Tuesday morning.

Yumi sat at the table in the kitchen of her home, quietly eating breakfast beside her dad, who was reading the Boulogne-Billancourt newspaper that they got every morning, like usual.

To her own suspicion, she was able to slip back home only hours before, a bit later than usual, and not get caught, even by Hiroki.

Maybe things are turning out alright for once.

Jeremy sat on his bed, and stared at his large desktop computer from a distance.

Even with the destruction of the scyphozoa presenting an open opportunity to slow Xana down even further, the blonde was leaning towards spending a much-needed day with his friends, especially since a day before, they were ready to kill each other.

He grunted, and unplugged his phone from the wall charger, and with hardly a second thought, stood to his feet, stepped out of the doorway, and closed the door on his computer, which sat in silence, off.

I can go a day without you, computer.


Ulrich watched himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

You know... I could already be dating Yumi, and would probably be happy. Ever since I was on soccer team though... And those days back in eighth grade... I feel like some kind of shiny, untouchable trophy. Girls keep looking but nobody seems brave enough to reach for me.

Well, most of them. Last night in the hallwa-

"Thinking about Emily?" Odd spoke up, leaning against the sink counter, waiting patiently for his friend.

"Yeah, actually."

Odd watched as Jeremy stepped over from a distance, and then smirked.

"Emily LeDuc..."

Ulrich straightened out, and shot Odd a flat look.

"Why is it funny that I like her?"

"It just is. You like her, and she likes you. But you're still scratching your head and guessing."

Jeremy glanced at Ulrich, and then continued onward, back out into the hallway, and the brunette boy tossed his towel over his shoulder, and walked past Odd.

"I'll figure it out. Go find Aelita or something."

Indirectly heeding his friend's suggestion, Odd, dressed in his usual purple attire, found his way to the stairwell, and leaned against the wall, and waited.

After a few minutes, he drew his phone from his pocket, and quickly sent a text message.

Seconds later, he got a reply, and with a smile, dropped the phone back into the pocket again, and watched the occasional student walk by, and go down the stairs.

Something pink in color then appeared in the corner of his eye, but he continued looking straight ahead, though unable to resist a smile on his face.

After being nudged on the shoulder, he casually turned his head, and discovered indeed, that Aelita was leaning against the wall, next to him.

Her own eyes wandered over, and she turned her head, and her heart stirred, catching his eyes in her own.


"Good morning." She chimed in reply, and upon seeing his outstretched hand, she grasped it in her own, and breathed a happy sigh.

After a period of silence, she eyed him curiously.


"I'm starving." He nodded.

"Then lets take care of that..." She smiled, towing him down the stairs by his arm, forcing him to catch up and keep by her side.

Odd pushed one of the doors open with his free arm, and followed her out to the open air outside.

He took in a deep breath of the clean, sweet air, but was then tugged just around the corner of the dormitories, out of view of anybody walking out.

Odd, knowing there was a reason for the change of course, grasped her other hand, causing her to blush a little.

Ohh, somehow you seem know exactly what I want you to do.

"Thank you for tucking me in last night."

"Hey. Just doing my job. You know... Boyfriend stuff."

There's the word. Finally.

Aelita's cheeks flushed with mirth.

"Odd... Can I tell you something?"

His eyebrow rose with interest.

"Of course."

"Alright. Obviously we've been through a lot lately... And I'm sure things will smooth out with everyone else around here."

"In due time, yes."

"Right. You understand. I guess I'm just saying... Even with all the rough patches, these past few days have opened my eyes, and I've learned a lot about my own feelings."

Watching him, listening patiently as always, she grinned bashfully, putting words together in her mind as she continued.

"I know how you feel about me. And I'm sure you've figured out that I feel the same... I mean, we wouldn't be cuddling and kissing already if, you know..."


She blushed, mouth halting.

"Sorry. I'm just... Let me get to the point."

"Pretty sure you're already there."

Drawing in, and then releasing a breath, her heart beat with excitement as their eyes met.

"We've been friends for years... Flirting for ages too. I mean, we always get along so well, and I care about you a whole lot. And now that we're actually dating... Even though we're just getting started..."

She shut her eyes, gripping his hands tighter.

"...I love you. Honestly. I don't really know how else to describe how I feel."

Odd smiled, beaming with pride, and they stood still, maintaining a soft, bubbly gaze of admiration between each other.

"I think you described it perfectly."

"It was just a jumble of words."

"Honest feelings are hard to keep organized."

Her cheeks reddened further.

I just rambled, silly. But you listened and loved it anyway...

"You're amazing."

His nose wrinkled with amusement, and she giggled from the mannerism.

"Nowhere near as amazing as you."

Tingling with emotion, her eyes lowered in the following silence.

"I love you."

"And I love you, princess."

Hands rising to their sides, coalescing together into an embrace, their noses brushed past each other, and lips met with a touch, only to readily segue into a series of passion-laden kisses, sealing their shared feelings further.

I know you do. And now you know I do too.

Moving quickly through the line in the cafeteria, the couple meandered over to their usual table, which already had Ulrich and Jeremy sitting at it.

"Morning..." Aelita greeted them happily, and sat down across from Ulrich, just as Odd sat next to her.

Right on schedule, Yumi appeared at the table, pleasantly surprised to see all four of her friends already there.

"Morning everyone!"

"Hey Yumi."


She sat down next to Aelita, and after getting settled for a moment, busied herself with a second breakfast that she didn't quite need.

For several minutes, silence hung over the table as everybody ate.

Then, Yumi set down her fork, and propped her head up with her arms, with a cheery smile.

"Isn't this nice? We're all a happy family again."

"A dysfunctional one at that." Ulrich muttered.

Jeremy eyed the brunette he sat next to, and then confirmed his thoughts with a grunt.

"Ulrich appears to have sort of returned to his old self."

The brunette boy looked up, and after glancing at the four friends looking at him, he sarcastically displayed a big, toothy smile, and then resumed his downward glance at his tray.

"Almost." Odd spoke, watching then as Aelita cheekily plucked his fork from his hand with a giggle, and then dropped her own fork onto his tray.

The other three watched as he twisted the fork around in his fingers, and then eyed the girl with one eye shut.

"Yes?" She asked, stifling her own mirth as best as she could, but unable to keep a big smile from growing on her face.

Odd, realizing that four people were watching him intently, slowly shook his head.

"You do realize you won't get this back..."

"I don't want it back."

"Good." He retorted, with a grin of his own, and then stuck the fork forcefully onto the last bit of food on his plate.

Aelita stuck her tongue out at him, and watched as he put the fork into his mouth, and held it in with his teeth.

Odd then watched as she pulled the fork right out of his mouth, and held it upright in her hand, displaying it like a trophy.

"Now I've got both."

Odd snickered, and then swallowed.

"Doesn't matter, cause I'm done eating."

He stood up, and picked up his tray, and started walking away from the table, leaving Aelita behind as he headed for the door.

She looked at the other two boys, and then at Yumi, who had a confident smile on her face.

"Get him."

Aelita's eyes narrowed, and she craned her head up, and spotted the blonde, who was twiddling his thumbs at the door.

She then jumped to her feet, and collected her tray, and casually started towards the door.

Setting her tray down on the stack after emptying it, she turned around, only to discover the door was already open, and Odd was walking away outside...

Hearing footsteps, Odd turned his head, and instantly grinned, and broke into a run as Aelita made a beeline for him.

Their pursuit went across the courtyard, but he then disappeared behind a corner, and Aelita slowed herself as she rounded the corner as well - Only to collide into a spinning embrace, in his arms.

She exhaled deeply, being startled, but also to catch her breath from the quick dash.

A sweet little smile then grew on her face as their slow spin drew to a halt, with Odd backed against the brick wall of the building next to them.

Hey, you.

"Too many people in there..." He whispered, and hugged her a little tighter.

She twisted herself back and forth a little bit, and touched her forehead daintily against his.

"Yeah." She breathed, in an even quieter whisper.

They stood together quietly, listening to the sounds of the suburb around the academy, and the dull roar of the Parisian suburbs in the distance beyond.

Sweet little thoughts played back and forth between their gaze, and hearts beat with warmth and optimism.

Things are finally coming back into order, huh?

Maybe we'll finally solve a few more problems. Just need more time, and a lot less drama.

Both of them jumped when the sound of the school bell pierced the air, and Aelita sighed.

"First class."

"We've still got five minutes." Odd drawled.

Her eyes rose back up to his.

"As long as we aren't late..."

Odd touched her nose with his own, and kept his face close to hers.

"I think the world can wait for a minute or two."

Aelita's heart stirred happily.

"I think so too.


Keep an eye out for my other stories, and please feel free to post new reviews in regards to this newly further-revised update as of 6/7/2017. I would greatly appreciate feedback if you enjoyed this story!

Thanks for reading,
