Hi, Hi! I was just thinking that other story that I said was a suprise. Well, I was thinking, whynot tell you now? I know I ruined the wait and suspense, but I just couldn't resist! Anyway, this tory is about Percy Jackson and the Olympians featuring...(drum roll)... me! I just thought how I did a little thing kinda the same as this crossover with Maximum Ride I did months ago, why not with PJO? My name in the story is AquaGlow.

Disclamer: I don't own Percy Jackson or his family or friends, neighbors, teachers, um what else? Oh yeah, Parents, his awesomeness, his author, um, well, you get the point of this whole list, right? I don't own Percy Jackson, but AquaGlow.

AquaGlow's POV

Ugh, I cannot belive today had to be so cloudy! I soooo wanted to go out and hang with my gal pals and stuff, but my parents, Dena and Robert, told me it wasn't safe for me. Hi, my name is AquaGlow Venidoo. Yeah, freakshow of a name, huh? I don't know why, but my mom said that she should name me AquaGlow, for no reason, it just felt right to her. (shrugs) Guess I'll never know. I have black hair with tan and icy blue highlights here and there. I love my life. I'm a straight A student. I have awesome friends. No boyfriend, but I really don't want one. And great parents. Until now. Then, out of the blue, I said we should go to Coney Island.

" Mom, Dad, can we go to Coney Island?" I gave them my world-famous 'Pwetty-Pwease' face so they could cave in. They did. Well technacally, this is what they said.

" Aq, you know its too cold out. You'll catch something." My dad turned away and kept reading his novel.

" Rob, I think it'd be better if we did go." Mom, always comes through for me.

" But, Dena, she can get--"

" Ep-bep-bep! I'm the oldest in the house, and I make the desicions around here." My dad grumbled an 'alright' and got up to get the keys. (A/N: My mom is like 52 and my dad is like 50. Don't make fun.)

" Thanks mom," I whispered. " You always come through for me." She smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled back and got my bathing suit.

" Thanks Dad. I promise, I'll make it up to you." I hugged my dad's neck while he finished parking the car and he just grunted. I shrugged and ran to the shore.

" Aqua! Be careful, alright?" My mom called to me and I just nodded to them. I jumped in the water and swam. I came up and shaked my head like a dog, to get the water out. Useless attempt. I looked up to find the clouds still brewing. I sighed and just floated there for a while. I looked around and the whole beach was deserted. My parents were the only human beings. They were on a blanket. My mom was talking about something I couldn't make out.

" Man, why did the day have to be so gloomy? Why Zeus?" Ya see, I love Greek Mythology, so I always talk to 'em. My parents find it strange, but they just shrug it off.

" Time to get out." I swam to shore and slumped on the sand. I looked over to where the rocks would be and found a figure. I let my elbows suport my weight and got up. I ran to the human and found a boy. Say, fourteen to fifteen. Like me. He had dark hair, almost black. His face was full of grime and dirt. His clothes were in the same condition. He had an orange T-Shirt. His shirt was so dirty and grimy, I could hardly make out the words on it.

" C. Ca- Cem- Camp. Camp! Hole. No wait. Half, Blade, no, Blood? Blood! Camp Half-Blood! Wait a sec, Camp Half Blood? Why would a camp be called that? (A/N: Percy Jackson the books don't exist in this story.) I looked down at his jeans and found a blood stain on his knee. It was huge! I gasped and looked at his face. Poor guy. He was probably fighting someone. Then, I looked at his right. There was sword. Celestial Bronze. It was in his hand. I picked it up, and the thing almost killed him. It was pretty heavy.

" Whoa, easy now." I turned around to see it clearly and found that it had blood. I gasped again and dropped it.

" Wait a sec. What the hell I'm I doing? I should be helping this guy, not putting him under a microscope! Mom! Dad! Come quick! Dad, call a hospital! Now!" My parents rushed towards to see what was the problem and their faces were shocked at the sight of the injured boy.

" Dad! Call the freakin' ambulance!"

" Oh yes, at once, of course." He flipped out his 'Razor' and dialled 911.

" Mom, do ya see this sword?" She hesitated and bit her lip.

" W-What sword? That's just a-a-a pen! There we go, a pen! Sword! How absurd! Honey, have you swallowed too much salt water? You're probably dehydrated, that's all, and your hallucinating! Come on, nothing a little water won't fix!" She gripped my arm in an attempt to bring me to the picnic blanket, but I jerked away and ran to the boy's side. I brought him to his feet and waved my mother to come help me pick him up. I held his waist up, and my mom carried his legs. We heard an ambulance's ring and the rest was all a daze.

I was sitting next to Percy. It was the wounded boy's name. Percy, Percy Jackson. He had olive skin, dark hair, and many bruises and cuts. I kinda figured out his name by finding a note in his wallet. I am not a gold-digger! I was just looking inside to find some sort of I.D. or somethin'. It was in script, like a female wrote it. Probably his mom or his girlfriend or someone.

" Ouhhhh," I heard him groan as he slowly opened his eyes. I placed my bookmark in my book and set it down on the stool next to me.

" Ouhhhhhhhhh, where am I?" He tried to sit up but he was too weak, so I pushed him back down softly.

" You're too weak, don't try to sit up."

" The hell are you?" Rude much?

" Thank you for that lovely greeting (note the sarcasm). I'm AquaGlow. Don't make fun." Even though I said that he still laughed at the name. But it was a weak laugh. If this guy wasn't injured right now, I swear I would murder him!

" Percy ain't a great name either, so hmm!" I crossed my arms over my chest and spun around on my stool.

" Oh, (cough) it was just (cough) a jo-(cough)-ke." I turned around again and stared at his now stiched up wound. He saw me staring at his knee and looked down softly.

" Crap." His head fell back on the pillow and he raised his left arm weakly to rub his temples.

" You feel like crap, don't you?" I couldn't help the pun.

" Funny, what happened?" I bit my lip and told him about what happened between me and my parents and what happened at the beach. I told him about his sword.

" Wait, you could see (cough) the sword?"

" Yeah. All my life, I've seen things like this. Celestial bronze knives, demons, gods. One time, I walked up to a guy who strangely resembled an Argus. Just smaller. It was cool. He just turned around to stare at me with his hundred eyes and just walked away to catch a train. It was headed to Long Island." I looked at him to find he was asleep. Ugh! No one listens to me! Then a lady who kinda looked like Percy ran to the boy and hugged him. She had fear and terror in her eys. They were also puffy and red from crying.

" Oh, my poor baby! Percy, please wake up! Please look at me." She kept her hands on his cheeks and gently slapping them. Gently, though. He slowly opened his eyes to find his mom staring at him.

" Hi mom," he said weakly as a smile crept to his face.

" Oh, my boy's alive!" She exclaimed as she hugged his head tightly, causing him to cough rackingly, from the cut off of air.

" M-om, please (coughs rackingly) let go!"

" Oh sorry," she said as she let go and laid him back on the bed.

" How ya feeling, sweety?" She cupped Percy's left cheek for comfort.

" A little bit okay, I guess." He coughed again as his mom let go of his cheek in order to get something from her purse.

" I brought you something." She smiled and he smiled back as she took out a thermus.

" What is it?"

" My special, blue cookies." She looked pleased at how happy her son's reaction was.

" Really? Oh, (cough) thanks mom." He hugged her and she helped him sit up. He took a bite out of the cookie and sighed wistfully. His mom looked at me with a confused face.

" Wouldn't you like some?" She gestured to the thermus and I just shook my head.

" Um, I don't think I can receive anything from strangers, sorry."

" Oh please, you saved my son from becoming a decaying corpse! You deserve one!" She handed me one and I took a small bite and sank a bit in my chair. It was soooo good. It was all blue and looked like it was rotten but really it tasted like it came from the Gods.

" Good (cough) isn't it?" Percy looked at me and I nodded rapidly. Then all of a sudden three people came storming into the hospital room. Two boys and one girl.

They all looked about the same age as Percy. The girl had blond curls pulled back in a pigtail, though a few bangs were on the sides of her face. Her eyes were a stormy gray. A yankees cap was in her back pocket of her grimy jeans. She has an orange shirt the same as what Percy wore. But less grimy. It read Camp Half-Blood. She also wore this beaded nacklace with an owl in the center.

One of the boys was walking limply. Like he didn't even have real legs. He had curly brown hair. A little wispy beard had started at his chin. He had a lot of acne. I'm really trying not to insult him here, so don't get all fussy! He had the same shirt as the others. Camp Half-Blood. His jeans were a bit torn at his knees but they were cleaner than the others. The weird thing is though that he smelled like a goat. Ugh, pretty funky.

The other was kinda bigger than the others. Like seriously. He was like the size of a miniature cyclops. Then, I noticed his eyes. Or eye. One big, dark brown eye right in the middle of his forehead. I was shocked at first, but I thought that maybe I was going crazy. He had XXL jeans and an XXL Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt. His hair was a bit longer than Goat-Boy but shorter than Percy's. Anyway, can we please get back to the stinkin' story?!

" Percy! Are you okay?! Any cuts?! Bruises?!" The blond asked Percy as she examined his whole being.

" Why else would I be at a stinkin' hospital?" He sneered at her and she scoffed a 'whatever' and stood next to me.

" Percy, who's this?" She pointed at me with disgust. Hey, you're the one who has a cyclops for a friend. I wouldn't talk if I were you.

" Annabeth, she's AquaGlow. Don't laugh." Even though he said that, they all laughed. Even his mom!

" Hey! Why does everyone do that?! Jeez!" I crossed my arms and pouted.

" Ha, ha! Sorry. We just couldn't resist!" Goat-Boy laughed as he wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so much.

" Whatever, Goat-Boy!" Whoopsies. I shouldn't have said that. 'Cuz they all looked at me, shocked.

" How do you know Grover is a satyr?" Percy whispered to me, so as the cameras wouldn't listen to them in the hospital room.

" I didn't!" I whispered. " He just smelled like a goat, that's all!" I whispered again as Grover smelled his armpits and shrugged.

" Oh yeah, I forgot. AquaGlow--"

" Call me Aq." I smiled a little to Percy and he nodded.

" Aq, this is Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson. Oh, and this is my mom, Sally Jackson." He gestured to them as they just gave a two-finger wave or a shake of my hand.

" Nice to meet you guys. So what exactly are you guys?" I looked at them warily and they exchanged looks.

" Should we tell her?" Annabeth questioned.

" Well, she could see my sword. I guess we should." He waved his freinds and mom to his head and they bent down to huddle. They were whispering something I could make out.

" Should we really tell her, Percy?" Annabeth whispered to Percy softly.

" Of course! She could see through the Mist. I mean, she actually saw RipTide. I say we should tell her. Raise youir hands if you think so too." He raised his. Grover, Tyson, and Ms. Jackson did too. 'Cept Annabeth. She just crossed her arms and looked down. Percy nudged her and she rolled her eyes and raised her hand reluctantly. They smiled at me a little too perky. Except Annabeth.

" AquqaGlow, can you come with us for a sec?" Grover asked me with the perkiness of a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. I shrugged and followed them out of the building. As we passed the waiting room my parents were asleep next to eachother. Lazy. I followed Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson out of the building to the parking lot. Annabeth drew out a bronze knife. I backed away from them and they just stepped closer.

" Um, guys? What're you gonna do with that bronze knife?" I gestured to the object and they smiled. Except Annabeth.

" Wait a sec, you can see it?" DUH!

" No actually, I like to say bronze knife at," I checked my sports watch." nine o' clock at night. Of course, I saw the knife!" I yelled and they clamped my mouth shut. I muffled out the words ' What?! What's Wrong?!' to them.

" Look, we already have Titans and demons on our tails. We don't need police too!" Annabeth snapped at me.

" Well, it was such a stupid question!" Then, she hooked the point of her knife into the collar of my blue shirt.

" Don't ever call me stupid, again." And with that she stormed into the hospital.

Boy, is this gonna be a fun night...

Sorry if some of you don't like it. Well, if you don't like this story so much, why don't you go write your own instead of putting other people down?