Bold: Narrorator
Ittalic: Music
Normal: Scene
Soft calming music begins (instremental)
Sam, Carly and Rikki were three ordinary teenage girls...
Shot of Sam eating a plate of eggs...
Change scene to a shot of Carly reading a book on her bed...
Change scene to a shot of Rikki dancing to the music on her ipod...
But little did they know...that was all about to change...
"Sam! Rikki!" Carly cried fear etching in her voice. Rikki swam over
and held onto Sam and Carly. Sam looked down. It looked like someone
was blowing bubbles below us. Colorfull bright bubbles. They rose up...
Now three ordinary teenagers will figure out...
Sam turning on her bath water.
Just how extrodinary they really are...
A long, golden mermaid tail hung over Sams bathtub. It was scaley.
Sam looked at her chest and saw a golden scaley bra on to.
Change scene to Carly spilling dishwater on her. She goes to dry it off, but
a glitter tornado surrounded her and she fell to the ground with a mermaid tail.
Change scene to Rikki swiming in the ocean. Bubbles surrounded her. She looks
confused and stares down. She gives a look of shock as she sees her mermaid tail.
Will these three girls be able to keep this secret?
"We cant tell anyone!" Rikki said. Sam stared confused. "Why not?" Carly sighed.
"Cause we'll get disected or be put in a freak show"
Or will one of them crack?
"I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Sam yelled as she grabbed a water bottle and held it
over her arm while Freddie stared at her with curiousity. "SAM NO!" Carly and Rikki
Music stops and screen turns black. Fade in and begin "No ordinary girl" by Elle Henderson.
I've got a special power
that i'm not affraid to use.
Starring Sam Puckett
Water accedently spilling on Sam at Carlys. She jumps up and runs to the bathroom. Then
grows a tail.
so come on this is my adventure
and this is my fantasy,
Carly Shay
Carly swimming under the water and smiling at a school of fish.
it's all about living in the ocean,
being wild and free
Rikki Daniels
Rikki sitting in the cave pond, hands under her chin, smiling at the camera.
Coz i'm no ordinary girl
I'm from the deep blue underworld,
Freddie Benson
Freddie looking under the microscope at a scale of one of the girls for testing.
land or sea
I've got the power if i just beleve
Jake Krandel
Jake laying on the couch putting his hands behind his head, smiling.
Coz i'm no ordinary girl
I'm from the deep blue underworld,
And Spencer Shay
Spencer fainting when Rikki tells him shes a mermaid.
land or sea the world my oyster i'm her pearl
Rikki, Carly and Sam jumping into the cave pool.
no ordinary girl.
Coming soon to computers and laptops near you!
Charactor looks and mermaid look...make sure you close all the spaces!
h t t p : / / img . photobucket . com / albums / v516 / starbuddysteph / sam1 . gif
h t t p : / / w w w . ccrf - kids . org / images / curimage / walk'08 / Nathan 20Kress . jpg
h t t p : / / w w w . thestarscoop . com / 2006dec / photos / mirandac2 . jpg
h t t p : / / img119 . imageshack . us / img119 / 4684 / jasondolley7wp9 . jpg
h t t p : / / a . bebo . com / app - image / 6285842589 / i . idlestudios . com / img / q / u / 0 8 / 0 3 / 24 / Rikki . jpg
h t t p : / / img . photobucket . com / albums /v516/ starbuddysteph / spencer1 . gif
The mermaid look (for all three girls):
h t t p : / / h2o - wystarcz . kropla . blogasek . pl / upload / Rikki 20 - 20syrena . jpg
In my H20/ iCarly crossover, Secrets...