woke suddenly to a strange sound, looking around drowsily. Her white
hair cascaded over her shoulders as she sat up and froze, seeing a
figure in the far corner. Now fully awake, Aki scooted back
defensively in her bed until she hit the wall behind her. "Who are
you?" She demanded in a harsh whisper.
"I'm sorry I scared
you, but I wanted to talk with you alone. My name is Ryoho."
looked toward the figure as he stepped forward out of the shadows,
and into the moonlight peering through the one window of the room.
The light revealed a handsome man that looked about Aki's age with
bright yellow eyes. His hair was entirely black, except for one white
lock of hair over his left eye. "I just wanted to talk about the
plan my father has for us- you probably don't know the details."
Ryoho moved forward beside her, pausing momentarily when he saw how
beautiful she was before stiffly sitting down beside her on the bed.
"Sure, what did your father have in mind?" Aki said, calming
when she saw the kindness in his eyes, hidden beneath pain and
"You probably didn't know that my brother was also
captured by the humans along with myself. He's still
"Poseidon wants us to save your brother?" Aki asked
"The only reason I escaped was because I went a
little… crazy." Ryoho looked down in shame. Aki put a hand on his
shoulder comfortingly and gasped at the feeling of electricity
traveling up her arm. They both moved away, looking at each other in
"There hasn't been two white dragons alive at the
same time before." Ryoho whispered, relaxing and moving back toward
her. "And though I'm not as pure as I used to be, you are. Maybe
if we work together we can save my brother."
"I'd be glad to
try and save him." Aki nodded, smiling sweetly. Ryoho gazed at her
for a minute before looking away uneasily.
"I'm just afraid
I'll turn you black too." He muttered, making her chuckle.
won't corrupt me that easily. I'm pure, not naïve."
smirked slightly, looking up when Aki let out a loud sound of
triumph. "I made you smike, Ryoho. Your angst is no match for me."
She said with a chuckle.
"What's going on in here?!" Shinta
stormed through the door to Aki's room, making Ryoho jump to his
feet. "What are you doing here? Get away from Akita!"
Ryoho glanced to Aki having heard her name for the first time,
jumping back as Shinta lashed out angrily.
"OUT!" Shinta
yelled, his fangs bared angrily.
Ryoho looked one last time to
Aki before enveloping himself in a bright light and vanishing from
the room.
"How did he do that?" Aki gasped as Shinta
"I don't know. Aki, I told you he was dangerous. How
long were you talking to him?"
"Not long. He doesn't seem
dangerous to me. Depressing, but not dangerous, or were you talking
about a different kind of danger?" Aki smirked slightly to Shinta,
who only got angrier at the accusation.
"Just get to sleep and
don't let any more strange men into your room." Shinta growled,
and stormed back out, closing the door behind him.
Ryoho's voice sounded again once Shinta was gone, reappearing
beside her bed in another bright flash of light. "I'm guessing
he's your older brother I've heard so much about."
did you reappear?" Aki said quietly, so Shinta wouldn't hear them
"Easy. I just turned to shadow. We do actually have an
element you know, it's light." He held out his hand, where a
small sphere of light hovered above his palm. "This is the last of
the light in my soul. Once I lose this, I really will be gone."
held her hand above the light to try and feel it, marveling at how
warm it was. The light suddenly got brighter, the area of white in
Ryoho's hair widening. He gasped and took his hand away, his hair
returning to normal as he looked at her in shock.
"You need to
learn how to control your light." Ryoho rubbed his palm, and looked
toward the door uneasily. "But for now I should probably go."
nodded, somewhat sad to see him go. He was the only other dragon who
might understand her, even though he was the black dragon.
nodded as well and opened the door quietly. "I'll see you later,
Akita." He smiled softly before closing the door again to sneak out
of the hut.
glanced back at Ryoho as they returned from the second council
hearing, which had mostly been making out the details of the start of
their journey. Ryoho was to travel with them to the far south, where
an encampment of humans was keeping dragons captive. Ryoho was
looking at Akita as she chatted with Hi. He didn't like the looks
Ryoho was giving his younger sister, and ground his fangs in
frustration at the council's decree for Ryoho to be with Akita.
Quetzalcoatl approached them, signing as Shinta bowed. "I did
not want to ask this of Aki in front of the council. I was curious to
see her dragon form, being the sister of an ice serpent."
nodded as Aki stepped forward with a blush. "When I first turned,
Shinta freaked out. You won't freak out too, right?" She looked
first to Quetzalcoatl, then to Ryoho.
"No, my dear, I will not
as you say 'freak out'. I am just curious." Quetzalcoatl
"Okay." Aki said reluctantly, and stepped back from
everyone before starting to glow with a soft golden light. The form
elongated into a winding snake-like form with large wings. The glow
faded, revealing a pure white dragon with metallic golden wings and
long curved golden horns. Hi and Ryoho stared in shock as
Quetzalcoatl smiled in satisfaction.
"You're a golden
white dragon?" Ryoho finally managed to whisper.
"I knew you
would take after your grandmother. I had a feeling with the golden
strands in your hair, but I had to be sure." Quetzalcoatl
"What's the big deal of gold horns?" Aki asked, her
voice echoing in their heads in the ethereal tone that all dragons
spoke in.
"They are also rare. You make a beautiful dragon,
Akita. You look the same as your grandfather as well." Quetzalcoatl
smiled knowingly and left to attend to his business as
Shinta looked to Aki with a smile as she changed back to
her human form.
"I can't believe you're a golden dragon.
I've never seen one." Ryoho said as they continued walking.
have I, and I'm older than you, kid." Hi looked back to
"Oh yeah? I'm 53." Ryoho said defensively.
364." Hi countered, and chuckled when Ryoho grumbled in
frustration. "How old are you, Shinta?"
"285." Shinta
replied with a shrug.
"And you, Aki?" Hi looked back at Aki
Aki looked at the ground in embarrassment, a blush
coming over her face. "21."
Ryoho chuckled and mockingly
punched her shoulder. "You're still a hatchling! That's fine
though, it's no big deal."
Shinta growled at the contact
between them, but stayed silent when Aki smiled in thanks to
"So then, they want us to try and convince the humans to
release the dragons they have captured there." Shinta said, looking
back to Aki. "Are you sure you're up for that? It sounds
"I think I can manage it." Aki smiled
confidently, glancing to Ryoho.
"Alright." Shinta stopped in
front of their hut, and turned round, his yellow eyes bright. "Ryoho,
I have two rules for you."
Ryoho raised en eyebrow warily at the
sudden threatening stance, but stayed quiet.
"One: if you have
any sign of turning completely black, Hi and I will kill you with no
"Agreed." Ryoho nodded solemnly.
"Two: if
you hurt Aki in any
way, I'll rip off your horns." Shinta's eyes flashed
Hi chuckled and Ryoho smiled wryly as he nodded again in
agreement to the rule.
"What's so funny?" Shinta hissed.
don't have horns. I'm a water dragon." Ryoho grinned
"Oh." Shinta said in realization. "I'll have to
resort to the more drastic punishment then. After all, something has
to be done."
Ryoho blanched, his imagination going wild with
what that punishment might be. "I won't hurt her." Ryoho sighed
in frustration. "I'm not a psycho, you know."
"But you
could be. Just be warned." Shinta snapped, and walked into the hut,
shutting the door behind him.
"Don't mind him, kid. He's not
used to guys hanging around his baby sister. You two go have fun. Hey
Ryoho, why don't you show Aki around a little?"
"That's a
great idea- I haven't seen the dynasty in over 15 years, I hardly
remember anything." Aki said in excitement.
"Well, there's
not much around here to show you. I suppose I could guide you through
the forest." Ryoho shrugged casually. Hi smiled and moved toward
the door.
"That sounds good, make sure Akita doesn't get
bitten by any snakes. I'll see you later today then, sunshine."
Hi said before walking through the door as well.
Ryoho looked at Aki curiously, who shrugged.
"He calls me that
sometimes. I have no idea why, though." She said, and followed
Ryoho to be guided around the dynasty.