Saving Granger 2

By: Keshia Kay Mansell


Last Time:

"Thank you so much Harry!" Hermione said gratefully as she cuddled her son.

"No problem!" Harry smiled.

"Well, we best get going." Draco said, "Hermione and I have loads to catch up on and I have a son to raise." With that said, they all bid each other good bye and were on their way. After all, they had a home to and family to introduce to their son.


Present Time:

"Mr. Malfoy, must I continue to remind you that books are meant to be read either outside the classroom, or when instructed." Professor McGonagall's aged voice croaked in annoyance. "As Head boy, I'd expect you to lead a better example than not paying attention."

The blond quickly shut his book and removed his reading glasses. "Sorry, Professor." he apologized honestly. Professor McGonagall couldn't help but to forgive the lad. He may look like a carbon-copy of his father, but personality wise he was just like his mother's. It was really no surprise to her when he was sorted into Ravenclaw those seven years ago. After all, his parents were the top of their class. She expected no less from their four children.

But no one had expected just how diverse they all were. James, or Scorpius as he had taken a liking to being called by his middle name, was the brains of the group. Gabbie, a sixth year in Gryffindor, was the bubbly, creative and extremely caring one. Sierra, a third year in Slytherin, had inherited from her father a mild disregard for the rules. Then there was Draco Jr., a first year who was by far the shyest of the group. He too had been sorted into Gryffindor and was often accompanied by at least one of his siblings.

"Now can anyone tell me why it is difficult to become an animagus?" she asked. James was the only student who raised his hand. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy?"

"The transformation from man to animagus is extremely hard to do because you have to be totally in sync with the animal you are trying to turn into and you must build your pain resistance up to a certain level. If you mess up during the morph, it could prove to be irreversible and even fatal. Only the most qualified beings are allowed to do such things and even at that, the ability is very rare."

"Very nice, Mr. Malfoy. 10 points to Ravenclaw." McGonagall awarded. "Now as Mr. Malfoy told us, you must be perfectly in tune with your animal. For those who can transform, most of the time the animal will be the same, if not similar to the animal from your Patronus charm. Therefore, you assignment is to write a two foot essay on your animal." Everyone except for Scorpius groaned. "Class dismissed!"



"Hermione, darling! The Evening Prophet is here!" Draco shouted from the kitchen. When she didn't respond, he walked toward the direction of their home's library. Sure enough, she was laying across a couch fast asleep with a book face down on her chest. Careful not to lose her page, he picked up the book and sat it on a nearby table. Then he smiled mischievously as he observed her sleeping form.

Silently he leaned over her still frame and began to lightly kiss her neck. Her skin shivered, but she still didn't wake. Then his kisses trailed up to her jaw line. He could tell that she was wide awake now even though she was desperately trying to pretend as if she wasn't. It became most obvious however, when she puckered her lips slightly as if expecting them to be his final destination. But no, instead he smirked at her cuteness and took full advantage of her eyes being closed by tickling her ribs mercilessly.

"Ok Draco, I'm up!" She screeched through fits of laughter. Their tickle fight lasted another ten minutes before Hermione bolted from the room, giggling all the way. Draco chased her into the living room where they both collapsed on the loveseat from exhaustion.

"You sure do know how to ruin a moment." Hermione smiled happily as she pinched his nose.

"Yeah, but you love me for it." Draco teased, kissing her on the cheek.

"You're so full of yourself!" she joked.

"Yep." he agreed simply. She merely rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Don't forget that Pansy and Ginny are coming over tonight, so you better behave." she said sternly. He gave her a pout, but she only shook her head and smirked at him seductively. "If you don't, I'll have to punish you…"

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" he asked in a husky voice as he captured her lips with his own. She allowed him to taste her a bit before she pulled away with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No sex for a month." she stated firmly. She was more then satisfied when she obtained the desired effect: a shocked and crestfallen Draco.

"A month? Are you bloody serious!?" he whined. To Hermione, he was like a little boy who had just been told that Santa wasn't real.

"Yes, I'm dead serious." she replied with a sigh. "I know you don't like Pansy, but we owe her a lot. Besides, she hardly talks to anyone since her stay in Azkaban. It's the least we can do for her."

"Fine." Draco scowled. "You win."

"I always win." she announced triumphantly.

"That's because you always play dirty." Draco complained sarcastically.

"But Draco, I thought you liked it when I play dirty." she fake-pouted, "Am I too naughty for you?"

"No, my little witch." her purred, "In fact I think you're perfect."

Unfortunately for Draco, it was then that the floo started to crackle with emerald flames. He mutter a few choice curse words under his breath before helping his wife up from the couch. While they did so, their first guest, Ginny Potter, was thrown from the floo and landed smack on her arse. Draco struggled to hide his chuckles from his now glaring wife.

"Ginny, are you alright?" she asked as she helped her friend from the ground. Ginny was covered from head to toe in soot. Even her flaming red hair looked a shade duller because of it. "Honestly, you should really think about fixing your floo network."

"It's alright, I'm fine. Scourgify!" Her clothes and body became free of all soot in an instant. She sighed in a pleased way, then smiled goofily at her friends. "See? Nothing but a little swish of the wand to take the dirt away!"

Then the fireplace flickered green again as Pansy entered the room with ease. "Hello, everyone!" she said as if in a daze. "Have I missed anything?"

"Nope. You're right on time." Hermione replied, then she nudged her now edgy husband. "Right, dear?"

"Yes, honey." he said as un-sarcastic as he could bear. After all, his favorite pastime was being put on the line. He couldn't afford to piss off his little witch when she had made such a great case moments before these two arrived. But just because he was playing along, didn't mean that he wasn't still uncomfortable about the whole idea.

Ginny, he could deal with, but Pansy was another story. Sure she had helped him those many years ago, but she had also caused the problem to begin with. Then there was the fact that two years in Azkaban had made her loopier then hell. She was so spacey all the time now. She had to have someone with her at all times or she would forget her way. Draco felt sorry for her, but also creeped out. She was more clingy to her 'friends' then ever. In other words, she wouldn't go away.

But as he saw how happy it made Hermione to have her as company he knew that he could live with it. After all, he'd do anything he could for his wife and this was only a small favour. If Hermione felt that the other witch could be trusted then that was good enough for him. Hermione and their children were his world. He'd never loved anyone as much as he did them.

Later that night, after both guests had gone, Draco and Hermione found themselves curled up on their couch in front of the fireplace.

"Thank you for trying to be friendly, Draco." Hermione smiled as she leaned back against his chest. She felt him shift a little before his strong arms wrapped lovingly around her frame.

"No problem." he replied as he kissed her on her forehead. "I love you."

He whispered.

"I love you too, dear." she sighed happily. Soon both were fast asleep in each other's arms. All was as it should be and forever would.


A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this story! It was very fun to write and I'm very pleased with the results! Happy New Year!