Author's Note: I do not own The Lion King or any of its characters, I do, however, own my own characters.

As many of you may or may not remember, The Lion King characters appeared in my last fanfic, Power and Peace, which is not a canon based story but important just the same. While some elements of the story will appear in this new one, it is important that you know Power and Peace in order to understand this as some of the characters will appear. Power and Peace was generally a story based on peace and what it takes to achieve a said peace but this story however will be very different.

So, I hope you enjoy this. Let's get started…

Prologue: The New King

The sun slowly rose over the darkened land now coating everything in brilliant orange and red colors. A wind spread over the land, going to all corners as if saying, 'Awaken and go to Pride Rock, for a special ceremony is about to take place'

All the animals that lived in the Pridelands felt the wind blow and they rose, leaving their territories heading to the home of the lions. Herbivore, insectivore and carnivore traveled together, not caring that they were not among their own species.

As they walked, a roar sounded, splitting through the quiet air. Heads were sharply lifted and ears erect. They knew. It was the roar of the second Prince of the Pridelands. After while the animals in front, looked up at the stone of Pride Rock, seeing a lion with a mane of pitch black colorings and a slightly large brown colored body. At his side was a dark blue grayish mandrill and it was easy to recognize who they were. They were the shamans of the Pridelands.

The mandrill and his lion apprentice lifted their heads to the sky, feeling the winds gentle embrace. The lion stretched his neck as the winds blew through his mane and he turned to his teacher.

"They've all gathered Rafiki," he said softly.

"Yes Arif," the mandrill replied, wrapping an arm around the lion's neck. "Now, you go and make sure de pride and de guests are prepared."

The prince nodded and walked down the stone. When he reached the cave, the lionesses were coming out. He smiled and dipped his head. They bowed in respect and sat down, splitting themselves into two lines that started at the entrance of the cave. Arif watched and noticed two lions, a lioness and three very young cubs with spots on their backs, each hanging from the adults' mouths. After them a lion with a dark brown pelt and a pure white colored lioness followed.

When they took their seats, the prince saw a cheetah come up the steps. Arif shook his head. "Kahuni, shouldn't you be with your family?" he asked in slight amusement.

The cheetah laughed. "As the royal advisor it is my place to be amongst the royal family, Prince Arif. Zazu did it for years and has his successor I intend to carry on the traditions." Kahuni gave a bow and walked to the guardians. A white lion gave the majordomo a gentle head nuzzle. Arif's smile grew. Even the new majordomo left his family's side to be with them.

As he headed towards the den, the brown lion left his mate's side and came up to him. Arif noticed and bowed his head. The lion touched the prince's shoulder with a paw. "Lift your head Prince Arif. When I am in your lands, I am your guest. You do not need to pay me or my mate homage."

The shaman slowly did as told but tried to tear himself away from the lion's eyes. "King Seth," he said in a soft yet respectful voice. "Whether I am in your lands or you in mine, all respects to another leader must be paid." He paused. "If I may ask, did you and Queen Kendra sleep well?"

Seth chuckled. "Yes we did, thank you. It was a little weird but we managed. I thank you and your brother for all the hospitality and I am still deeply honored he sent us a messenger to inform us of his coronation. I only wish your cousin, Nishati, could've been here."

"Yes, I too wish he could have come but the Northlands are far from here. I do know that my father has been missing my aunt but they are with us in the spiritual presence, which is… almost as good."

Seth smiled and kindly turned, going to his mate, who nuzzled him as he sat beside her. The Queen of the Eastlands nodded to the prince and the two turned their attention to the beginnings of the celebration.

Seeing everyone settled, Arif went into the den. The guardians watched and a gray lion rose, pacing. The lioness looked at him with concern. "You're not worried about Arif are you?" she asked.

"No, it's Baraka," the lion replied, sighing. "I mean, I know he has no mate but still…" He dipped his head, his eyes to the ground but a smile came upon his face as his one of his cubs wrapped its small body around his forelegs. He lowered his head and kissed the cub's cheek, purring fatherly. He would worry about his friend after the ceremony. This was no time to feel depressed.

"Baraka's choice was his own," said a white colored lion. "We can't change it, but we can support him and be there when he needs us, which he will… now more than ever."

Kadiri smiled. "Well said Mabaki." The lion smirked while Kadiri's mate, Dailia, looked down at her cubs, her ears filled with the sound of the animals.


Arif stopped at the end of the cave. He turned to the left, his eyes shining in the dark with a smile on his face. "Akase, bring the cubs out to see the ceremony. Kadiri and Dailia have done the same for theirs."

The light brown lioness lied on the floor of the den, looking at the three cubs that rested beside her. They still had spots on their backs but, like Kadiri and Dailia's, they managed to get around the cave without trouble. The cubs lifted their heads, staring at their father with curious eyes.

Akase thought for a moment. "Arif, are you sure? They're so young …"

"Be at peace my dear," the prince whispered. "I'm sure Baraka would like it… And maybe my - our - ancestors will bless them as they did when they were presented."

"It doesn't seem long does it," she said in reply. "But, you're right." She looked up at him with a more relaxed expression. She nodded. "I'll take them out."

Arif smiled. "Okay. I'll be out soon. I have to see my brother and parents." He hated to leave her in charge of their children alone but as a shaman, he had a duty to fulfill.

Akase nodded and licked his muzzle. "Alright…" She watched him look at their cubs one more time and depart to the back entrance. She rose to her feet, the cubs turning to her confused. She gently lifted the cubs from off the ground and walked to the front entrance, the cubs following close.

The moment she came out, the pride bowed. Akase sighed. Even after a year of being in the Pridelands she still wasn't used to the attention she received as Arif's mate. Though she was a princess by marriage she was not royalty. She smiled as she thought of how much her life had changed and she wished her mother had been alive to see how far she had come.

"I know you're with me mom," the princess whispered. "I see much of you in my cubs." She sat down and looked at her charges, chuckling as her daughter batted the wind with her paws. Akase sniffed the air and a moment a familiar scent reached her. Her eyes welled with tears. "Thank you mom," she said softly as she lied down on the ground, her cubs lying in her forelegs.


Still on the promontory, Rafiki lifted his hands to the sky. "Mufasa… may your great grandson be as good a king as you and Simba were…" he said in praise. A breeze swirled by him and he laughed, his eyes gleaming. "Yes, but even in my old age, I worry."

The animals and the pride waited patiently. Finally, Rafiki turned around and the pride turned their heads to the cave. They stood up straight, except for Akase and Dailia, who held their cubs in their but their heads were held high.

At last, they emerged. A large dark brown lion with a black colored mane, piercing green eyes and a scar above and below his left eye came out with a light orange crème lioness at his side. They stopped, sitting opposite the guardians and the lionesses. Akase looked up at her parent in laws, the former regents beaming at their grandchildren.

Soon after Arif emerged, walking with the same graceful form as his parents. The pride bowed and Arif smiled with love as he beheld his mate and cubs. He padded up the promontory to Rafiki and the mandrill wrapped his arms embracing him. Arif put a paw around his teacher's back.

Rising and standing beside his fellow shaman they watched as Baraka strode out of the cave, his red mane shining in the sun's light. Heads were bowed with smiles as he passed the lionesses and the guardians. He glanced at his parents, taking note of their proud gazes. Seeing Arif and Rafiki at the near tip of the promontory Baraka stopped and embraced the mandrill then nuzzled his brother.

The shamans turned and looked down at the crowd.

"Behold Pridelanders, on this day you shall have your new king," Arif said, his voice ringing loud for all the gathered to hear. "Rafiki and I present to you a lion who is a brother, a son, and whose name shall live on even when he passes to the stars."

Rafiki spoke next, his hands lifted to heaven. "And may his ancestors and all kings and queens of de past bless him, guide him and protect him as he begins de next step in de Circle of Life. May his family shower him with love and support and may he rule in de ways of old leaders. Animals of de Pridelands, Prince Arif and I present to you Prince Baraka…"

The two shamans separated as Baraka walked between them. Arif could tell his brother was nervous and gave him a gentle nuzzle of reassurance. The older lion smiled and stepped up to the promontory, breathing a sigh. As he faced the animals below, he wasn't sure if he should make a speech or roar.

"Pridelanders," he began with a strong yet nervous voice. "Our lands have had a long, glorious yet trying history but we have always managed to pull through. As many of you know or have been told throughout the years, the Pridelands have had many good kings, two of which are now recognized as Great Kings… my late grandfather Simba and his father Mufasa my great grandfather. I am a proud descendant of them as is my brother your future shaman, Prince Arif. We are of their blood and are proud to carry on the line of royalty. My dear mother, Kiara, is the daughter of the late King Simba and shares the same blood as Arif and myself. And it was not long ago that you were summoned by the gods and the winds to see the presentation of my brother and sister-in-law's cubs that are the future of the Pridelands…" He paused. "Now you are here again for my coronation…" The animals cheered. Baraka couldn't help but smile. "I promise to be as good a king as my grandfather. Simba was wise, intelligent and gentle. He cared about each and every one of you so, I will do the same. Not because he did it, because it is the right thing. All kings should care about their subjects."

The large animals cheered and stomped their hooves while the smaller ones jumped in the air in response to the lion's words but they quickly quieted as he continued.

"I cannot promise that I will rule exactly that way my grandfather did but I will try to meet all of your needs."

Applause and more cheers rang through the assembly. Arif and Rafiki looked at each other sharing smiles then looked at the sky, watching a large beam of sunlight shine down from the heavens, landing on Baraka, illuminating him in the glow. The animals remained silent but held their faces up to the promontory in awe, knowing the ceremony was not over.

The redmaned lion stood high and strong on the stone and lifted his own head to the sky, watching as a wind fell on him, circling around his body. For the first time since the day began, he smiled and stretched his neck out to embrace the wind. Arif and Rafiki nodded with pride at the ancestral blessing.

Near the cave with her mate, Kiara sniffed the air, sighing with sadness and a mixture of happiness. The air carried two familiar scents. She bowed her head but Kovu nuzzled her, purring gently. The Princess Regent just rested her head on his shoulder.

Baraka looked up at the sky and let out a loud, powerful roar. Behind him, Arif's roar followed, including a chorus of roars from the pride, their guests and his family. Baraka felt the ground under his paws shake as he let out his call of acceptance of ruling. In his thoughts he wondered if this is what the Eastlander king felt at his ceremony. Baraka let out a sigh and stared up at the sky, feeling the invisible presence of his ancestors. He turned to the right and left of him, his eyes giving off a pained look. He felt like crying.

"It was my choice," he said to himself bitterly. "No one can change it…" Baraka sighed but held his head proudly. He turned and walked down the promontory to join his pride and fellow rulers.

Arif watched and sighed but Rafiki placed a hand on his shoulder. The teacher and apprentice exchanged glances, silently knowing what went through the new king's mind.

"He'll be okay Arif," said the mandrill. The Prince just nodded.


At midday, Baraka rested beside a waterhole, his mind in a haze. Before he left to walk around his lands, Kahuni said he should visit the animal leaders. To Baraka's relief Kovu interrupted saying that the king needed time alone to reflect on his new and heavy responsibility. The son was grateful to his father.

After a few hours, Baraka rested in the grass beside a waterhole, thinking. His tail tapped and his face held mixed confusion and pride. He was glad to be the new leader and continue the legacy given so long ago but compared to past leaders; he was different.

"Dad," he said to himself. "How did you manage to gain the animals' trust? It must've so been hard with what you were trained to do."

"It was hard at first but the moment you and Arif were born they decided that I wasn't so bad after all," said a voice from behind him.

Baraka slowly turned to see Kovu at his side. He smirked. "So it helped that Arif and I were brought into the world huh? Well, at least we have some use."

Kovu smiled. "Not just that son… now your presence in the world is all the more needed. You're king now." He walked to the waterhole and drank, Baraka watching silently. "And your mother and I know you'll do fine," Kovu said, lifting his head, water dripping from his chin.

Baraka rose and drank but after, he faced his father with an unsure gaze. "Yes, I know. But most kings have…" He stopped and shook his head.

The Prince Regent and lowered his head. "Baraka…" he began with a soft voice. "It… it's clear to me, to all of us that you weren't ready to take a mate. And it was your choice." He emphasized his last statement. Baraka turned from him. "You've always been good at making choices in your life. This is no different."

"Yes it is Dad," the new king hissed. "In the entire monarch history of the Pridelands, there has always been a king and a queen. And now because of me and my inability to find a good mate, my rule will begin and end with one thing: Being a king, never having a queen. And with no queen there will be no heir. That's how I'll be remembered." His green eyes snapped.

Kovu came up and gently put a paw on his son's shoulder. "You just weren't ready. There is no harm in that. All the lionesses understand and they still see you as a good lion and a good king."

Baraka closed his eyes, an emotional pain washing over him. "Father… there have only been three lionesses born in the Pridelands. Lionesses I grew up with. Kadiri found himself a wonderful partner in Dailia, but those two have a special bond, something that doesn't happen, at least not often. Then there's Mabaki but he just wants to live out his life here with us. And Arif… he found his mate by a stroke of luck. Akase is a good lioness who's been through a lot in her life. Maybe…" He walked a few steps ahead, pawing at the blades of grass. "Arif just happened to be there when she came to the Pridelands with King Seth's message." He managed a smile. "And he does love her. Their cubs… they'll have good parents raising them."

"Don't forget Baraka, you're the uncle. That's a good honor. It was for me when Nishati and Hidaya first came to the Pridelands with Vitani and Azekel."

"Dad, you didn't come here just to cheer me up." Baraka turned to face his father. "Why are you here?"

Kovu sighed. "I heard that King Seth and Queen Kendra plan to return to the Eastlands today. I told him that I'd come get you so you could see them off."

"Where are they?"

"They're at Pride Rock…"

The king turned running in the direction of their home with Kovu behind him. When they arrived a few minutes later the Eastlanders and some of the Pridelanders were conversing. Baraka and Kovu padded over and Seth, who was in conversation with Arif, kindly left and came to his hosts.

"Baraka," the king said warmly, giving a nod to his fellow leader. Kovu left silently going to his mate and the Eastlander Queen leaving the two kings alone.

"Seth," Baraka began. "It doesn't seem long that I was in your lands and we stood like this… and, there's that." He gestured to his family, seeing them in a circle of harmony.

"Yes, I know my friend." He looked up at him. "Your ceremony was really wonderful, almost as good as mine, not that I'm comparing." That earned him a gentle shove.

"Thank you." Baraka suddenly lowered his head.

"You're gonna be a good king Baraka…" Seth offered kindly.

"I know." He just sighed and Seth, being silent for a minute, placed a paw on the older lion's shoulder. Baraka turned away, willing himself not to lose his temper.

"Baraka," Seth began slowly, feeling his friend shudder. "What I said, you know the day after my ceremony, about you finding someone… You will, I know it. One way or another, somehow, someway, you will find someone," he said in deep insistence but he paused and heard Baraka growl softly. He took his paw away. "Sorry," he said sincerely.

His eyes snapped for a moment but soon relaxed. "It's okay. You were just curious, that's all. I respect that… I just hope you're right."

Seth only nodded but before he could speak more, Kendra came up to him. He smiled at her and they turned to the Pridelanders. Seth looked at Arif, his face serious. "Take care of Akase for us. Be good to her and your cubs. If you mistreat her in any way, my next visit won't be pleasant." He smirked and winked.

The shaman laughed. "Worry not your highness, I shall. I love that girl. Never in my life would I think of causing her harm or grief."

The two parties laughed softy and soon Seth and Kendra turned heading for their lands. The Pridelanders watched but Baraka's ears fell, the younger king's words ringing throughout his head.

Somehow, someway, you will find someone…

Baraka squeezed his eyes shut, his heart pounding. None of his family noticed. Kovu and Kiara, after seeing the Eastland leaders' forms vanish from their sight, the former rulers quietly slipped away. Arif also left to check on his family, leaving Baraka alone, as if knowing his brother wanted it. Baraka didn't really care. He welcomed the solitude. He felt he needed it while trying to be rid of the sudden anger he held in the moment but to no avail. Without realizing it, his fore claws came out of his paws and dug themselves into the earth.


In mid afternoon, the pride ate the kills from the previous night as it was wrong to hunt on the day of any special occasion. The lionesses ate leisurely but they always did. Mabaki ate his share and spoke with Kovu and Kiara. Kadiri and Arif had taken their shares of the kill into the cave to their mates. While the pride was in random conversation, a lioness rose and walked over to the platform stone where Baraka rested also eating. She sat down beside him, staring at him with a bemused expression.

Baraka felt her eyes on him. He sighed angrily in his mind but when he looked up at her, feeling the urge to throw up, he managed to smile… crookedly. "Hi Hasira," he mumbled.

She smiled. "Hey Baraka, enjoying the meal…?"

He shrugged. "Yes, thank you. How's yours?"

"It was good. Would you mind if I join you?"

Baraka's eyes widened. He didn't want her near him, knowing well what she would do or say. He couldn't bear it. He spoke, hoping his words wouldn't hurt her feelings. "Uh… thank you Hasira but I'd prefer if you didn't." Slowly, he met her gaze and continued, seeing her shocked face. "I mean… it's just today, my new position… it's overwhelming. I need time to adjust… so I'm sorry…" He truly was but in another state of mind he was something else.

Despite her disappointment, Hasira slowly nodded, her eyes flashing with a hint of anger but she kept herself in check. She looked down at him, wanting so much to nuzzle him or lick his cheek but again, she resisted the urge. "No, no," she said quickly. "I understand. You're a lion with a heavy burden on your shoulders." And you have no queen, she added in thought as she began to walk away, a smirk on her face. Maybe after awhile, when you realize you need help, you'll come to your senses about me, about us. I love you Baraka.

Baraka watched her go, shrugging. He hated the way she looked at him, her eyes always having the look that made him cringe not from fear but from something too difficult to describe. He despised it. He knew she did not love him for anything other than his position. When she left to join the other lionesses, he sniffed the air pulling his head back after a few seconds, shaking it in shock. Pheromones… He shivered. Hasira… I don't love you. I don't want you. Please, can't you just leave me alone?

Nearby Kovu and Kiara noticed their son and Hasira. They exchanged worried glances, sensing that Hasira could be trouble. Shrugging and focusing their attention on their meals, giving a confused Mabaki reassuring gazes, the Regents continued to eat but Kiara worried about her son.


The night air covered the Pridelands, the stars filled the sky. All animals were asleep, no creatures stirring. In the warmth of Pride Rock's den, the entire pride was in deep slumber, some close to keep warm, others not. The cubs slept beside their mothers, wanting to get as close to the adult warmth as they could.

The Princess Regent however, was unable to sleep and finally groaning softly, she opened her eyes, staring at the darkness. She looked at her mate, who rested on his side, dead to the world. She smiled and leaned over, licking his cheek.

"We can sleep in from now on Kovu," Kiara whispered. "We do deserve it." Slowly, so as not to wake him, she rose and began to make her way out of the den, carefully stepping over some of the lionesses. When she stepped out into the dark covered land, the coolness of the air struck her in the face. She smelled it, breathing heavily. As she looked around, she spotted a figure on the promontory. Her head tilted for a minute until she knew who it was.

Baraka… oh, my son, what are you doing out here?

Shaking her head, Kiara walked up the promontory, shuddering. She felt she was walking in the paw prints of her late father. It surprised her. She'd walked the promontory many times at night and never felt so amazed. But this night is different she said to herself. She eyed Baraka, who was very still. She sat down beside him. "Enjoying the air," she asked.

Baraka's ear flickered and he turned, seeing the golden form of his mother at his left side. He sighed and nodded. "There's a nice breeze. Helps clear the mind," he said, staring into the lands.

"Why are you out here Baraka? You should be asleep," Kiara intoned but she saw him lower his head. She put a paw over his. "You couldn't sleep again could you? Have another dream?" He shook his head, 'no'. She tried something else. "Needed to be out here… away from everyone?" That was it. He nodded, 'yes' Kiara let out a pained sigh. "Baraka, I know I've told you this, your father too but… Take your time, picking… or choosing…" She stumbled, unable to find the words to describe her son's situation. He had had this trouble since cubhood. He would play with the female cubs but as far as showing affection such as a, nuzzle or a friendly lick, he could never do it. Rafiki said there was nothing wrong with him, that he was fine. She and Kovu always believed that, never knowing that there was something more, something only Baraka himself knew.

"Mother…" Baraka began, playing at the ground with his right paw. "Please, I know you, Dad and the others want to help me but I assure you, I don't need it. Not with the king stuff, yet and certainly not with the other. I am set in my ways." He tried so hard not to raise his voice. He turned to her, hoping he hadn't hurt her feelings but she looked at him, almost unmoved with an expression of wisdom he had never seen on her face. It surprised him. She looked older and wiser. "I'm sorry," he said honestly. "But, really, I'm fine. I just… I just need time? I'm not sure… please…"

Kiara smiled. "It's okay Baraka. You have time. You will find someone…" Before he could reply, she nuzzled him and turned, going back into the den.

He watched her go with a turned head and confused, searching eyes. When she disappeared, Baraka felt his heart shatter, his mind buzzing. He turned back to the skies, looking at the stars. He wondered if the kings and queens of the past were up there looking down on him. He lowered his head, his mane falling, his eyes clouded with coming tears. He felt dizzy. "Yeah, I bet they're watching over me… Me, a king, with no mate to bring support or take care of the pride in my absence… Why? Why me? Why did my brother find happiness and a family? I don't envy him at all but… how did he get so… blessed?" He shut his eyes. "That's the meaning of my name! Maybe mom and dad got our names wrong? Or our personalities mixed up? I'm just as knowledgeable as he is! How in the name of the gods did he get so lucky?"

He snarled softly, mentally hitting himself for thinking about his brother's happiness in the worst way possible. Envy, jealously, anger, pain and frustration… He sank low to the cold ground onto his stomach, putting his paws over his head, near weeping, tears, small, leaking from his eyes.

"No… don't talk, like that and don't think like that," he reminded himself. "That's what caused your great-great uncle Scar to feel towards his own brother, your great grandfather. Don't let history repeat Baraka. You're stronger than that…"

But now, he wasn't so sure and he had only been king a day. Could he endure without a mate, without someone to bear the title his own grandmother bore for so long, the title queen? He knew himself that there were many good lionesses his age in the pride, at least two. One, he did love but only as a friend. The other… Hasira… He growled. He wanted nothing to do with her; he could not love her even if he wanted to. The meaning of her name and the way she lived up to it sent shivers down his spine.

He put a paw on the ground and another over his face, weeping again, the tears coming out of his eyes so hard, he fought desperately to keep his composure. He wished his mother hadn't left, he wished for her to come back and comfort him, like a new mother would comfort her wailing cub. He wasn't wailing now but wasn't far from the act. He was in pain, a pain he felt no one would be able to understand. He needed someone, he needed a mate. He needed someone who would hold him, kiss him gently, purr reassuringly in his ear and let him know he would be fine as a king, a son, a brother and an uncle. Someone who would understand his emotional suffering… but there was no one.

Tears fell from his muzzle and onto the ground and he buried his face in his paws.

Author's Note: Okay, that's the beginning, hope it was good.

Next time: The new cubs are at play while the king and his brother shaman deal with the king's problem…

In case you're wondering or forgot, here are the meanings of my characters: Baraka 'blessings', Arif 'knowledgeable', Kadiri 'capable', Dailia 'gentle', Mabaki 'balance', Hasira 'anger', Kahuni 'law'