Welcome to Obsessed.with.writing and emoTWiLiGHT's Random Crazies! These events are actual. No dramatization has been added. It all happened how it is told here. Believe it or not, this is REALITY FANFICTION: Volume One. No copyright infringement intended.

P.S. We don't own Twilight, we're just lucky to be characters in it!!

Disclaimer- We don't own Twilight. This is us being complete idiots, sorry if you loose the will to live with our strange antics.

Kadalea: emoTWiLiGHT
Ashleigh: Obsessed.with.writing

Kadalea: o. what song was that? are you putting it in your story or something? oh you said.. f... im not gonna repeat it. lol

Ashleigh: Its Blood by My Chemical Romance and it was on my iPod. Now it's So I'm running away!

Kadalea: Yes, I am.

Ashleigh: You're running away?! NOO! -Gets the razor and slits her wrists multiple times until blood is splattered everywhere-

Kadalea: o what the heck!? no, in chapter 26 Edward's all "Running away?" and Ashleigh says "Yes, I am." so I quoted that to see if you would get it but apparently you didn't. wait a minute! why am i even replying! you cutted your wrists! you're dead! NO! -starts crying hysterically, turns off computer, leaves house, travels to Italy, goes to the clock tower, launches self in air-

Ashleigh: How ironic is it that I'm listening to a song that sings 'Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out' when you just threw yourself off the clock tower? Lol. We are now in writer and beta heaven.

Kadalea: haha lol. oo if we're in writer and beta heaven, then we get new reviews every minute, right?

Ashleigh: Yup and we are the lexiest ones up there.

Kadalea: Fo shizzle.

Ashleigh: The only bad thing is that we look like we did when we died so I have thousands of bleeding scars all over my arms.

Kadalea: Must...resist...blood... -looks at Ashleigh's arms- CAN'T RESIST BLOOD -attacks Ashleigh's arms- Yum.

Ashleigh: Aw why did you have to do that? Go wipe your mouth, there's blood all over your face now.

Kadalea: -sheepish grin- sorry Ashleigh. I couldn't resist. It was just so... red... and warm... and... -blood thirst flashes in eyes-

Ashleigh: No. Go and wipe your mouth now. Don't make me get the lexy dead werewolves onto you.

Kadalea: -pouts- you're no fun. besides, you don't even taste that good! so :P oo lexy dead werewolves... are they... you know.. LEXY? -waggles eyebrows-

Ashleigh: NO MY BLOOD DOESN'T TASTE GOOD. -Reaches for a razor blade and cuts wrists repeatedly...again-

Kadalea: -struggles with overwhelming thirst- i didn't say it wasn't good... just not very good. it's blood, of course it's good. so stop doing that unless you want to die, darn it! -looks at blood, almost pounces, but stops self growls-

Ashleigh: I'm already dead, remember I slit my wrists. -Gets self concious- Stop looking at my wrists!

Kadalea: haha oops. oo so i can suck all the blood i want and you won't die?? cool. -looks at wrists thirstily-

Ashleigh: STOP IT! What did my wrists ever do to you? -Runs away crying-

Kadalea: NO! I made her leave! no!! -cries and takes razor to own wrists- what did i do that for?! i made her go away! -cries more-

Ashleigh: -Comes back, her arms bandaged up with a long sleeved top on- I'm slightly self concious of my arms around you now. -Looks down at the blood on your arms and starts having a panic attack-

Kadalea: -shifty eyes- What blood? what wrists? no blood on my wrists here. -puts towel over wrists-

Ashleigh: -Starts to calm down slightly- I'm writing the silent killer up in my story.

Kadalea: -tries not to look at the lexy dead writer's arms- oo yay! love that poem! it's so cheesecakeing lexy! ... -cough-likeyourblood-cough- NOTHING! I SAID NOTHING!

Kadalea: Wait a minute, since i launched myself off the clock tower, my arms and legs are all bent out of shape from hitting the ground.

Ashleigh: You should have just gone to the Volturi.

Kadalea: that's what i tried to do! but they refused to kill me, and i couldn't exactly remove my shirt to let the sun glitter off my skin... o.0

Ashleigh: Then you have to provoke them. You know, keep poking Jane in the side until she bites your head off.

Kadalea: ... you couldn't have told me that when i was still alive?! then again, did i realyl want death by the hands of jane? at least the clock tower was painless...

Ashleigh: Yes but with Jane you don't get the spazzed arms and legs.

A.N.- Yes we actually had this conversation. This is (almost) totally unedited. The only part that is edited was one little bit because we were sending one then receiving another and it wouldn't make sense if you read it so we edited it slightly. The truth behind great writers is that they have friends that they can talk about random insane things.