Authors Note

This is my first fanfic. It is set post Eclipse and introduces new characters to the story. This is an Edward/Bella & Jacob/OC fic. Expect lemons, expect smut. There are two sides and two perspectives to this story. Angst, tension, resentment & fighting. Relationships are put to the test.

I adore both Edward and Jacob. I'm not biast towards either. I know people have their teams so whatever team you bat for please play nice.

This is not solely a Edward/Bella fic.

I am currently rewriting this story and hopefully improving it.

Thanks for reading and please review. I'd love to hear from you. But more than anything I just hope you enjoy this story.


Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Turn

Bella's POV

It was the summer after graduation, the days were long and warm. But this was Forks, Washington; sunshine didn't hang around for very long. The clouds were never far away. None the less, the Cullen's managed to survive the Washington summers. Alice was incessantly well informed, making the Cullen's ever prepared for sunlight.

I was now engaged to Edward, the invitations to our wedding had been sent out and I was ready to be Edwards wife and vampire. Our wedding was to take place in September at the end of summer, just before my 19th birthday.

I moved out of the family home I shared with Charlie and I was now living with Edward my fiancé and my soon to be vampire family; the Cullen's. Charlie's reaction to the whole engagement had been a struggle at first but eventually he truthfully admitted our announcement hadn't been a complete shock. As much as he wanted to hate Edward he knew that he loved me more than anything and nothing or no one was ever going to change that.

Everything was set in motion and preparations for the wedding were underway with the assistance of the ever determined Alice. Living with Edward now, I felt the happiest I'd ever felt in my 18 years. We were finally together, I was able to spend all my time with him without disruptions. I ultimately felt safe, truly and completely for the first time. There were no more threats and there was no more danger that could come between us. My only worries in day to day life were trying prevent myself from asking Edward to give into my physical needs before our wedding night. Being engaged and living together accompanied by the fact that everyone knew this, made the temptation even more impossible to resist. My mind often thought back to the day in the meadow when Edward had nearly made love to me. Looking back I honestly don't know how I was able to resist him. Seeing his impossibly beautiful face everyday, sleeping in his strong cool arms every night my mind struggled with the agony of my temptation.

As for Jacob Black, I'd heard nothing from my former best friend and love. I could never deny that knowledge. I did love him. But Jacob had severed all contact from me, he was broken hearted. I was the monster who caused his pain. Tenaciously he left Forks and was now in wolf form wandering the forests of Canada, or so I was told by Seth, who kept me ever informed. When my thoughts drifted to him, which they often did, I always felt great pain & guilt but I had made my choice. My life and loyalty belonged with my true soul mate; Edward my vampire. I had one option, one path and that was that. I must look forward and not back.

All these thoughts swam through my mind as I sat quietly in Edwards Volvo driving along the quiet roads on our way to Charlie's for dinner. Edwards focus was on the road, he seemed calm and peaceful as I watched from the corner of my eye. Without turning to look me he smiled and lifted my hand, bringing it to his icy lips he kissed it gently before slowly releasing and placing it back upon my lap. I smiled with contentment.

On arrival at Charlie's we walked up to the front door and rang the bell. We waited quietly for Charlie to greet us, Edward's hand was already firmly attached to mine. After what seemed like a couple of minutes I frowned and rang the bell again. I turned to Edward, just to glance at him but was surprised to see that his normally calm features were tense. I was about to ask why when the door suddenly opened before us.

Charlie looked dishevelled and surprised to see me.

"Bella?" he asked, then glanced at Edward. "Edward?" he asked again. His confusion at our arrival caused me to frown at him deeply.

"Dad?" I said, the worry causing to use the paternal name I never normally referred to him by; usually opting for his actual name.

"Bella?" he asked confused. "What's up? I wasn't expecting you!"

I was a little speechless at his words. Was Charlie okay? He knew we were coming, it had been arranged a couple of days ago. Why was he acting this way? Charlie's expression seemed almost agitated. As if something had disturbed him greatly and he appeared very distracted. How could he have forgotten our dinner plans? He was completely unprepared for us. My stomach instantly coiled, a feeling of anxiousness swept over me in a heartbeat. I turned to Edward now, staring at him, wanting him to give me the answers I needed. But, I was shocked to see a curious and startled expression on his normally controlled features as he seemed to focus on Charlie.

Charlie's rushed voice brought my attention back to him.

"Bella! I em, I think I forgot about this…." he stuttered, seemingly realising all of sudden why we were standing at the door in the first place. "I ….listen, something has come up….and I have to leave!" he said quickly. "I…I have to take a trip away. Immediately….its….it's a work thing." he sounded anxious and his voice was unsteady.

"Dad?" using that word again, I never used. I was concerned. "What's wrong? Is something wrong?" I demanded.

He shook his head instantly. Too quickly. "No ….no ….Bella! Everything….its , its fine! Just work, kinda came out the blue, I'm sorry. Don't worry. Nothings wrong. Just,…….. I need,…..I need to leave in rush and I don't have a lot time now." he stressed. "I'm sorry about dinner".

I knew he was lying, I'd never seen Charlie like this before. Something serious was happening. But I accepted the lie as Edward gripped my hand reassuringly, pulling me back, encouraging me to leave. I knew that as soon as we did he would tell exactly what was going on. So I decided to give in and offer him the response he wanted hear.

"Okay, not a problem Dad, when will you be back?" I asked.

He paused, his mouth hanging open, seemingly thinking.

"Em, at least a couple of weeks, I'm not sure. I will let you know though. Just don't worry, everything is fine" he repeated, completely unconvincingly.

During the journey back to the Cullen's I committed myself to patience, waiting until I was safely back in Edwards room, our room to hear what he had to tell me. We were barely through the door and Edward was already pulling off his jacket to throw on the bed, when my onslaught began.

"What was that all about? What the hell is going on with Charlie?" I almost squealed.

Edward turned slowly toward me. His face was clearly uncomfortable and I noticed how his jaw clenched at my question.

"Lets just leave if for now Bella." was all he had to say to me.

My eyes burned at him and my own jaw tightened.

"Leave it?" I asked incredulously.

I stared at him for a second but all I got in response was silence and a resolute expression in his beautiful features.

"What's gotten into you Edward, tell me what's going on, you heard his thoughts! You tell me now!" I demanded. Surprised at how quickly I'd lost my temper.

Edwards light topaz eye's pulled away from mine, refusing to engage me now.

"You know why he was acting so strangely back there….You know he was lying to us!" I challenged dramatically, unable to hide the frustration in my voice.

How could Edward be like this? He seemed very unwilling to reveal to me what he knew, he actually looked uncomfortable. Something was seriously wrong and he was refusing to share it with me.

"Charlie is safe, he is well, nothing is wrong with him."

And he sighed.

"Bella, its not my place to tell you what's going on with him. Just leave it for now!" he said quietly, his voice was so smooth and slow as he continued to avoid my eyes.

Was it disinterest? Or was he making decisions for me again?

My stomach tightened.

It was like a chemical reaction, my anger, confusion, worry and impatience seemed to explode all at once. I was furious. I felt betrayed by my love for not telling me the truth about my own father.

"What?" I demanded. "Your not going to tell me?" my voice loud and upset. "Edward, what are you thinking, why are you doing this? Just tell me what the hell is going on and stop stalling, I want to know the truth……..I have a right to know" my anger and indignation exploding.

Edward's head snapped around and the intense focus of now simmering gold eye's burrowed into me.

"I need you to trust me right now Bella. I need you to accept what I told you and leave it at that. I can assure that there is nothing wrong with Charlie. Please Bella." he stressed in his best controlled velvet.

"I need you to tell me the truth now!"I growled out.

"Edward, why are you doing this to me! Stop trying to protect me and tell me the god damn truth!" I snapped, my throat burned as my voice broke.

This was a full blown arguement now. I'd never reacted this way before. Never confronted him so agressively.

Edward's entire face tensed up and he walked toward me, grabbing both my hands in his, he leaned over me.

"Accept what I have told you Bella!" he said sternly now. "I love you, so trust me. It is not my place to tell you what Charlie wishes to tell you himself when he returns."

Edward was now upset and frustrated with me. His eyes suddenly pierced mine.

"Things will be changing in your life Bella, I think that perhaps..." he paused infintisimly.

"It would be wise for now if we postponed the wedding for a few months" he announced adamantly.

That was it. That was the point that I entirely snapped. I couldn't take anymore of it. I pulled my hands away from his so violently that he let go too easily as if he were not expecting it at all. I turned away and dramatically paced to the other side of the room before turning to face him again. Knowing my eyes were livid.

"I cannot believe this!" I screamed at him. Not caring who heard. Knowing that everyone in the house could hear us. "The wedding postponed?" my voice was breaking but the volume had not wavered. "You are supposed to be my soul mate but your lying to me, making decisions for me...again. Your trying to stop the wedding? I shrieked.

But he had wanted it. He wanted us to marry and as soon as possible. And now?

I shook my head refusing to accept it. What did Edward know that was so awful about Charlie that he thought we had no option but to postpone our marriage. He was pushing me away again.

"You won't tell me what is happening to my own father. What right have you to hold that information from me? How can you betray me like this?" I roared. Letting the full force of my blazing eyes fall upon him.

He attempted to approach me then, but my arm instinctively shot out toward him, a warning to stay away.

"Don't you dare come near me, don't you dare Edward." hissing my threat at him.

Edwards face tensed right up, his entire body stiffened. For the first time he looked resolutely angry with me and the tempestuous glare of his gaze bore into me. He took a few steps towards me, his lips pulled back so tautly and he growled low and long.

"You will abide by my wishes Bella!" the words forced their way through his lips, the severity of his tone was unyielding. And he flashed the full power of his intense dark gaze upon me. It was an order, not a request.

"You will not understand my reason for this until Charlie returns. But you will do as I say Bella I will not accept anything less. Stop being childish. I am your fiance and I want you to trust me. That is all I am asking of you. And I am not lieing to you Bella! I am choosing not devulge information to you that I have no right to, so stop throwing your accusations towards me so irresponsibly." He snapped.

I gasped before biting my lip. The look in his eye's.

A sob choked from my throat as I realised the severity of the entire situation between Edward and myself. We had never fought like this. I was furiously angry and upset with him and he was equally overwrought with me. I was at a loss at what to do next. Tears freely fell from my face now and the pain coursed through my body at Edwards harsh words. The way he looked at me in that moment almost broke my heart. He was furious.

Distressed, I decided in that second to leave. To go to Charlie and find out myself what exactly was going on. Why was everyone keeping secrets from me? I turned and ran toward the door but before my fingers could reach out for the handle he was already behind me, preventing me. His arms closed around my waist, trapping me.

"Let go!" I screamed. Struggling against him.

I was angry with him. Upset by his words, his tone. He'd never snapped at me before and I'd never yelled at him like the way I had. I wanted to run and hide from this.

"No" he growled into my hair.

"Get your hands off me Edward" so loud that I expected the rest of the Cullen's to burst through the door at any second. But no one came.

He turned me around to face him and as he did, I slapped him hard across his beautiful marble white skin, which made my own palm burn in pain. The look of shock across his features broke my heart and I let out a loud pathetic sob. I hung my head and began to cry. Edward was very still for a long moment but then I felt him pull my head to his chest and he wrapped his arms so tightly around me I could hardly breathe.

"Bella…." he whispered, his voice broken.

Eventually he drew my chin up and stared at my tear stained face, I could hardly look at him, trying close my eyes, feeling guilty for hurting him, not physically but emotionally.

"I love you" he gasped. Making my eyes flash up to his. Another sob choked out my throat.

He brought his lips to mine urgently and kissed me hard. Bringing his hand to back of my head, sinking his fingers into my hair. I felt his tongue push past my lips as he deepened the kiss. His hand fisting within my tresses. I moaned in his mouth because I was prevented from crying with his lips pressed firmly to mine. And his kiss was unyielding, so determined. I gasped as his mouth briefly left mine, but only for second before his cool lips captured my own once more. His lips were intense and eager, I heard him whimper and my hands reached around his neck and I clung to him so tightly, kissing him back as hard as I could. I was unable to hold myself back. My body moulding around him, seeking anything from him. Unable to resisit him because my body knew instinctively where it belonged. I loved him so much.

After a few minutes he pulled away to stare into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I pleaded with him, begging for his forgiveness.

His dark gold eyes were full on fire and I saw a longing in them, mixed with pain and lust.

He shook his head.

"I am sorry" he gasped.

Then he suddenly pulled me up and into his strong arms before throwing me down onto the huge bed behind him. His lips were on mine once more, fervently and urgent. His cool hard body pressed against my own. A rush of emotions ran through my body, sweeping over and over inside my stomach. Lifting it up and down making me feel giddy and dizzy. The sudden realisation, I knew what was going happen. I knew I couldn't stop it and neither could Edward. I wanted it, I needed it. I needed Edward.

And I knew the reason he was sorry. Edward could not control us. He would not stop this time.