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Summary: Sam was the only one who didn't make a deal. But who says he couldn't. In the final hours leading to Dean's death, Sam makes a choice. One – Shot. Death – Fic.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.
Sam Winchester rubbed his eyes tiredly as he searched through what must have been the millionth text book, yet still he found nothing.
'Damn' Sam sighed in frustration.
Dean had 8 days left.
8 days till he died because he gave his soul for Sam.
8 days to go and Sam still had no way of helping his brother.
It was all because of a stupid deal.
A deal that their father had once made.
A deal that Dean had now made.
And then it hit Sam.
He knew exactly what to do.
1 hour before the deadline, he stood at the crossroads; the small tin box in his hands.
Sam had made an excuse.
He said he didn't want to watch Dean leave.
That it would break his heart.
Dean had accepted it; followed by an apology and a goodbye.
Instead, Sam stood at the crossroads.
Ready to strike a deal.
Ready to be the next Winchester to throw themselves to a demon.
Sam was scared.
There was no escaping that.
Anyone who knew that they were going to die would be scared.
But he knew he had to do this.
He knew he had to save his brother.
Placing the small tin box in the hole that was centred in the middle of the crossroads and burying it; Sam waited.
Finally, he heard a voice.
"Well. Not the Winchester I was expecting. But a Winchester none the less". The demon cackled, her red eyes gazing at Sam. "What do you want Sam? I thought my partner already told you that we can't let Dean out of the deal. It was his choice".
"I know" Sam replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm here to make a deal"
The demon laughed. "Well. Never would I have thought that Sammy would have made a deal. That he'd be the one to save the day, so to speak. Well then Sam. What do you want?"
"Dean" Sam replied, plain and simple. "Let Dean live and you can take me now" Sam's voice was humourless and unwavering; he showed no fear in his voice.
"Alright then Sam" The demon replied and moved toward him.
Sam raised his hand. "But. Dean can't bring me back" His voice never faltered.
'I can't let you sacrifice yourself for me Dean'.
"Alright" The demon replied. "Deal?"
Sam nodded and they kissed.
The Impala halted to a stop at the crossroads and Dean got out, taking his last look at the world around him.
He walked toward the centre of the crossroads but stopped when he saw something.
A body.
Dean looked closer.
"Oh god. Sammy" Dean whispered kneeling on the ground and pulling his baby brothers head onto his lap.
Dean's hands searched frantically for a pulse but he didn't find one.
Tears fell rapidly down Dean's cheeks as he started CPR.
Then a voice behind him said. "It won't work. He's gone".
Dean turned around and looked at the woman; her eyes red but he swore he could see a twinge of sorrow.
"Bring him back" Dean whispered. "It isn't supposed to be like this".
The demon shook her head. "Sorry Dean. Sam made it part of the deal that you couldn't bring him back".
Dean turned back to his brothers pale face.
"Dammit Sam!"
Then something slipped out of Sam's pocket.
A piece of paper.
A note.
It read;
I'm sorry that it had to be this way.
But I couldn't let you die because of me.
I couldn't let you sacrifice yourself.
It's what you've always done.
You've never put yourself first.
But it isn't your choice this time, big brother.
It's my time to save you.
I'm sorry Dean.
I love you.
Take care,
Tears poured freely down Dean's face.
"No. I'm sorry Sammy" Dean whispered, cradling his little brothers limp head. "I love you too little bro".
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