Pushed Away
The Epilogue
Week 23 Challenge
Frank Plum signed for the registered letter, looking at the postmark of Scranton. The back of the envelope had a returned address of
S Plum
3310 Willow Drive
Scranton, Pa 18504.
Opening the envelope was a letter in Stephanie's handwriting:
Dear Mom and Daddy,
I'm sorry I haven't contacted you sooner but I needed time to myself to work some things out. If you could come to the address above on Friday at 2, with Grandma of course, I'll explain everything.
If for some reason you can't or don't want to come, I'll understand.
Love always,
He handed the letter to his wife as he was dialing the phone.
"Hello," Stephanie said
Tears prang to his eyes just hearing her voice, "Pumpkin, we got your letter. We'll be there. Are you OK?"
"Hi, Daddy. I'm good. Everything OK with you and Mom?"
"Only that we miss you and can't wait to see you on Friday."
"I can't wait to see you. I'm sorry if you worried, but I needed to be on my own for a while, but you'll see on Friday. I love you, Daddy."
"I love you, Pumpkin."
Tank was opening a register letter addressed to him, Bobby, and Lester. He hadn't talked with Ranger in almost 6 weeks. The last time he talked with his best friend, Ranger sounded happy and relaxed enjoying his new son and being with Stephanie. He opened it and saw it was written by Stephanie.
Dear Tank, Bobby, and Lester:
Hope all three of you are doing well. Ranger and I would like you to come to 3310 Willow Drive in Scranton for 2 O'clock on Friday. We'll explain then. Also, would one of you drive Ranger's truck up here?
See you then,
Stephanie, Ranger, and Dylan
She enclosed a picture of Ranger sitting on the floor holding their son playing with little brightly colored cars and trucks. Smiles on both faces.
The Plums pulled up in front of a moderate sized white Victorian house with blue trim and octagonal tower in the front. They had passed a small park at the beginning of road with big Weeping Willow trees. There were old oak and maples lining this end of Willow Drive shading the well-maintained Victorian homes.
A young man wearing a dark blue shirt that read 'Scranton Security Services' was waiting on the sidewalk, "If you'll go around back, there are refreshments under the canopy. Stephanie and Ranger will be right out."
Frank, Ellen, and Grandma followed the stone sidewalk around the house into the back yard. Tank, Bobby, and Lester were sitting at a table under a white canopy. A table with a blue satin tablecloth was set up with beer and water bottles on ice, glasses for the ice tea in a pitcher.
"Do you know why we're here?" Frank asked the three Rangemen.
All shook their heads.
The backyard had roses growing all around it in pink, whites, yellows, and reds. A large white wrought iron gazebo was in the middle of the roses with pink trailing roses covering it.
The same young man whispered something to Frank. He nodded and followed him. As they were walking up on a deck, Ranger and another man came out.
"Frank," Ranger shook his hand and went down the steps to the gazebo dressed in grey tailored pants, cream dress shirt, and matching silk tie.
The young man held open for Stephanie's father to go inside. Waiting for him was his daughter in a long cream colored dress and a small baby in a little sailor suit.
"Pumpkin," hugging his daughter who he hadn't seen in months.
"Meet Dylan," putting the baby in his arms, "your grandson."
He looked down at the smiling baby boy, Stephanie's words sinking in to him, "A grandson," hugging him gently.
Stephanie picked up a bouquet of white roses and light blue delphiniums, "Ready, Daddy."
He shifted Dylan to his right arm and held up his left for Stephanie as they stepped out on the porch, walking to the gazebo.
Ranger caught his breath watching Stephanie walking towards him in her strapless wedding gown with its trailing lace. Dylan in a beaming Frank Plum's arms. Once Stephanie was standing next to Ranger, the minister motioned for the family to gather around. Ellen was kissing the gurgling little baby in her arms.
"Stephanie, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love."
"Ricardo, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love."
The minister finished, "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Ranger cupped Stephanie's face in his hands and kissed his wife, the mother of his son. Throwing her arms around his neck, Ranger swung her around laughing with her.
After everyone toured the Victorian house, Ranger explained, "The couple who owned the security office where Stephanie was working wanted to move to North Carolina to be near their daughter and family. I bought the business from them. It's a small security company. Stephanie, Dylan, and I are staying here for right now. I'm running it part-time. The physical therapist said the painting I've been doing in the house is good for my arm," showing it was without a cast and he could move his fingers and wrist with limited motion.
Holding Dylan in one arm and encircling Stephanie with the other, "This is home."
Stephanie's wedding dress is GB1003 at .