a dance




hair loose against his face, music entwined with his every step

his lanky grace, emerald embellished upon his face

sharp bold steps, forest doublet swirling

the crowd in awe of his mastery

lapping up his every move like long awaited water

in a desert of an orchestra

notes twirling in every breath

a spark in his eye,

smirking yet his movements sweet

sidestep, he bows deep

with a flourish of his hand

a fair lady

painted in hues of lavender and violet

bystanders glare at her

envious of his choice

disdain lavishing her lips

yet her actions spoke otherwise

reaching out for his thin fingers

guiding her into his spell

while he is caught his hers

the click of her heels, gown swirling like wings of an angel

golden ripples glide over her piercing teal eyes

laughter dancing in her every step


wrapped into the arms

of sir stranger

like they have always been there

absolutely perfect

the music fades

he dips her low

her sandy waves mingle with his earthen silk

breathing in each others scents, and release

fluid steps fading away lightly

as they part from each other

turning only once to meet each others eyes

emblazoned under masks that shaded their beauty

a rush of teal, a dash of mahogany

a flash of velvet,

and they turn away

in search of

a dance

AN: This was such an odd fanfic for me to write. Is it even considered a fanfic? It's more like a poem. Originally, it was inspired
by my need to write. It came up to 3,277 words of farce. It was much more complicated than I had wanted it to be, so I started over. I believe that this turned out nicely, though I haven't written poetry in a while. Damn synonyms were killing me. It is ShikaTema in case anybody had a hard time distinguishing it. Shika is a little ooc for me, but I like it. I kept imagining CLAMP style drawing from Shika with the way I described him. Dancing all lanky like and stuff just like Fai from Tsubasa. This fic is dedicated to darkgal666, who I had told I would dedicate my next fanfic to for bringing people to read my fics. It took me a while, but I did it! I hope you like it! Well, I'm off