So, I decided that I need a second project to help keep me motivated in writing. Fear not, I am NOT abandoning 'Ashes to Flames'. I've just sort of hit a dry-spell in terms of creativity with it. (curse you Mukuro, and being so difficult to write!). I've decided to work on some short one-shots to help inspire me.

That being said, I am looking for ideas! Send me prompts, suggestions, inspiration, anything!! These one-shots can have nothing to do with the 'Ashes to Flames' verse, so it's open for anything! AU, OOC, rating from cute fluff to full-blown Mature. Whatever! Heck, your ideas may even influence 'Ashes to Flames' later on! Give me food-for-thought! (om nom nom nom)

But please remember, these one-shots will be purely Xanxus/Tsuna. There can be interference from other characters, but the pairing will always be our lovely X27.

Thank you

We will now start our Feature Presentation. Please Enjoy.

Title: Do Not Disturb

Rating: PG-13 for minor swearing

Inspiration: Randomly thought of the phrase "Do not Disturb" when picking my brain for plot ideas.

Disclaimer: Sadly, Tsuna, Xanxus and the rest of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters do not belong to me.

Do Not Disturb--

Who knew that just three little words could throw Tsuna into a fit of anxiety.

'Go find Xanxus.' Reborn had commanded.

'Get that report from him.' Reborn had demanded.

'Don't come back without it,… or else.' Reborn had threatened.

Tsuna did not want to know what the "else" was.

Unfortunately, the gods, spirits or maybe even karma did not smile upon Tsuna that day. Upon reaching Xanxas's office, he was soon confronted by three little words. DO NOT DISTURB. They were written on a sheet of paper, taped to the door, in big red letters. Probably with the blood of the last poor fool who knocked on that door.

Tsuna wrung his hands nervously, debating on what to do. He looked from side to side down the hallway, desperately looking for anyone to help him. No such luck, the hallway was deserted.

On one hand, he could go back empty handed, and be used as a target for live rounds from Reborn. In the other, knock on the door and be burnt to a crisp from Xanxus's flames. It was like choosing between a rock and a hard place.

So the young mafia boss stood there, weighing his options. Who did he fear more?

Tsuna scoffed, and laughed at himself. Honesty, that was a stupid question. No offence to Xanxus, but Reborn was four times more bloodthirsty and about twenty times more psychotic.

Straightening himself, Tsuna gave the door a hesitant knock, and then waited. Hearing no response, Tsuna slowly pushed the door open, and peered inside.


At first glance, Tsuna thought the office was vacant. Then he caught the sound of slow shallow breathing. Stepping lightly into the room, Tsuna was quickly sent into yet another state of panic.

There sprawled on the extremely comfy and plush looking leather couch, was Xanxus. Asleep.

Now, Xanxus any time during the day, Tsuna could deal with. It was a sleeping Xanxus that Tsuna had quickly learned never to disturb. Ever. Unless you had a death wish. That was guaranteed.

'Well shit.' Tsuna actually swore in his mind. 'Now what?'

So he did the one thing he only knew how to do in this situation. He started pacing.

Not a frantic pace. That would be too loud. No, this was a quiet 'I'm in deep shit, and I don't know what to do, so I'm going to pace on this rug and hope the floor swallows me whole.' sort of panic.

'WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo!? Can't go back, Reborn will kill me. Can't stay here, Xanxus will wake up and then kill me. I'm dead either way!' Tsuna cried in his mind, tugging at his hair and continued to pace back and forth on the rug.

"What are you doing?" A low voice snapped from behind Tsuna.

Startled in mid-turn during his pacing, Tsuna tripped over his own feet and with a loud yelp, fell backwards over a chair.

"Itai!" Tsuna sat up slowly, clutching his head in agony. Then suddenly remembering his situation, he clapped a hand over his mouth and looked over to the couch.

Xanxus, with a wide yawn, sat up on the couch and looked over at Tsuna with disinterest.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you Xanxus! R-Reborn sent me here to get a report from you, but you were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you, but you know how scary Reborn can be when he doesn't get what he wants, but I know you don't like being woken up so-" Tsuna waved his hands frantically in the air, babbling nonstop.

"Sawada, Shut up." Xanxus grumbled, rubbing a scarred hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry!" Tsuna apologized quickly. Standing up, he brushed himself off, and took a few hesitant steps towards Xanxus.

"Umm…so…that report…I mean…" Tsuna looked warily at Xanxus, hoping the Varia leader wasn't in a particularly bad mood and wanted to smash Tsuna's face in for waking him up.

"No." Xanxus replied.

"Eh?" Tsuna looked at him in confusion and surprise.

"No, I don't have it."


"I haven't even started on it. So obviously I can't give it to you."

"NANI!?" And thus Tsuna started panicking again.

"What am I suppose to do now!? I can't go back! Reborn is going to slaughter me!"

Xanxus glared at Tsuna who was doing a splendid job of impersonating a chicken with its head cut off, running around in circles and squawking. He quietly began to countdown in his head, calming his urge to strangle the young mafia boss just to get him to shut up.

"Sawada." Xanxus called out calmly, but Tsuna didn't hear him, as he was too caught up in listing all the different ways Reborn could kill him in his sleep.

"Tsuna!" Xanxus tried again, but again, to no avail. Tsuna had moved on to how Reborn would kill him at dinner, with a serving spoon.

Growling irritably, Xanxus reached his hand out and grabbed the front of Tsuna's shirt, pulling him forward and down onto his lap. Tsuna, cut off mid-rant, yelped in surprise, but was quickly silenced by a pair of lips that pressed up against his own. Tsuna gasped, one of his hands clutching Xanxus's shoulder for support. Xanxus pressed more urgently against Tsuna, quieting any complaint. After another second, Xanxus pulled back, but his hands settled on either side of Tsuna's hips, preventing the young mafia boss from standing again before he could resume his pacing. Tsuna's face was flushed, either from embarrassment or anger, Xanxus couldn't tell.

"I hate it when you do that." Tsuna murmured angrily, as he glared at Xanxus with a pout.

Xanxus just grinned. "Maybe, but it's great for shutting you up." Oh yes, Xanxus had discovered that particular tactic was especially effective in quieting the usually frantic mafia boss, and had used it many a times previously.

"Yeah, but it still doesn't help with my current death-sentence you know." Tsuna glowered at Xanxus. He fidgeted in Xanxus's lap which he was currently straddling, but Xanxus wasn't about to let him go. His hands still gripped Tsuna's hips, fingers twitching occasionally against the fabric of his shirt.

"Just stay here then." Xanxus suggested with a shrug.

"Eh? How's that going to help?" Tsuna looked half bewildered and half irritated, as he pinched a wandering hand that was attempting to slide up under his shirt.

"It won't take me long to write up that report, and Reborn knows better then to come here. You can just hide out here until I'm done." Xanxus pulled the mafia boss just a little bit closer, smirking mischievously up at Tsuna.

"Well, I suppose that could work…" Tsuna gave a hesitant nod, looking suspiciously at Xanxus. He suddenly felt like he was looking into the eyes of a wolf. A wolf that spotted its prey.

"Good." Was all Xanxus said before suddenly pushing Tsuna to the side, making him fall onto his back on the couch.

"Whaa!? What're you doing!?" Tsuna all but screeched as Xanxus hovered above him like a dangerous predator about to eat its prey. One of his hands had found it's way underneath the boy's shirt, while the other held Tsuna's wrists together above his head.

"You woke me up from my nap. You should no better then to do that. Time for punishment." Xanxus smirked, red eyes glittering dangerously.

"Iieee! No wait! Xanxus! Not now, what are you- Wait, where are you touching - stop thaaaa--!"


"Baka Tsuna. How long does it take to get one simple piece of paper?" Reborn mumbled irritably as he stomped his way to Xanxus's office. He stopped at door, glaring at the three big red letter words that were still tapped there.

'Damn. Guess I can't use Xanxus as a threat anymore. …. Well, at least they're not fighting anymore.'

Scratching his head, Reborn looked at the door thoughtfully. Suddenly, an idea struck him, and grinned a smile fit for a devil. Leon, who had be sitting peacefully on his hat, suddenly scurried down Reborn's arm, and in his usual transformation of rainbows and sparkles, transformed himself into a camera.

'Blackmail material is always the best form of motivation.' Reborn snickered to himself, and quietly snuck into the office.

I don't think I can ever write short drabbles. I admit, I love writing epic long stories with all the lovely details. Too bad they take freakin forever.

Anyway, don't forget to Review!!

-Kou Tora