True love never lives happily ever after - true love has no ending.
K. Knight
Lelouch adjusted his shaded glasses, glancing up from his book to watch his children play in a quiet park within Shinjuku. A smile formed on his lips as his youngest daughter enjoyed a piggy-back ride from her elder brother, pretending he was her Knightmare. They wheeled around circling his bench, her happy squeals resonating.
"Papa! I'm mama! Look, look!" She exclaimed as her brother stopped beside him, hands resting on the bench. Their father put his book aside, giving his son a sympathetic look before turning his attention to the ball of energy perched on his small back.
"Let's go again!" She declared.
"Mou…" However, before his son could indulge his sister's whims, he plucked her from his small shoulders and sat her down on his lap.
"Let Naoto-chan play with the other kids for a while. Uncle Suzaku is coming by soon so stay here with me to greet him." His daughter's dark blue eyes lit up at the name.
"Zuzu! Zuzu!" Naoto turned his violet eyes to his father.
"Thank you father." Lelouch turned an exasperated look at his son.
"Court is not in session so you can leave the formalities alone Nao-chan. We're on vacation have some fun and for your own sake don't get into any fights."
"But dad, the last time I only punched that guy because he insulted Euphie, he deserved it." The small boy of seven argued.
"I know that but we don't send you to learn from Toudou-sensei to beat up every ignorant child on the playground. Go on and make sure to keep an eye on your sister."
"I always keep two dad," and he replied with a bright smile before dashing off towards the jungle gym, dark hair askew. Lelouch was pondering on when to convince his son to get a haircut when someone called his name.
"Oi! Lelouch!" He looked back to see Suzaku with Nunnally approaching them hand in hand. He stood to greet them when his daughter wriggled out of his grasp and launched herself at Suzaku.
"EUPHIE!" They all yelled dashing for the child. Thankfully, Suzaku caught her looking down at the laughing child in his arms.
"Euphie-chan, you shouldn't do that. You could have hurt yourself." He reprimanded as he tugged a strand of her straight and dark pink hair.
"But you caught Euphie! Euphie is okay! Ne, papa?" The two year old asked turning her small neck to look at her father. He seated himself back in his seat, removing his glasses.
"Hai, Euphie. Suzaku is your knight after all." The day the small child had dubbed the Japanese boy her knight with her small chubby hands a few months ago, right after Nunnally had made Suzaku her knight, had captured their hearts. She refused to listen to anyone who told her that a Knight could only serve one princess.
Nunnally kissed little Euphemia on the cheek before seating herself beside her brother. "You spoil her too much nii-sama." She said with a smile and a twinkle in her periwinkle eyes. He kissed her on the forehead, an apologetic smile on his face.
"Euphie I can actually say no to, Marie-Ann is another matter altogether," he admitted, his eyes already seeking his eldest daughter in the playground. He spotted her picking flowers in the field, not too far from where Naoto was playing tag with his friends.
Her blue eyes looked up and caught his gaze, a warm smile spreading on her face. She stood up calling her brother over. Naoto looked in their direction and waved at his aunt and Suzaku, who returned the gesture. After a brief conversation with her brother, Marie headed their way, flowers in hand, running with her braid of dark hair trailing behind her.
"Aunt Nunnally, look! I finally made a crown of flowers just like you can!" She said depositing the crown of daisies in her lap.
"It's beautiful Marie-Ann, who is it for?" The young girl smiled at her father.
"Papa!" Suzaku snorted discretely as he seated himself beside his best friend.
"But since uncle Suzaku seems so jealous, I'll give it to him to wear." She declared with a smug smile. Suzaku had no choice but to take the crown and have Euphie adjust it on his brown locks.
"That's so kind of you Marie, you're such a giving young lady," Lelouch said caressing his daughter's hair, sharing a smug smile with her.
"Why thank you papa." Nunnally stood up, taking Marie-Ann by the hand.
"Let's go make some more crowns together Marie." The girl agreed wholeheartedly, clinging to her aunt's hand.
Both men watched them go with tender expressions on their face.
"That child really looks like your mother," Suzaku said playing patty cake with Euphie.
"Ah, I think that's why I'm so lax with her sometimes."
"But she's clearly taking after her father, did you see that smug smile, creepy. I fear for her future boyfriends."
"As expected from my daughters, they have you wrapped around their fingers." Lelouch shot with a smirk.
"Yeah, I'm pretty whipped by the women in your family." Suzaku said laughing to himself. Euphie asked to go join her sister to pick flowers. Her father agreed, both of them keeping a close eye on her until she sat herself on her aunt's lap.
"Oh yeah, Milly sent this with me." Suzaku handed a large sealed envellope to Lelouch, who opened and read the contents.
"That looks like some lenghtly report. Plotting to take over the world again?" Suzaku asked with a smile.
"Wouldn't you like to know," he replied with a dark smirk. Suzaku stared at the children playing, laughing to their hearts content.
"Lelouch, the world is a safe place now, you have a family. There is no need for you to keep tabs on everything." He pointed out. "Relax already."
"I am relaxed but your naïve as ever. These times of peace give me even more reason to keep tabs on everyone around my family. If anyone so much as starts plotting anything I'll know and I'll crush them. I won't let the past be repeated. Not to them." He said features set in a fierce look of overprotective love for his family. The knight could only shake his head and stare at the pink haired baby in Nunnally's arms.
"I still can't believe how much she looks like Euphemia, the fates are cruel." Suzaku admitted after a brief silence. "You never did tell me who named her, the others I can guess." Lelouch closed his eyes, hands brushing his lips, remembering the promise made long ago, yet it seemed like yesterday.
"Kallen named them all actually. I promised her that she could when she agreed to marry me." Suzaku looked surprised at this bit of information.
"You mean she named Marie-Ann too? That wasn't your idea?"
"Not at all, I wanted to call her Orihime but she ruled me out."
"…Why did she name her after Euphie?" Lelouch smiled at his friend and former enemy.
"So that we could all heal the hatred in our hearts and fill it up with love for her; to make up for our past sins. That's what Kallen told me in the delivery room."
"That was one hell of a birthing process, complicated as it was."
"After giving birth to the twins, they told her that this one might be too dangerous. Kallen kept telling the doctors to shut the hell up and stop telling her that she might die." Suzaku smiled nostalgically.
"I remember. We could hear her out in the waiting area. 'This baby is going to be born today so I suggest you start doing your job you idiots instead of telling me things that don't matter. And Lelouch, give me your damn hand you bastard, you did this to me!' Milly and Shirley couldn't stop laughing." Suzaku re-enacted as a soft breeze passed by.
The sun was setting, it was getting late.
"Lelouch, I want to marry Nunnally." He revealed starring at said woman. "She's twenty-three years old now and I love her. I'll keep her happy, I promise." Lelouch didn't even spare him a look.
"I hope you asked her first. Nunnally isn't a child anymore, I don't control her every move."
"But I won't ask her until you give me your approval." Suzaku said green eyes focused on Lelouch's blank face.
"I hope you're not asking just because you found out she's pregnant Suzaku." The former Knight of Rounds reddened, gapping at Lelouch.
"How do you know these things?"
"I know everything concerning Nunnally." He cut in smoothly.
"Talk about a brother complex."
"Do you want to marry her or not?"
"Sorry...Wait I shouldn't be apologizing!"
"Baka. I wouldn't entrust her to anyone but you." Lelouch admitted gazing at his baby sister, braiding flowers in Marie-Ann's hair. "I knew that when you made her laugh that day I thought I lost her in the woods when we were kids. But if she comes running to my home once complaining about you, I'll have no choice but to kill you. Brother's prerogative." He informed him with a cool smile. Suzaku glanced behind them a secretive smile on his face.
"Sure, whatever you say. Thanks Lelouch, I'm going to go ask her, play nice now." He said leaving for the group of girls in the field. Lelouch looked after him confused until his vision was obscured by a pair of slender hands.
"Guess who?"
"Hmm…Kaguya?" This earned him a pinch on the cheek and a slap on the head. He rubbed his cheek as the perpetrator removed her hands revealing her identity. Lelouch watched her vault over the bench to sit beside him but her leg got caught in her dress and in Kallen-like fashion, she headed straight for the ground with a screech.
Lelouch grabbed her arm quickly pulling her back into his arms. Kallen landed in his lap, hair askew and face flushed, lips barely a millimetre from his.
"We really have to stop meeting like this," she breathed, catching her breath.
"You know, for an ace pilot, you're a real klutz, especially around me." Lelouch said smirking, leaning up to claim a kiss but Kallen pulled away in a huff, arranging her green summer dress to minimise any other accidents, before seating herself beside him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, running his thumb over her bare arm, pulling her into a hug.
"I'm just teasing you Kallen," He said planting a kiss on her neck, his action hidden by her long hair. His wife gave him a withering look, pulling him away from her by the nape of his neck, bunching his hair in her fist.
"You really need a haircut, this mop of yours is getting too long. Jeez, your becoming like our son." She pointed out, picking up the papers he had been going over. She spotted his book under them.
"Hamlet again?"
"We have an affinity for each other. So tell me, why are you an hour late?" He asked leaning his head on hers.
"I went to pick up the presents for Nao-chan and Marie-chan's birthday. Misa accompanied me before I dropped her off at home and came to pick you guys up." She looked at her children, blue eyes softening before zeroing in on Suzaku and Nunnally. The girl was glomping the knight, to Euphie's horror and Marie's merriment.
"What happened over there?" She asked squinting to get a closer look as Lelouch sneaked in another kiss on her temple.
"Oh that," Lelouch removed his lips from her skin, following her gaze. "Suzaku is finally proposing to Nunnally."
"Eh! And you're letting him? What happened to I won't let that bastard lay one finger on my sister?" She asked one fine eyebrow rising towards her hairline.
"That all changed when Nunnally said she didn't want to end up a spinster because her elder brother scarred off most of her suitors."
"You mean she threatened to never speak to you again if you didn't let Suzaku marry her." Kallen guessed, a smirk breaking across her face. "You're so whipped Lelouch."
Before Lelouch could retort, their son came running at full speed towards them. Kallen untangled herself from Lelouch's side to catch him, pulling him into a bear hug before setting him down on the ground.
"Nao-chan, did you have fun today?" She asked running her fingers through his shoulder lenght hair. Lelouch smiled as he watched his son interact with his mother, acting like she was the center of his universe.
"Great mom, you should have seen me! I kicked the ball so far and I won the race too!"
"That's my boy."
"Can you come play with us mom?" He asked violet eyes hopeful.
"Why didn't you just ask your father? He was here with you." She asked. Naoto placed a hand on his forehead, looking like a mini-version of Lelouch thinking.
"Mom, even I know you're way better then dad at physical sports. Dad's mental prowess however superior could work to my advantage but the rules in the game of softball don't require his skill sets. Your more suited since you have that awesome brute force."
"Naoto, you sound like your father,"Lelouch sent his son a matching grin.
"Well thought out Naoto but you left out the fact that it's almost dinner time so we are going home."
"Sadly, your father is right, it's almost dinner time. I promise to play with you next time. Go get your sisters, your aunt and uncle too." He nodded dashing off to do as she said. When everyone was gathered, and congratulations had been wished to the new fiancées, they all headed to their cars to head home.
During dinner, the children only wanted to tell their mother of all the amazing things they saw, Euphie being very vocal about being against her knight kissing her aunt. She listened to them avidly, smiling at them each and laughing when Naoto made his jokes. Kallen sent them off to brush their teeth after they said goodnight to Nunnally and Suzaku. Lelouch invited them over for lunch tomorrow from the top of the stairs before the two drove off to their own home.
Kallen closed the door, heading upstairs where she could already hear the argument between the twins emanating from the washroom. But the screams stopped before she even got on the landing. She dashed towards their washroom and found them all brushing their teeth quietly, their father standing at the threshold. Giving them a warning look, he closed the door.
"How do you do that? Never mind, you're not normal to begin with so you probably have some fatherly super powers too." She stated heading downstairs to grab Euphie's milk. Lelouch caught her arm and pulled her into his embrace.
"Lelou-" He claimed her lips, killing her querry. Kallen fell deeper into his arms, warping hers around his neck. She pulled back placing a hand on his lips.
"Lelouch, I read what was written in that report. I don't like what I saw in there." She said worry clear in her eyes.
"Neither do I but we can't go running off to fight enemies we don't know yet. Not until we place the kids in Ashford where it's safe and we get in touch with our people." He replied holding her closer.
"I swear if someone touches one of my babies they won't make to the afterlife when I'm through with them." She hissed, that feral gleam in her eyes. "I don't carry that katana to court for show." Lelouch agreed wholeheartedly. He would galdly done the mask of Zero again and walk the path of carnage if only to protect his children's happiness.
"Don't worry, we've gotten this far without a war breaking out, I'm sure we can deal with scheming nobles." He reassured her. Kallen nodded as their lips found each other again.
"Mama and papa are kissy kissy!" They broke apart to find Euphie giggling in her nightdress while the twins became interested with various corners of the bathroom.
"Euphie wants a kissy too!" The toddler demanded, clinging to their legs.
Unembarrassed, the prince picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheeks before letting her mother do the same. Kallen then grabbed the other two, kissing them as well; Lelouch proceeding to kiss their foreheads.
"There, everyone got one, now off to bed, if you want to hear a story about Zero that is." Their father announced. All three children's eyes lit up, Marie picked Euphie up as she followed her brother towards their rooms.
Kallen kissed her husband on the nose, starring joyful up at him. Over the years, the man had far surpassed her in height but she had stopped complaining about it long ago. She could still best him in a fight any day.
"You're a good man Lelouch, the proof is the fact that you are able to tell our children the stories of your past. Wait for me before you start, I'll be there soon." She left his side, heading towards the kitchen, leaving Lelouch alone in the hallway. He smiled after her, looking out the window at the shaft of light shinning upon him. As if listening to someone, he laughed.
"Don't get mad; I'm sure she'll name our next daughter after you. Of course we are plan on having more; I'm building my own personal army." He looked reprimanded for a moment.
"Sumanai okaa-sama, I'm just joking, Kallen would kill me." He smiled as he made his way down the hall, towards his children's room.
"Yes, I'll give them all your love."
"Who were you talking to and what took you so long?" Kallen asked waiting for him in front of Marie-Ann's room, warm bottle in hand, where all three were congregated. Lelouch opened the door, sending a grin over his shoulder.
"Mother and C.C sent their love. Oh, and she said you'd better name our next child after her, boy or girl. She's feeling left out." He whispered walking by her, entering the room, greeting the children with his Zero voice. "Sa, let us begin!"
Kallen looked classically confused for a moment before realization dawned on her face. She spun around, her long hair whipping around her body, searching the hallway for any light, finding none. A wry smile formed on her face as she rubbed her flat stomach.
"You just had to ruin the surprise didn't you C.C? Maa, you told him last time so I'm not surprised. Keep watching over us, ne?" She whispered in prayer.
"Mama! Papa is going to start without you," Marie-Ann called from within. Kallen stepped inside the bedroom, joining her family, closing the door behind her.
A single feather fell out of nowhere, unoticed, landing on the wooden floor; two familiar voices fading in the background.
"Watch over him for us Kallen."
Innocent Days
The spring seethes and the river surges
Please watch over that deep sea
You soar up into the air with mysterious wings
Please guide that dark sky
Izumi ga wakitachi kawa wa uneri yuku
Anata wa ano fukai umi douka mimamotte kudasai
Shinpi no tsubasa de chuu o maiagaru
Anata wa ano kurai sora douka michibiite kudasai
The dawn rain freely
Moistens my cheeks
Like embracing a child
I'd like it to surround me tenderly
Yoake no ame wa jiyuu ni
Watashi no hoho o nurasu
Kodomo o daku you ni
Yasashiku tsutsunde hoshii
A glance that seems to burn
The power to pursue a beautiful dream
Please put on your heart and soul
And take me along to a sinless era
Yakeru you na manazashi
Utsukushii yume o ou chikara
Sono kokoro to tamashii o kakete
Tsuminaki jidai e tsurete itte
You soar up into the air with mysterious wings
Please guide that dark sky
Shinpi no tsubasa de chuu o maiagaru
Anata wa ano kurai sora douka michibiite kudasai
A/N: Yes Kallen is pregnant again and it's a boy if anyone is curious. I'll elaborate on the Vi Britannia's.
Clearly, Kallen named her firstborn son after her elder brother she loved and lost. Naoto's twin sister was named after Lelouch's late mother to honor her. Euphie was named after Euphemia for the reason stated in the story. Kallen hated what Euphemia did for a long time and actually was about to name her Orihime as Lelouch had suggested but once she knew the truth and when Euphie was born with that dark shade of pink hair and blue eyes she figured it was out of her hands.
The children are all Vi Britannia's and legitamate heirs to the throne. They were all born in the homeland except for Euphie who was born in Japan. Kallen's house turned into their summer home so they spend their vacations over there. Kallen reminds her children that they are Japanese as well as Britannian and Lelouch makes the oldest work part-time to learn the value of money and hard work.
Naoto is seven years old and very much like his father in more ways than one but he lets his playful side come out more and he is very watchful of his sisters, especially Euphie. Marie-Ann takes the same martial arts lessons as he does, so she can fend for herself but he still protects her too.
Marie-Ann is also seven and dreams to become a warrior like her mother when her father would like for her to take more interest in trivial things like fashion and dolls.
Euphie is the youngest at age two and a half. Everyone loves her. Despite that, she's very smart and catches on to things quite easily for her age.
Lelouch and Kallen are obviously happy together and love each other deeply after eight years of marriage. They waited a year before they had children after getting married.
That's it, I'm done! Thank you to everyone who enjoyed this story and supported it! I really enjoyed writing it.
I have no plans yet of writing anything more of this but maybe in the future when inspiration strikes again. Suggestions are welcome just leave it in your review or send me an email.
Thank you all for loving my story.