-1Spring Break

Summary: The Bleach gang is in college and it's that special time of year, and I'm not talking about Christmas.

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach

Pairings: Ichigo/Orihime Rukia/Renji

Chapter 1: Arrival and Club Kryptonite


A cobalt blue mustang pulled into the parking lot of a North Myrtle Beach hotel. The occupants stepped out, a tall, busty, red head and a tall, dark haired tom boy.

"I wonder if the others are here yet? What time did they say they would be here, Tatski?" Orihime asked.

"Well Ichigo, Chad, Keigo, and Miziruo, said they'd be here by 4:00 so that leaves a half an hour. And Uryu said he'd be here at 4:30." Tatski explained. "What about Rukia and Renji? Have you talked to them?"

"Yea they'll be here shortly." Orihime responded. "Let's get checked in so we're ready to party when everyone gets here."

"Yea! This is going to be the best Spring Break ever!"


"Make a left up here, dude." Keigo said pointing to a road that turned off the main highway. Ichigo turned the car and drove down the road until he came to a hotel. He pulled in next to a Cobalt blue Mustang. The occupants stepped out.

"Looks like Orihime and Tatski are already here." Chad said.

"Orihime's perfect." Keigo said. "She's hot and she has a great taste in cars. I think I found my soul mate."

"You're an idiot." Ichigo said. Mizuiro laughed.

The four boys walked into the lobby of the hotel to see Tatski and Orihime at the front desk talking to the male receptionist, who looked to be about 21. They walked closer but didn't alert them to their presence.

"Oh, I think you'll love it here. The sunsets are as beautiful as the two of you." The man said. Orihime giggled. Keigo cleared his throat to get their attention. The two girls turned around and smiled innocently at the four boys.

"Hey guys." Tatski greeted. Orihime turned around and took the keys from the man as he turned and left. When he was gone Tatski turned to Orihime.

"A perfect ten on the 'flirt 'o meter'. Tatski said.

"Thank you." Orihime replied. The boys jaws dropped.

"What?" Orihime asked innocently.

"What is a 'flirt 'o meter?" Ichigo asked.

"It's how we rate our practice flirts." Orihime replied.

"You see appearance is an automatic 7. Then you go from there. Hair flip is was a one and the giggle was two." Tatski explained.

"What has college done to you two?" Ichigo asked slightly outraged. Both girls laughed.

"Hey don't tell me you started the fun without us." Renji said walking up to the group with Rukia and Uryu.

"Don't worry the girls here were just explaining to us the inner working of the 'flirt 'o meter'. Mizuiro explained.

"Oh really what did you score?" Rukia asked. The guys looked at her surprised.

"Perfect ten." Orihime said.

"Sweet." Rukia replied giving her a high five.

"You guys really shouldn't stand with your mouths open, you'll catch flies." Tatski said looking at the boys, whose mouths were hanging open.

After regaining their composure Tatski passed out the room keys. The accommodations went as follows. Orihime, Tatski, and Rukia in one room. Ichigo, Chad, and Renji in another and Uryu, Keigo and Mizuiro in the last room.

The girls walked into their room. It was a large suite with a large bedroom with three beds a small kitchen and two bathrooms.

"Wow this place is great. Nice choice Tatski." Rukia said.

"I agree, look at this view." Orihime said looking out onto the balcony, which over looked the ocean.

"This is going to be the best Spring Break ever."


That Night

Orihime stepped out of the bedroom to a living room full of people.

"I see we were invaded while I was in the shower." Orihime said sitting down next to Ichigo. "So what's up?" she asked.

"We came to see if you wanted to go to Club Kryptonight with us?" Keigo said.

"Cool, count me in." she replied.

"Yea, sounds like fun." Rukia said. Tatski agreed.

"Great, we'll see you in an hour." Renji said as the group of boys stood up to leave.


One Hour Later

Tatski walked out of the bedroom with Rukia and Orihime behind her. She wore a pair of black jeans and tight black t shirt under a cargo vest. Rukia wore a white mini skirt and blue t shirt with a white bunny on it. And Orihime wore a black mini skirt with a black tank top and knee high, high heel boots.

There was a knock at the door. Orihime went over to answer it. On the other side were Ichigo, Keigo, Mizuiro and Renji.

"Hello ladies." Keigo said smoothly. Orihime rolled her eyes and stepped aside for the four boys to walk in. Ichigo took a look at Orihime and his jaw dropped.

"Wow." He thought. "She sure has changed….. No bad Ichigo."

"So where are Uryu and Chad?" Rukia asked.

"Being part poopers." Keigo replied. Ichigo glared at him.

"Uryu is jet lagged and clubs aren't really Chad's thing." Ichigo explained.

"Oh well, there's always tomorrow." Tatski said.

"Yea we have all week to party." Orihime replied.

"Yea, so let's go!" Keigo yelled pushing everyone out the door.


At the club

The DJ was blasting some kind of techno pop mix.

"I'm getting a drink. Who wants one?" Mizuiro asked.

"I'll have one." Tatski said. Both walked to the bar.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm going to mingle." Keigo said walking toward a group of girls across the room.

"Ya know I think I'll get a drink too." Rukia said.

"I'll go with you." Renji replied. That left Ichigo and Orihime alone. There was a slightly akward silence before Ichigo spoke up.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked shyly. Orihime blushed.

"S…..Sure." She replied just as shyly.

The two students walked onto the dance floor and started dancing. As the music picked up they started picking up their own pace. They got so caught up in the song that they started bumping and grinding against each other. When the song ended the DJ came on the loud speaker.

"Yo, yo, yo, this is DJ Dre, and this next is for couples only."

"Do you still want to dance?" Ichigo asked. Orihime nodded. The two assumed the slow dancing position and swayed to the music. Both found it difficult to look the other in the face. A small blush appeared on Orihime's face.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I'm dancing with Ichigo. Wow he's gotten a lot more handsome since high school." Orihime thought. "No bad Orihime, he doesn't like you like that."


"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down. Keep your eyes on her face. Do not turn into Keigo." Ichigo thought. "Has she always been this beautiful?"


The loud sound broke both teens out of their thoughts. They let go of each other and whipped around to see Tatski punch a guy.

"What the hell." Ichigo said. Orihime ran up to her friend.

"What happened?" she asked.

"That drunken jackass grabbed my ass!" She said. As she said that security walked up to them.

"You again, didn't we throw you out yesterday for the same thing?" The guard asked.

"Are you ok?" Orihime asked.

"Peachy." Tatski replied sarcastically.

"Come on we're dancing. It'll make you feel better." Orihime said dragging Tatski onto the dance floor.


Ichigo leaned up against the bar and watched the two girls walk away.

"So." Mizuiro started. "I saw you dancing with Orihime."

"Really." Ichigo replied nonchalantly.

"Yea. So is there anything there?"

"No." Ichigo replied a little to quickly.

"geez, man no need to get all mad. It was just a question."

"Sorry." he replied.


"So, Orihime. Saw ya dancing with Ichigo." Tatski said. Orihime blushed. "And from what I saw it didn't look all that innocent." she blushed even more. Tatski laughed. "I'm just kidding calm down." she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Tatski looked at her as if she was relizing something. "You still like him don't you?" Orihime looked down at the ground.

"Maybe." She replied.

"I thought you got over him after High School." Tatski said.

"I thought I did too. But then when we all got together for Christmas." Orihime trailed off.

"Ok, we need to go talk."

The two girls walked over to Ichigo and Mizuiro.

"Hey guys me and Orihime are going to go, we'll see you in the morning." Tatski said.

"Where are you going?" Ichigo asked.

"Well we thought we'd go down to the beach. Ya know a first day thing."

"Oh ok, have fun." He replied.

"Yea see you tomorrow." Mizuiro said.

When she was gone Mizuiro turned to Ichigo.

"Do you think something's wrong?" He asked. Ichigo shrugged.


A/N: There you go chapter 1 of my first bleach story hope you like it. Please, please, please, please, please REVIEW!!