Hello you guys!! This is a story I have been writing for a while now! But I never thought of publishing it!! Well here is is. The Prison Garden. Chapter One: Father. Oh By the way, this is the summery I couldn't fit this whole thing in the summery so here it is!! And every chapter will have a quote or something from a song!! Luv Ya
A young girl named Sakura Kinomoto is daughter of Duke Fujitaka Kinomoto and late Lady Nadeshiquo Kinomoto. She is always imprisoned. Anytime her father thinks she had done something wrong she is locked inside the horrible garden and treated like a high class criminal. The garden was planted by her mother and her brother secretly when she was young. Soon after her mother died and her brother moved away her father found out about the garden and hated it letting it rot. The same he plans to do with Sakura if she does not find a husband he approves of. But the worst thin is if she does not marry the cold and heartless prince...the garden and herself will die together. That is her destiny just like her mothers but destiny can be altered.
Chapter One: Father
'I'm terrified of you but still without a doubt...I'll still love you because you are my Father.'
-Ashley Lawrence
Sakura's POV
It was a beautiful day and I had finally decided even though I was told against it went out to the market and see what they had for sale today. Sadly everything was very expensive and the fact I forgot my money made it even worse.
"Its her! Its really her!" A villager shouted.
"Yes, Princess Tomoyo has finally come back!" My ears where on high alert, if Tomoyo-chan was back then I could finally play with someone and talk with her. Not like that boring old house I call a home.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" I shouted out of nowhere. I started to run as fast as I could to the meeting place. Trying to dodge everything in sight. Seconds later I reached a small bridge and under it a river. 'I wonder if she is even here.' I thought sadly to myself.
"Sakura-chan!" I turned and found Tomoyo standing in the middle of the bridge. She looked worried. 'Did something happen when she was away?'I quickly ran up to her to only be stopped by her. "Sakura-chan go back home!!" I looked at her sadly.
"But Tomoyo! I just got here."
"You don't understand! He's back!"
"Your father." That was enough to send fear and shock through out my body and soul
Kinomoto Residence
Normal POV
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Shouted a man in his mid forties. He had straight short honey brown hair, glasses, and archaeological cloths on. The most frightening thing to the servants was that he was angry with the little lady and that was not pleasant. Especially not for her.
"Don't make me repeat myself Reu. Where is my daughter!?" Reu's body was shaking if she did not say something soon, both her and the little lady would be in terrible trouble.
"Master Fujitaka please calm down." She said her voice still shivering. She was chubby but not all that chubby yet skinny enough to have more bust and butt than any one of the maids there.
"F-Father." A small quivering voice responded to his fit. He turned around and he smiled wickedly.
"Ah, there you are, my precious Sakura where have you been my dear?" He asked coming closer to her. She entered the living room.
"I-I was at the m-market, I-I wanted to get you a welcome gift." She said not meeting his stern and twisted gaze.
"How sweet of you, did you find anything?"
"N-No, I did not have my money so I could not b-buy you anything."
"That's alright." He looked at Reu and the other servants. "I need to be alone with my daughter." He said sharply. The servants took the hints and left but Reu took a worried glance at Sakura and Sakura smiled. The door closed and Fujitaka exploded. "SAKURA! WHAT WERE YOU DOING OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!"
"Father please Don't be angry, I was bored I wanted to go outside."
"I told you." He came closer. "I told you, you are not allowed to leave this house! Unless its to see the prince. No one else!"
"B-But fa-" A loud smack was heard throughout the room and a red mark was on Sakura's face resembling a hand. The pain made her hold her cheek but that was a big mistake on her side. Her father punched her in the stomach and she fell on the floor he continued repeatedly kicking her all over her body. Then he lifted her by the hair and dragged her outside.
"I will teach you not to disobey me ever again!" He shouted into nothingness.
"SHUT UP!! YOU USELESS CHILD!" He opened and iron door that was covered in moss and threw Sakura through it. "You'll stay here tonight! And I want you awake when I get back! Do you understand?!" Sakura did not answer. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!"
"Yes." She replied trying to choke back her tears.
"Yes what?"
"Yes Father." He slammed the door in her face and she just sat there holding back her tears and repeating a phrase her father told her to.
"I'm worthless and I deserve this. My life has no purpose but this." She repeated over and over to herself in the darkness.
Hope you liked it!!Oh and like my story Silent Life which is currently in progress there will be a preview and reviews bu since this is the first chapter there are no reviews!!
Chapter Two: Why?
"Reu..." I bit my lower lip. "I'm Scared of him Reu, really scared." I could imagine her surprised face, I've never told her how I feel and this was one of my deepest fears. Suddenly I felt someone embrace me tightly.
"Don't worry my little cherry blossom. Everything is going to be alright."
"Little Cherry B-Blossom..." No one had ever called me that since my mother died and my father...of course he would never call me that out of affection. He hated me. Out of nowhere I hugged her back with equal strength.
"Arigato Reu."