Author's note: Last night I was listening to "Music Inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia," and this just sorta popped into my head...

Disclaimer: I do not own Narnia, Susan Pevensie, or Aslan.

Mommy, Mommy, I'm back from the zoo,

the new one Daddy took me to see,

and I absolutely, positively can't wait to tell you

about someone you just have to meet!

We passed by the monkeys, those silly things,

and the hyenas and tigers and birds.

Then we came to the lions' part

and Mommy, one lion spoke human words!

When no one was looking, I crept from Daddy,

and snuck passed the big policeman--

I'm sorry Mommy, I had to do it,

it was the only way for me to meet Aslan!

Aslan is the name of the lion.

Mommy, he's so cuddly and warm!

He just like a gigantic stuffed animal,

only he's to big to hold in your arms.

"Hello, Jane," he said to me, "How are you going?"

"I'm fine," I told him politely. "How do you know me?"

He answered, "I know your mother very well, Jane,

she was Queen Susan Pevensie."

"Queen?" I gasped. Mommy, am I royalty?

He told me you ruled a land called Narnia.

Mommy, am I a princess there? When's the next time you're going, and

can I come with ya?

Aslan told me about Narnia, Mommy,

it sounds so wonderful, so colorful.

"Lush green plains, tall mountains," Aslan said,

"and beautiful blue waterfalls."

He told me my uncles and aunt are there.

Mommy, I didn't know you had siblings!

What happened to Lucy, Peter and Edmund?

Why won't they come and visit me?

Mommy...why are you crying?

I don't want you to be sad.

Are you weeping because

straying from Daddy was bad?

Oh, one more thing, Mommy!

Aslan told me to tell you:

you've been forgiven, Mommy, for whatever you did,

and he'll be waiting to see us two.

Mommy, look! That's him outside the window!

No, I'm sorry, he left, but he was there for a while.

Mommy, you know what?

That big, friendly lion was giving me a smile.

Another note: Hope you liked it! Please review! Those who do will...uh...get a free Aslan plushie! -displays stuffed animal version of Aslan-