This is my first fanfiction so i'm open to any criticism (preferably constructive.)
I also wrote this fic because I believe the best character in kingdom hearts isn't written about enough. High fives for all those who have submitted a fanfic about Axel.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or anyting associated with Square Enix, Disney, etc. (I do own my OC's though. You steal them you die! XD)
"I always had a bad feeling about Sark, always. But no, no one ever listens to me!" Neira vented angrily. Her captain, and leader of the king's army, just rolled his eyes.
"We all had a funny feeling around him, but what's done is done. We'll do everything we can from here on out. He won't have that many followers." Drake assured his team. Everyone in the room pondered this thought. How many would be behind him? Being the Lord, and adviser of the king himself, several public people knew him, and trusted him. They might even trust him more than their own king. These were times of confusion.
A deadly virus had been taking out many citizens, it killed hundreds and there was still no cure; many wondered who really to trust. Lord Sark had been secretly plotting to take over the king, always craving more power. What better opportunity than when the city was in a wide state of panic? So he promised to rid the place of the sickness, if they would be rid of the king first.
"I doubt he even has the cure, he's just lying through his teeth." Neira continued in her anger. "I hope it comes back and bites him in the…" She was cut off before being able to continue.
"That's enough Neira." That was Drake's way of saying: Remember your place. After all, he was still first in command, her second. She just rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and let him speak.
"Tonight we go out and meet him; you all know the time and place. If it comes to a fight, it should be relatively easy since we have skills compared to grabbing a weapon and hitting whatever comes into view." He paused and added. "He'll get what's coming to him."
Everyone agreed quietly, walking out of the house to go inform their ranks and sections. Neira walked over and sat down, tired of leaning up against the wall, sighing. Drake came and sat across from her at the kitchen table. "You should be getting some rest." He told her. She just replied with a shake of the head. When her eyelids began to droop a few seconds later she figured he was right and went to her room.
There she quietly undressed and sat up in bed, worry worming its way into her heart. She looked across her bed to the mirror near her closed closet doors. Her gray eyes were filled with concern, shoulder length straight blonde hair up in a messy bun that looked deflated.
She lay down and slowly drifted off to sleep, one topic flying through her brain for a second before. "How many will we have to kill?" It echoed around her brain before dreams took her. Tomorrow they would have to fight against innocent citizens.
Waking up early the next day, she got dressed quickly, putting on her black capris with several pockets. Then her close fitting gray tank and after this she put her hair up messily with a few hair clips, leaving two thick bangs to fall into her face. Taking black gloves, both fingerless, she put them on and grabbed a roll of black tape. This she wound around her wrists and palms tightly, which she needed for what came next. She grabbed up a belt and slung it around her hips. One blade fell on each hip, sheathed and ready for action. She withdrew one of them, examining it closely.
The weapon was really more like a dagger or a katana, two or three hands long fingertip to fingertip, long and skinny from hilt to point. The hilt was a simple black, the blade purest of silver. She didn't think of them as blades, but more of an extension of her arm. Sighing into the mirror one last time, she exited her room and walked out to meet Drake in the kitchen, sitting at the table.
It didn't surprise her to find him already awake, dressed, and ready for action. She sat down and he handed her a cup of coffee. Before sipping it though, she looked into his brown eyes for good or bad news, any news.
He simply reached across the table, putting his hand overtop hers. "I hate going in unprepared too." They sat there for awhile and she smiled looking at the clock and nodding towards the door.
"Let's go show him whose boss." She smirked before both got up to go meet the rest of the army a mile away from the field outside the city limits. Lord Sark had suggested that area. Actually, he had more like commanded it. Neira didn't smile much after that, knowing she might have to kill people she knew if they got in the way of their mission: Kill Lord Sark. What friends of hers had joined him? She soon felt a warm arm wrap across her shoulders, and she knew it was Drake's.
The rest of the early dawn was spent on grouping together their forces, and talking strategy about an area they knew close to nothing about. Neira, with her extension of her arms, was good at close contact battle, being on the frontlines. She also was great weaponless. Hand to hand combat was easy since she had always been particularly interested in martial arts. A last minute option that wasn't the wisest of choices was always snapping someone's wrist for a weapon if she had lost hers.
"We move out now!" She heard Drake calling over the crowd. She watched as they all formed into rank, her at the head next to the captain. They moved quickly, getting there within an hour. Just on time to meet him.
He was about a football field away, walking towards them. When he had covered about half the distance and they still couldn't see any followers, hushed tones of humor began to spread around the group. Drake called out to him. "You still chose to come alone?" Humor was dripping even in his voice.
But still, Sark continued to stand there, almost looking….smug? Neira's brows furrowed and she leaned over to Drake. "Something here isn't fitting the puzzle." She whispered concernedly. Drake nodded his head in agreement, before whispering back a command for her to issue. "Kill him."
Neira turned and yelled this out over the crowd before running forward after Drake to start the fight. He of course got there first, the two swords clashing together up top. Neira was just a few paces behind, jogging up to help when several things happened at once. She was only a steps behind him and to his right slightly, able to see something black and beady eyed vault out of the ground towards his side.
She leapt forward to protect him, only to soar straight through the thing, which had sunk back into the ground. Drake had seen it though, and saw the smug look on Sark's face. Soon, there was an army of these things behind him.
Neira blinked as she stood up off the ground, only to see that they were losing. And the creatures weren't all little anymore either. Some were fat; others were white and skinny, some better fighters than some of their soldiers.
"What are these things?" A horrified question issued from her mouth. She quickly saw Drake still fighting Sark, and decided to help everyone else. Deciding to start out small and work her way up she quickly leaped at a white thing, easily killing it. Once you get used to the fact that they were smart and not easily taken down like expected, they weren't impossible to kill. After a mere few though, she already had bloody scratches all over her legs. So when a huge black thing stood up behind Sark, she knew Drake didn't have a chance.
It appeared like a double Sark, either a decent foot taller. It drew out a sword and Neira saw who it was aiming for, and who Drake was aiming for. He could kill Sark, but not without taking a death blow from his double. Her heart split in two just then, and she made a decision of her own.
She ran through a mass of the creatures, and threw herself in the path of the twin. She could hear Sark's cry of pain, and soon realized with anguish after happiness that her own blades were hardly restraining the demon. It took its blades off of hers, and lunging hit hers again. This brought her to her knees, and within seconds, its blade glanced down hers and disappeared. It wasn't until it reappeared bloody and he walked away that the pain hit her and she realized what had happened.
Her hand went to her stomach and withdrew covered in blood. Everything soon started getting fuzzy after that, and she somehow lay down on the ground. Drake came over to her a minute later, his lips moved and he had a worried look on his face, but she didn't hear anything come out. In fact, there was no sound or feeling anymore. His hand was soon at her face, and she managed to move her hand to his, white spots entering the corners of her eyes.
She started getting annoyed that she couldn't communicate, and formed the words "I can't hear you." Having no idea if they were literate or not. He must have understood since he stopped talking. The white spots were closing in fast. She tried blinking them away, only to get a clear image of him for a second. He mouthed the words slowly. "I love you." After that he just held on tightly to her hand, or what she guessed he was doing, the feeling in her body was gone.
She whispered it back and fell asleep for good, letting the darkness take her.
A/N This is just how she died basically. The real story kicks up next chapter. R&R please!