Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, nor do I own any of the canons. The only thing I own is this Mary-Sue I'm placing in the character's world. . Poor canon characters.

Author's Note: Well, I was totally inspired by nedthejanitor to write a Parody. I was reading his Yu-Gi-Oh! one and I thought, "hey, I should make a Pokemon one"! Thanks for the inspiration! -To read his parody, see my profile and look under 'favorite authors'.

First, remember to give the Sue a really long and really hard name:

When Raven Dal'ea Hunter Summers Pretty Pants Never-Does-Anything-Wrong Miss Perfect was born, the doctors were stunned. Not because she had come out so perfectly, but because her mother actually chose that name for her. I mean, honestly, what kind of name is that?

Second, remember that the Sue should have a huge entrance, choose any variation of the following:

Ash and Company were walking along a strange new path in a strange new forest and heard a strange new sound. A scream. But not just any scream; the scream was so angelic and beautiful – not too high-pitched at all – that Ash and his friends, and that annoying yellow rat, absolutely had to go check it out. Once they merged on the scene of the crime, they saw a beautiful young girl. Her hair was blonde with red, brown, and darker blonde streaks with a bit of purple in her bangs. It was absolutely perfect, not rivaled by anything but the girl's eyes, which was a mix of blue, green, brown, and grey. They were absolutely gorgeous. The mixture of colors were perfect.

In all the ruckus, the author of the story completely forgot the character was in danger, and Ash, that girl, Brocko, and whatever the rat-thing was ran up to her, asking her name. B-Ry grabbed her hands, "hello, beautiful young angel, do you want to run off with me, elope, and name our nine children after me?" he asked, getting dragged off by his ear because of a jealous red-headed girl whose name just happens to be a type of condensation. Ash ran up to the girl, "hi, I'm Ash Ketchum! I'm aiming to be a Pokemon Master! But enough about me, let's talk about you," he said, extremely hyper.

"Well, my name is Raven Dal'ea Hunter Summers Pretty Pants Never-Does-Anything-Wrong Miss Perfect. My body is absolutely perfect, with a large bust, small waist, and perfect ass. Not one hair is out of place and I have no blemishes what-so-ever. . . Because I'm perfect," Raven Dal'ea Hunter Blah, Blah, Blah said happily. Ash and Brian. . Err. . Brock stared at her for about twenty seconds before saying "I love you" despite the fact they've only known her for, oh. . Two minutes/paragraphs?

Raven Dal'ea. . Um. . Let's just call her Raven, giggled ever-so perfectly, taking her slender hand up to her beautiful, red lips to cover her pearly white teeth while she laughed. BB Gun and Ash practically melted in her presence. Rainy, however, was far from impressed as the anger burned within her.

Word Count: 432

Endnote: Well, this is the end of chapter one. Next chapter will probably be even funnier! Hopefully this guide will also help you to stay away from Pokemon Mary-Sues. Still, maybe this may be a sucky parody that no one will want to read. Either way, it's fun writing it!