I've made a trailer for this fanfic on YouTube, you can find it under my channel, I go be "pufiXchan". The trailer is called Hermione's the Man, I hope you will watch it :)
Hermione's the Man:
Chapter 1
Getting cut
Just a few more feet, and she got it. Just a few more. She got closer and closer, and with one hard throw it was in.
"And Hermione Granger shouts and scores. The red ones are the winners" Lavender yelled from down on the ground.
Hermione and the others landed on the ground and started talking about the Quidditch game they just had.
Hermione loved playing Quidditch. She had played seems she found out she was a witch. She was even on a team. Well, it wasn't an official team, but a team. It was her, Ginny, Cho, Lavender and the Patil-twins. Hermione never told any other than the girls about the team. Harry and Ron didn't even know. She never told them because thought she was scarred of flying and because she was afraid that they would laugh at her. And it was the only thing that could get her mind off her parents' devoice.
They played every Saturday on the Glasgow Quidditch pitch. But today was Friday; they've had a long weekend off from school, so they had decided to go play. Hermione was their best player; even Cho thought that she was better than Harry. They finished off and headed back. Hermione lived in Glasgow, so she didn't have the far to go. Sometime they all headed back to Hermione's and slept over. They were going to play again the next day. But what they didn't know was a problem was about to accord.
"What do you mean, cut off?!" Hermione almost yelled at the man. The whole team was there, they had showed up, at the pitch to play and found that some other team was playing. They had booked the pitch for them, so went to find out what was going on.
They were now talking, or rather yelling, with the coach of the team.
"I mean that only teams can book the pitch that is the rule!" the coach said.
"But we are a team!" Ginny said with a red face. Hermione was a little worried, if Ginny got mad, they needed to hold her back.
"Official teams!!" the coach yelled, he was starting to get angry that a bunch of girls was wasting he's time.
"But-" Ginny said but was stopped by Hermione's hand on her arm. Hermione knew that Ginny was about to throw a punch, but luckily Ginny understood, and began to calm down.
"Come on, girls, let's go" Lavender said, and they were on their way.
They went down to a field, not very far from the pitch.
"I can believe, that just because we aren't an official team, we can't play" Cho said.
"At least you can play at Hogwarts. Me, Lavender and Parvati can't we're not on any team." Hermione said bitted.
"Hermione, why don't you try out for the Gryffindor team?" Ginny asked.
Hermione sighed and said "Because they would laugh at me that's why"
Padma got up and said "Come on Hermione, I'm sure if the guys saw how good you are they would for sure, accept you"
"Yeah Hermione, Padma is right. You should try" Patil said.
"Okay listen up Hermione, I'll go with you, to the try outs, for support. What can you lose?" Ginny said smiling at Hermione.
"Hmmm... Ginny's right, what is there to lose? And I really want to play, and besides it might be fun" Hermione thought.
"Okay, I'll do it" she said standing up.
"Yeah" the girls yelled.
"Okay, it's getting late, maybe we should head home" Padma said.
"Yeah, I'll see you on the train tomorrow" Hermione said.
"See you"
And then the girls were on the way home, all with the same thought that they couldn't wait to see Hermione play for real.
A/N: So here it is, I hope you like it. I know that it seems alot like the movie, but believe, I will move out of the movie-plot line, with time. Please tell me what you think about it, that way I'll get inspiration to write on :)