DISCLAIMER: Sweeney Todd belongs to Stephen Sondheim and is being used here without permission.
A/N: I wrote all the songs in this chapter myself. I know the title is silly, but the fic is actually pretty serious. I'm sure you'll all recognize where this scene begins from...
-- The Sea, and Your Knee --
"We could have a life, us two. Maybe not like I dreamed. Maybe not like you remember. But we could get by..." she said.
He turned to face her.
"I have to take care of my business with the judge, you know that," he began.
"I wasn't really listening,
When you sang about the sea,
I was brooding on my revenge,
The very thing for which you'd just scolded me,
I figured I should at least pretend to listen,
And I placed my hand upon your knee."
And before he could continue, she jumped in with:
"Ooh, Mr. Todd, you are an infuriating man!
At least one of us bothered to come up with a plan.
What'd you expect to do once the bloody judge is gone?
We can't just hang around here living in fear,
Waiting for the realization to dawn!
We'll have to leave, have to get gone,
Have to pack up, move out, move on."
He frowned.
"I always thought you'd stay here,
And continue to mind your shop,
And when my business was done,
I'd rejoin Anthony or go off on my own."
To which she replied indignantly:
"And who's been taking care of you all this time?
Do you honestly think you could manage it alone?"
He didn't answer immediately. She stepped closer to him.
"What would you do without me?" she aksed softly, laying her hands on his chest and leaning against him lightly.
A small eternity passed as he contemplated that situation, then his eyes fell shut and his arms closed around her.
"I don't know," he answered honestly.