Alrighty so it's time for another fanfic, but this time it's not Brawl related

Alrighty so it's time for another fanfic, but this time it's not Brawl related. I've been on this massive EarthBound craze lately and Giygas (in his form from Mother 1/EarthBound Zero which was called Giegue) friggin' owns. So I wanted to write a fic about him somehow returning in that form -w-

And with me this time to help is Ness and Jeff :D



…and apparently that's all they have to say right now. So I'm going to shut up so we can start this fanfic :3

DISCLAIMER: I do not own EarthBound or any related characters like Ness, Paula or Giygas. So yeah…they belong to Nintendo and APE and whatever…


Chapter 1: Stranger?

The forest outside of Twoson was pitch black. The only sounds that could be heard were of the many animals that awoke during the night. Quickly and quietly a dark figure ran through the trees. He was running from something or someone. What it was he was running from he didn't know, he just knew that he was afraid and that he didn't want to be found. He was starting to run out of breath but he kept on running, still not knowing what or who was chasing him.

Soon the figure burst out of the trees and into a street. By this point he could barely run anymore he was so tired. He noticed a nearby building with some strange letters written on the roof and he wondered if anyone there would help him. Then again, why would anyone want to help him? He was a freak. After a moment of thought, he decided it was worth a try because even though he still had no clue who he was running from, he knew he wanted to get away. Slowly he made his way to the door, breathing heavily as it took all his might to reach it. He reached out to knock on the door and manage to knock twice before he collapsed onto he ground gasping for breath.

Meanwhile inside, a young girl was heading into the kitchen to get a glass of water when she heard the odd knock.

"Who could be knocking at our door at eleven o'clock at night?" she mumbled to herself as she approached the door. Slowly she turned the doorknob and opened the door. She peered outside and didn't see anybody at first until she looked down. "Oh my gosh!"


It was about seven o'clock in the morning at Onett. Much of the town was just waking up except for Ness who was sleeping the day away. He was so comfortable and he didn't need to get up anyway because it was Sunday. He could hear the phone ringing downstairs but he didn't care. It probably didn't concern him anyway. At least that's what he thought until his mom called up the stairs.

"Ness, are you up?" she called.

"Urrrgh…Mom! I'm trying to sleep!" Ness shouted back, which took all of his energy.

"Yeah well if I don't get you up now then you'll never get up! Besides, you have a phone call!"

"Who is it?"

"It's that girl from Twoson. What's her name…Paula right?"

"Paula?" Ness jumped out of bed. Now he was curious. He hadn't heard from Paula in awhile and he was hoping she'd call him sometime. Quickly he changed out of his pajamas and threw on his striped tee shirt, shorts and red baseball cap then headed downstairs. His mom was just talking with Paula while she waited.

"Oh! Here he is, you want to talk to him now?…okay here's Ness," she handed Ness the phone.

"Paula?" he asked.

"Ness! You need to come over here!" came Paula's immediate reply.

"Wait what? I just got up, it's like seven o'clock…"

"Well it's really important. There's something you need to see."

"Alright, I'll be over soon…see you then," Ness sighed. Paula said goodbye and he hung up. Ness slowly grabbed some cereal and milk for breakfast.

"So what was it she wanted?" Ness' mom asked him curiously.

"She wants me to come over as soon as possible," he replied as he poured the milk over his cereal ", She says she wants to show me something, I guess. So I'm leaving when I'm done."

"It's kind of early don't you think?"

"Maybe but whatever. I don't have much else to do anyway."

"Alright well, have fun and don't stay for too long okay?"



Ness had finished his breakfast, said goodbye to his mom and headed on his way downtown Onett. Onett seemed rather lively today which was odd for this time. As he passed the many buildings he noticed the police were asking many people about something.

Geeze did some kind of crime happen last night or something? He thought just as he was stopped by one of the officers himself.

"Erm…good morning officer?"

"Yes, yes, good morning. I just have to ask you a few questions," the officer stated ", Last night did you see a strange person sneaking around?"

Ness sighed and answered his questions ", No…"

"Did you hear any strange noises?"


"Did you—"

"Listen officer, I'm sorry but I didn't notice anything weird last night cause I was sleeping."

The officer paused for a moment then just decided it wasn't worth it ", Ah whatever, thanks for your cooperation." As he walked away he mumbled under his breath "…little brat…"

Ness heard him but didn't care. He didn't want trouble with the Onett police force. They didn't know what they were doing half the time anyway. So with that out of the way he continued on his way towards Twoson. He reached the road that lead that way only to be greeted with a whole row of roadblocks and more police officers. He sighed and tried to keep going.

"Whoa hold on there," one of the officers stopped him ", Where do you think you're going?"

"I think I'm going to Twoson," Ness replied, starting to get annoyed with the police.

"I don't think you're going anywhere. You see the roadblocks?"

Ness took a quick look at them then turned to the police officer.


"Yeah well that means you can't continue. The road's closed."

"Listen, it's early in the morning, I've already been questioned by another officer about strange happenings and I was comfortable and ready to sleep more when I got a phone from my friend in Twoson saying it's important. I'm going to Twoson." Ness jumped over the roadblock and while the police officer was going to stop him, Ness shot him a look that made him back down. Most of the Onett police force remembers what happened when they messed with him last time.

Ness continued down the road to Twoson and soon he reached Paula's house. On the roof of the house in big letters read "POLESTAR PRESCHOOL". Yep, this was Paula's house; her parents did run a preschool after all. Ness knocked on the door a few times until Paula's father answered.

"Hello? Oh it's Ness, what are you doing here this early?" he greeted.

"Hi Mr. Polestar, Paula called me and asked me to come over so I'm here," Ness explained ", I'll go if it's too early…"

"No, it's okay. Paula's just upstairs."

Ness entered the preschool expecting there to be little kids all inside. Then he remembered that it's the weekend. At least he wouldn't have to push his way through them. He headed up the stairs and knocked on the door to Paula's room. Quickly she answered the door.

"Oh good you're here! Come in!" she grabbed Ness by the arm and half dragged him in.

"Okay, I'm here now what's so important you have to…" Ness saw exactly what she wanted to show him ", Holy crap! Who or what is that?"

Lying in Paula's bed was a strange person with bluish skin. He was definitely not human as he had strange, large, odd shaped ears and didn't look like he had a nose. Also a large grayish tail hung out from under the blanket.

"I don't know, that's why I called you over. He knocked at our door late last night and I answered it and found him lying on our doorstep completely out of breath," she explained, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Well you didn't need to bring him in here."

"Well, I could sense he was in distress. He clearly was running from something and was very afraid."

"Still, you don't have a clue who or what he is. Maybe he could be a threat."

"I don't know, I don't think he is."

As the two argued about Paula's decision, the strange alien like person slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and looked at the two oddly. Ness happened to look over to see this.

"Holy crap he's awake!" Ness jumped back.

There was a long pause as the three stared at each other. The stranger just gave them an odd look, Ness had a nervous expression and Paula looked concerned.

"Wh-where am I and…who are you?" he asked.

"You're in Twoson," Paula answered ", and I'm Paula. This is my friend Ness. I found you last night on our doorstep and you seemed desperate so I helped you."

"Oh…I remember that…" he looked down at the bed he was sleeping in and quickly got up ", I'm sorry, is this where you sleep? I didn't mean to take it…"

"Don't worry, I gave up my bed. I slept quite comfortably on the floor actually."

"Hey," Ness broke in ", Who are you and where did you come from?"

"Ness! Don't question him, he's had a long night…"

The stranger thought about it for a moment.

"I…I don't remember…"

"You don't remember? Do you remember anything?"

"Not past last night…I just remember running from something and being very afraid…"

Ness wasn't sure what else to do. How can he figure out who and what he is if this stranger didn't remember anything? Or maybe he was lying to them. It didn't seem like it. Either he was a very good actor or he really didn't remember anything. Suddenly the stranger's eyes widened.

"Huh? What is it?" Paula asked.

"I think…I think I remember something!"

"Really? What is it?"

"My name…it's right there, I know it. But…urrgh…what is it?"

Ness rubbed his temples in frustration. He was beginning to get a bit impatient with this guy. Ness wanted to know.

"It's Guh…" the stranger tried his hardest to remember his name ", Goo, Gyi, Giy…Giygas! That's it, my name is Giygas I believe!"

Now both Ness and Paula just stared at him. They both weren't sure if they heard him correctly. The two of them looked at them for a second and back to the supposed "Giygas".

"D-did you say…Giygas?"


Oh noes! Giygas?

Ness-Whoa! What the hell?

Jeff-This isn't actually Giygas is it?

Fool, you find out next chapta -w-

Jeff-Whatever…read and review…