asked, putting her cap on backwards. I slightly nodded.

"A little." I said, smiling nervously. She patted my back.

"I'm sure you'll do fine! You have the most angelic voice ever!" She said smiling boyishly. I smiled at the praise.

"In a way, I'm kinda jealous." She said smiling weakly. "Ganbatte, ne?" She left with her hands behind her head. I blinked looking at her retreating figure.

Jealous of me? What does that mean? I held my breathe as I heard Rika say Syoaran Li's name.

How'd you like it? Please review! I need to know if I should delete it or continue!

Thank you for reading!