The Golden Pheonix

Summary: Hey everyone, this is a sequel to my Sakura and Itachi story. Kenji, Naomi, Narata, all in there teens, and Sasuke and Nina have a kid named Kenny.Naomi is at the top of the class and she graduated as a chunin, but Naomi has a secret that only Kenji know's. Naomi has The Golden Pheonix Demon inside her. Now Naomi and Kenji go on a mission to see how she got it. Join them as they face danger, love, and betrayal.


Itachi and Sakura decided to move back with the Akatsuki, because they wanted him back. Kakashi had given a neclace like what Sakura had so Naomi and Kenji could still visit the Leaf whenever they wanted. Kenji was 15 and Naomi was 13 and they were very close as sister and brother. Naomi was on her way home when she ran into Narata "oh hey Narata how are you" she asked. Narata smiled "not bad, yourself" she replied.

Naomi grinned "im fine" she said. Narata blushed "h-how's Kenji" she asked "he's fine, man just tell him how you feel about him" Naomi told Narata. You see Narata has a crush on Kenji and just like her mother used to do, she always studder's and blushes around him. Naomi wanted to get the two together, but when it came to love, Kenji is the complete opposite. Kenji never really cared about relationships much he alway's trains most of the time.

Then Naomi got an idea "I know, how about you come with me to see Kenji, if its alright with your parents" she suggested. Narata smiled "o-ok i'll ask" she said, and so they both made their way to Narata's house. Of corse Naruto said that narata could go and so did Hinata "man i wish my parents were like your's" Naomi joked. Narata smiled "your parents are fine Naomi, they love you and thats all that matters" she told her best friend.

Naomi smiled at Narata "your an awsome friend, you know that" she said to Narata. Narata smiled back "thanks, your an awsome friend aswell" she replied. Just then Kenny ran up to them "oh hey Kenny" Naomi said "hi Naomi, Narata" he replied. After talking for a while Naomi and Narata continued there way to the Akatsuki base. When they were almost there Narata asked a question "how do you all fit inside the base" she asked. Naomi grinned "you've never been here before have you" Naomi replied. Narata shook her head "nope, i haven't" she said.

Naomi looked up at the sky "you'll see when we get there" she said. They arrived at a clearing "well, here we are" Naomi said. Narata looked around "I don't see anything" she told Naomi. Naomi started doing a few hand signs and a huge building appered "wow, ok that answered my question" Narata said. Naomi turned to face Narata "you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this place ok" she said. Narata knodded "don't worry, your secret is safe with me" she replied. Naomi grinned "now thats the Narata I know" she said and they walked into the base.

Narata was nervous "I-I don't know any of the Akatsuki exept for your mother and father" she said. "don't worry Narata" Naomi reassured her friend. Kisame came running down the stairs "hey Kisame" Naomi said "hi Naomi...oh and who's this" kisame said looking at Narata. She hid partly behind Naomi "don't worry little girl, I won't hurt you" Kisame said. Naomi smiled "this is Narata, Hinata and Naruto's child and my best friend, she's really shy just like her mother" Naomi replied.

Kisame grinned "hello Narata, Naomi has told me much about you" he said. Narata smiled "h-hello Kisame" she replied.Then Kenji came down the stairs "oh hey sis, oh Narata hi" he greeted them. Narata blushed "h-h-hello Kenji" he said "why do you alway's blush Narata" Kenji asked. Narata blushed even more "something you know nothing about Kenji" Naomi said. Nenji just shrugged "whatever" he said and went into the kitchen.

Naomi sighed and looked at her best friend "don't worry, he'll get it someday" she told Narata. Kisame grinned even more "well, I see you have a little crush on Kenji" he said to Narata. She looked away, kinda sad and embarrased. Kisame shook his head "sorry, don't know anything when it comes to romance" he said and walked away. Naomi grinned "I know who can help you, my mom" she said to Narata.

Narata looked away "I don't know.." she said "she helped your mom get your dad, she's really good when it comes to romance" Naomi said. Narata sighed giving in "alright" she said only to be dragged up the stairs by Naomi's impressive strength. Naomi had led Narata to a room right in the middle of a bunch of door's. Naomi knocked "mom, if your in there, I need some help with something" she said.

Itachi opened the door "hey dad, is mom in there" Naomi asked "no, she's probably out on a mission" Itachi replied. Naomi sighed "sorry Narata, looks like you'll have to wait" she said. Narata groaned "im doomed to a world of lonleyness for the rest of my life" she said dramatically making Itachi and Naomi look at her. Itachi was the first to speak "what do you need help with?" he asked. Naomi grinned at her dad "trust me, only mom can help me with this, unless you know alot about romance" she said. Two seconds later, the door closed.Naomi laughed "he never really was the romantic type" she said making Narata laugh with her.


well there's my first chapter of my sequel, I won;t be updating soon, because schools almost over. I don't have internet, so i've been using the school computers to do my stories. Anyway's tell me what you think.