J.T. walked slowly toward school. He was doing this purposely because he was really not looking forward to going to school. Today was a huge test in homeroom, and if he was late, he wouldn't have to take it. Usually the teacher would just send him to another room for being late, then have him do it during lunch period. But Mr. Simpson was nice. He knew that J.T. stayed up late last night and was purposely going to postpone it for him.

He breathed a sigh of releif as he walked through the door. He eard the late bell screech in his ear. He slid down the wall, smiling. He didn't study last night, either. Oh, Darn. Not.

J.T.'s smile faded when he felt the ground vibrate under him. At first he thought it was just a big truck passing, but then he noticed the bell never stopped ringing. he looked up as the vibrating turned to shaking, making the school shake, but the wall behind him was creaking. He watched as a brick fell out, then another. But as he realized what was happening, The wall was already falling.

His scream was barely heard above the rubble sorrounding him. he closed his eyes in fear.

But when he did, there was no more noise, no more falling, no vibrating. He cautiously opened his eyes, but all was black. He realized he was buried in rubble. He picked himself up and brushed himself off. He looked up when he heard a yelp. He saw Mrs. Hatzalakos running out from her office. Then he fell.

Wen he woke up, he was lying in his bed. "That was a horrible dream..." He said, rubbing his head. He turned on the TV and it was on the news channel.

"Now we go live to the principal of the school who's wall collapsed, killing one student. Now, we get the full story."

Mrs Hatzalakos: "I heard it fall, I ran out, and there was rubble and ruins all over. I thought, thank God everyone was in class, but the I saw something red under the rock. I ran over to it, moved some of the rock, and realized it was a student."

"Well, there you have it, the whole story on Duck 29 at 4!"

Jt slumped down on the bed. Maybe it wasnt a dream. But who died, then?

He ran to the school to see construction and rubble. He recognized Emma and Manny standing together, with all the other students.

He ran up to Emma. "Em! Wat happened?" He asked. But she was still just looking forward, hugging Manny. She didn't even seem to aknowledge him, let alone answer. He walked up in front of her, waving his hand in front of her face. She blinked but continued to look right through him. He sighed in frustration and looked around for other students he knew.

He craned his neck and noticed Liberty standing alone, near the front of the school. She was staring at the ambulance carrying a stretcher, wit a boy with brown hair on it who was too messed up to recognize. "Poor guy, whoever that is." He sighed. Liberty just turned and walked away.

JT raised his hands up in the air and turned to the crowd forming, "What? Am I invisible or something?"