standard disclaimer applied (starting to get bored of typing new ones)

I'm with the Band!

Chapter I

Shiina Yuya just did not understand what made her do this at the first time.

Alright, it was obvious that she first did this for the sake of her rising career; she is a journalist and new author that everyone in Tokyo is currently talking about, thanks to her written biography of Izumono Okuni, an infamous Playboy model with a unique and mysterious personality. The book was like no other; it is written in a creative, pop-like way that made readers felt as if they had some coffee talks with the model herself. It was definitely a career boost, and apart from her feature-writing job in a popular female magazine, she decided to make writing biography a serious career option. In order to achieve it, she need a follow-up to her first book, something that is at least as good and as interesting and as quirky as her first work.

When she first mention to her good friend Beni Tora, that day in Starbucks just after a tiring photo-shoot in Shibuya, that she intended to create another new book, her friend gave an unexpected suggestion.

"Yuya, why don't you write about The Shiseitens?" asked Tora, stirring his cup of coffee.

Yuya sipped her cup. "That popular rock band? The one with the gloomy lyrics, and old-fashioned rock style?" Yuya tried to imitate the way the singer's sang.

"Old-fashion, yes, their music is strongly influenced by The Doors, Led Zeppelin, and Janis Joplin, but they're great! And they have this unique traits about them… did you know that their vocalist is actually a guy?" Tora happily talked about the band. Judging from the picture in his T-shirt, and that red bandana on his head, he understood pretty well about the J-rock industry.

Yuya dropped her spoon. "No way…!"

"Yes, it's true! And their front man and guitarist also has his own record label and clothing-line… and their pianist was once trained in the national orchestra! They're interesting, and quirky, just like Okuni… it would be great to write about them!" Tora has forgot to breathe as he continued to talk.

Yuya nodded. "Yes, Tora! That would surely be nice! Now I just have to create a good concept and find a contact, then offer them my concept…"

Tora smiled arrogantly. "That wouldn't be a prob. The guitarist? Kyo? He's a good buddy of mine back then in high school. And we're still pretty close," he folded his arms in front of his body. "I'll give you their contact number."

Yuya screamed happily. "That's very kind of you!! Thanks, Tora!"

But before she realized it, Tora grabbed his camera and quickly took a picture of smiling Yuya. "No problem. I already got my payment."

Tora, who had a crush on Yuya but was rejected years ago, knows really well that Yuya hates being photographed without her consent.

Today, just weeks after that life-turning conversation in the coffee shop, Yuya found herself sitting nicely at the backstage of The Shiseitens show, in a rock club somewhere downtown. The club was not really big, and the fact that a band as big as The Shiseitens would perform today on its stage, had made audiences exploded to maximum capacity, and the sound of their screaming can be heard clearly in the artists' room.

The artists' room was not really big, and the moment Yuya arrived in that room, she had began to feel uncomfortable. Cigarette smokes were everywhere (Great, the last thing I need, Yuya thought), and the coffee table was crammed with snacks and beers. In the other side of the room, there was a table full of the band members' things, where in front of it, the band's drum player, Bontenmaru, was using a chair as his drums, warming up for the performance. Beside him, Hotaru, the bass player, was practicing with his bass guitar. There was also a big mirror with lots of light bulbs on its frame, where the lead singer, Akari, was putting his make-up on. Akira, the pianist, was talking on the phone to someone. Accompanying Yuya sitting on the gigantic, hard couch is the band manager, Sanada Yukimura.

He was an elegant man who knows how to please a girl, and looks and smells really great. His jet-black hair was layered, long and sleek –Yuya suspected that his hair went to the hairdresser more often than hers. He wore a white shirt that was half-opened, revealing his smooth chest, and a dark-colored jeans and boots. He smelled like Calvin Klein, and it made Yuya felt messy as a girl –she wore a purple t-shirt with artistic designs, a black cardigan, blue jeans, and she also had this green postman bag, with her straight blonde hair in a low ponytail as usual. As they talk, Sanada put his head on his hands lazily, while watching Yuya talk with this admiring look, making Yuya felt as if she was out in a date with a gigolo or something. But he was really nice.

"As you can see, Yuya-san, we rarely had gigs in this kind of places… but the boys insisted to take this job, they really love the atmosphere of these kind of places… what options do I have but to make them happy?" Sanada talks, moving his hands lightly. "Besides, it would be good to prepare them for our big tour."

Yuya sipped her can of beer –she was careful not to drink too much, as she was here for work. "That would be interesting. I'm really looking forward to that tour, it would be one of the crucial point of my book."

"Really? Yeah, about the book project…," Sanada paused for a while. "Oh, here comes Kyo!"

Yuya heard a door being shut. As she turned her head, out from the bathroom, is the band's guitarist and frontman, Kyo. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a torn jeans, and Adidas shoes, his look was casual with some rock-gothic touch. As he saw Yuya, he gave a cynical smile and reached out his hand to shake with hers. "Shiina Yuya? I'm Kyo."

"Hi, I'm Yuya. Nice to meet you, Kyo," Yuya said, shaking hands with Kyo, suddenly felt slightly nervous.

Kyo grabbed a chair and sat in front of Yuya, facing her.

"So, you are the one who called two days ago, a friend of Tora, eh?" Kyo lit his cigarette as he talks.

"Yes, we work in the same magazine…," answered Yuya, a big sweatdrop appeared on her head. Yes, I've called YOU two days ago, which means our appointment could be made easier. But why do you have to throw me away to your manager, and now we have to meet in such a loud and smoky place? Celebrities. Ah. Never mind, Yuya nagged in her mind.

"So, let's just get to the point. I prefer to be straight forwarded when it comes to business…," Kyo blew some smokes from his cigarette. "I heard that you have something to offer us."

"Yes!" answered Yuya. With big spirit, she got her computer out and turn it on. A few seconds later, she turned her computer around, so that either Sanada or Kyo could see it clearly. There she has made a Power Point presentation on her book concept.

"So what I would like to do is to make a biography of you guys, the Shiseitens. And this would not be just another biography; it's not going to be boring, it's not going to be like a history book. It's going to be more of an adventure novel," Yuya explained confidently. "I have made some research about you guys. And I found out that next month you are going to held a national tour, and it is an important one, as it is going to promote your new album and celebrate your sixth anniversary as a band."

"I think it would be appropriate to capture every moments of this fantastic tour, good and bad, every single one of them, in my book as a way for you and your fans to interact," Yuya continued. "Because I, and everyone in Japan, notices that you guys are a unique band. Your music, your personalities, your success. I believe that you guys have stories to tell, and your fans are eager to found out about it."

"So, you are going to write about the band's journey in the tour? It would be more like a travel story then… where are you going to put the history of the band, the biographical bits?" asked Sanada, looking skeptical. While Sanada made critical comments, Kyo just sat still, puffing smokes.

Yuya smiled. "Sanada-san, have you ever read Harry Potter?"

Sanada seemed a bit surprised. "Why, sure… who haven't?"

"In that book, we can see how the character moved along with the storyline in a linear way; facing up to the future, enduring upcoming issues. But along the way, as the character moves to meet his future, his pasts are being open up as well, through the small details that he found on the journey," Yuya explained. "And this book is going to be just like that. I am going to make records of your journey. But along the way, I will also made interviews with you guys and found out about your history, the band's history and each of you. And then as I edit the book, I will insert it nicely among the journey's tales."

"That sounds nice! Then it would really feel as if the readers really made a journey with us, and chatted with us during flights or stuffs!" Sanada commented, seemed happy with the concept. Kyo remained quiet, watching the presentation closely.

Yuya bit her lips happily. "Correct. And I'm pretty sure that I have the right skills for it. I also bring you guys some references," she took a copy of Okuni's biography out from her bag, putting it on the table. "This is my first book, and Her Poise was Made of Secrets. It has received some good critics and stayed on the best-seller for two weeks."

Sanada made a loud "oh!" sound, and picked up the book. "I've read this one, only the first two chapters though… but I would definitely read more, if only I had more free time! So it was you who wrote it… nice…."

Finally Kyo made some moves. "Honestly, I like your ideas. And it's such a great coincidence, I've been thinking about creating a book about us in these past weeks. And then suddenly you came. Great," Kyo muttered. "So what do you say, Sanada, eh?"

"I'd say, we should make a deal with this lady. I believe that this would be a good marketing strategy. It would be another good range of merchandise for the fans; and for those who are not, it will help to attract them," said Sanada.

Kyo gave his trademark cynical smile. "Well then, Yuya. It's a deal then."

He reached out his hand to shake with hers again, which she shook happily. "Oh no, Kyo, it is I who is most grateful!"

Sanada started to moves busily and muttered about "the perfect day to sign the deal".

"I'm glad that we can finally put our story to print. You see, this band, is everything for me…," said Kyo, watching his fellow band mates doing their things. "It's what I've been dreaming of, and they also help me to reach the other dreams that I had…"

"Like Tenro Records and Red Eye Clothing?" asked Yuya, lifting her eyebrows.

Kyo sucks his cigarettes. "So you already know quite well. Great. I think we can get a lot from you." He put his cigarette away.

"And you're also pretty cute!!" Kyo yelled, and began to hug Yuya from behind, and started to tickle the girl's body.

"No, don't…," Yuya shouted, but her voice was drowned with a loud banging of the artists' room door.

It was opened, and this lady, carrying a clipboard and walkie-talkie, entered the room. "Attention, guys!! Ten minutes to show. Please come with me!"

"Okay, thanks, Kosuke!" shouted Bontenmaru. He and Hotaru got up, and Hotaru put his bass guitar on the table, and walked away without it. "Take it with you, idiot, you're goin' to perform!" Bontenmaru slapped the boy's head.

Akari posed in front of the mirror, making sure that he looked just fine for the show. Akira hang up and closed his mobile phone's flip, and put it safely in his bag. And much to Yuya's relief, Kyo finally let go of her and grabbed his guitar, and joined his friends to the stage.

Still panting for breath, Yuya felt someone tapped her shoulder. "Would you like to see them in action?" Sanada asked with a grin in his face.

The next moment Yuya found herself roaming the club's room, searching for the VIP seats that are especially reserved for Sanada. The room was really full of people; the smell of beers and cigarettes are in the air, and Yuya suspected there might be some weed as well. The crowd, who dress up in the way Japanese rock fans would, stood in a neat line, yet it still made Yuya felt breathless. Finally Sanada found their seats, and took her hand and brought her to where she (supposed to) belonged.

The VIP was comfortable; it was in form of comfy coaches, with coffee tables, and their location was slightly higher than the dance-floor where the crowd stood. Yuya can see the stage clearly, without having to stand on the tip of her feet. There were also some popcorns and drinks as well. "Ah! A good spot, isn't it?" Sanada sighed, letting himself fell to the couch. "Yes. Actually, I haven't been to any rock concert before. My musical taste was pretty much pop," said Yuya, sitting comfortably. "What! Well, you really have to join in our tour then!" Sanada shouted.

Just before Yuya had time to answer him, all the lights in the room suddenly went out. Some people were jeering and clapping and pointing to the stage, and the next moment, the sound of a piano could be heard.

It was melodious, and very pleasant to hear. Yuya thought of walking in the streets of Tokyo in summer as she listened to it, until suddenly, the beatings of a drum could be heard, and the music changed. Into rock. Pure rock.

"My, what the…," she was shocked by the change, totally unprepared for it.

Then she heard someone yelled on the stage. And all the lights returned.

Akari stood in front of the stage, walking in the most snobbish manner ever. He was followed by Kyo, rocking his guitar wildly. Akira was in the corner of the stage, busy with his electric piano, while Hotaru was in the other side of the stage, dancing mindlessly to the music as he played his bass guitar. And Bontenmaru was at the middle of the stage, a powerful background with his drum sets.

Did you see my summer passed like an orange turned into dust? You love me like the waves love the shore, you threw my life like a girl who hates her lover, a lover, oh!

Akari sings, his voices was kind of girly but it also has a certain depth in it, that Yuya cannot help but to adore. Along the song, there were some moments where Kyo helped doing the chorus bits, and Yuuya could tell, from the way the fans reacted, that Kyo is indeed the front-man of the band. Girls loved him, boys idolized him. All revealed nothing but the charm this man has, and Yuuya felt slighty in awe of it.

The first song ended. Akari greeted the audience happily.

"Konbanwa, minnaaaaaaaaaaaa…," his girly voice roared through the air. The crowds cheered. "It's great to be back here in 7th Heaven…," he said, while trying to fixed his messy hair.

"It reminded us of the day we got started, when we're just a group of eager musicians…," the crowd cheered again. "… and Bon was much skinnier back then, and Akira was this starving, geeky student in Toudai…," Akari told her stories.

"Shut up!" yelled Akira from behind his piano.

"Well, alright then. We had this small demo tape…," Akari continued to go on smoothly.

While he was talking to the audiences from the stage, Yuya breathed a sigh of relief. The first song was a bit too heavy for her taste, and her ear felt exhausted after it. "Phew! That song was a bit too heavy for my hearings… but I believe it was good, the crowd seemed to enjoy it," commented Yuya. "Really? Well, you really need a musical orientation, girl, I began to wonder what is inside your iPod…," replied Sanada, looking concerned.

"Stevie Wonder?" replied Yuya with a puzzled face.

Suddenly a sound of guitar rocking could be heard again, and Yuya turned, her ears are ready to face another attack of rock tunes. But something different came out. Instead of banging sounds that Kyo's guitar was expected to made, the music turned out to be pretty moderate. Rocky, but still great for accompanying yourself on a cozy walk on the city's park. And much to her surprise, Yuya enjoyed it.

"I think this one is my favorite…," yelled Yuya, trying to talk to Sanada. He did not answered, seeming to be lost in thoughts, enjoying the sounds the band made. Yuya turned her attention to the crowds instead, and found a rather similar view of fans dancing happily in an almost trance-like ambience.

She then turned to the stage, could see how Kyo seemed to really enjoy himself. Or maybe the company of his guitar and the music that he made. There were times were he smiled passionately or even laugh or sing, and his eyes were seemed to be gleaming with light.

Yuya was stunned. His eyes were gleaming with this scarlet gaze.

Somehow, somewhere deep in her heart, Yuya knew that this would be the most interesting project she ever did.