"Look I've been really cooperative but is this going to take much longer?" Victor asks irritably, as he had been stuck in this little room for over an hour now.

"What's the hurry, I thought you said that no one really keeps tabs on you" Elliot queries, grabbing at some fries that lay on the table, as he had brought in some food a little while ago. As they had both become hungry and also so that he could get an update on Emily's condition which at the time revealed nothing new either way.

"Yeah well, even my bosses would start to get worried by now despite my flexible hours" Victor replies, picking at his sandwich.

"Sorry our sketch artist is running a bit late. Shouldn't be too much longer"

Suddenly the door swings violently open causing the blinds to shake wildly out of place, Olivia storms in slamming the door hard behind her as she makes her way to the table coming up to Victor's right side.

"Olivia how's…" Elliot try's to ask, getting up off his chair.

"Your plan failed Emily woke up and told me all about you. How you threaten to take her sister if she didn't come back to you" In a malice tone she informs Vic, grabbing his shirt to make him face her, shooting daggers with her eyes before releasing him and steps away.

"I.. What.. No she's confused, she must be that's all" Victor stammers, shaken once again by her outburst behavior.

Elliot licks his lips and nods his head as he speaks "Your good you even had me convinced for a while there. But now you've got to come clean help us find your buddy Blake" than slowly begins to make his way around the table as he rolls up the sleeves of his blue shirt exposing his tattoos.

"I swear I don't know a Blake I'm not apart of this, you've got to believe me I'm telling the truth. Panicky practically pleading at them, raising both arms in the air.

"Alright, I might have to let it sip that you're a child abuser, when you're held without bail while we look for your partner" Olivia says breezily changing tact's.

"Are you threatening me?" Victor questions trying to hide that he was rattled by her statement.

"No just saying that child rapist aren't looked too kindly on by other inmates. Believe me when I tell you it won't be pretty" Olivia informs him before glancing over to Elliot who's standing behind him.

So you better think hard and fast whether or not you're gonna help us" Elliot says menacingly leaning in close to his face slamming his hands onto the table causing him to flinch.

"What do you want me to do?" Victor finally relents.

"Call you friend get him to meet you some where he feels safe, we'll do the rest" Olivia says.

"Sure, sure get me a phone and I'll do it, just don't slip the word" He cowardly replies.

Olivia takes out her cuffs slapping them around his wrists, securing them in front of him before dragging him out to a phone out there in the bull pit.

"There you go princess, make the call" Olivia tells Victor degradingly, shoving him down in a chair at the closes vacant desk.

"And remember we'll be listing in on the whole thing, so don't go trying to tip your guy off we'll be on you like a tone of bricks if you do" Elliot threatens in his right ear. "Now dial" He says slamming the phone in front of Victor.

Victor shakily leans down with his cuffed hands and fumbles with the receiver before finally getting a firm hold and cradling it against his right shoulder holding it in place with his ear. "I need an outside line" looking somewhat pitifully towards Elliot and Olivia.

Elliot bearing a smug smirk wordlessly leans over and presses one for and outside line.

"Thanks" Victor mutters before dialing a cell phone number. Sitting at the opposite desk Olivia picks up the other phone Elliot leans over to listen in with her just as the call was picked up on the other end.

"Speak if you know what's good for ya"

"Blake it's me" use to his friendly phone manner Victor roles his eyes. Praying that Blake's as thick as he knows the guy is that he won't notice the nervous tone in his voice.

"Hey, Ah Vic I was starting to get worried I show up at the warehouse and there's cops poking around the place. Thought you got caught or something" Blake comments concern mainly for his own skin.

"Yeah well I did. But I managed to convince them that I was an innocent victim who had to drive the van. Dumb cops believed me and let me go. Listen Blake we need to talk meet me at Sherlys say half and hour"

"Say no more don't worry man we'll get that bitch back. If not there's always the sister bet she'll get more for us than that bitch ever did. Still don't know why you're so hung up and hell bent on getting her back yet again but hey we'll talk more later"

"Yeah later" Victor's voice remains calm as he hung up despite the fact that his body was shaking, as he could clearly see the violent rage wash over Olivia's features over Blake's comments.

Blake sits calmly at the bar nodding his head to the music playing on the jukebox in the corner near the doors that lead to the car park.

He turns towards the door when his eyes caught sight of Liv as she takes a seat at a table. Blake give her a strange smile before he turns back to his beer and polishes of the remands. Than gets up and casually walks over to the jukebox and scans over the song list while not so subtlety looks to Olivia before slipping out the door.

"He's headed for the back, be ready for him" Olivia shouts down her wrist com than head out the front door incase he backtracks to the front or to his car despite it being covered by Elliot.

"Stop police" Munch calls out when the see Blake exit the building.

Blake glances at them than bolts down the street in the opposite direction.

"Man I hate when they run" Fin complains to Munch as they begin to take chase.

They run halfway down the block before making up the loss ground that Blake had.

"Gotcha you punk ass" Fin calls out grabbing Blake by the back of his jacket jerking him back, giving him a look daring Blake to give him a reason to hurt him, as he struggles against his hold.

Slamming Blake hard against the hood of a car, Fin roughly slapping the cuffs against his wrists before frisking him for any concealed weapons.

"Looky what we have here" Fin says smugly revealing a gun that he found in his jacket pocket.

"I just found that, I was on my way to hand it in I swear" Blake says twisting his head over his left shoulder straining to look at Fin.

"This guys just a regular good Samaritan that you rarely hear about these days" Munch snidely comments.

"Yeah and I'm a rapper. Come on your going for a little trip down town" Fin says pulling Blake off the car after completing his search.

"But I swear I didn't do anything to anyone, I keep telling you" Blake pleads again leaning forward in his chair, since being brought in the room fifteen minutes ago.

"Yeah well that's not what your partner is saying" Liv frustrated with how slow things were going with this scumbag. They chose to hold off telling Blake about the taped conversation deciding to hold on to that little ace card for the moment. Now she was begging to regret that decision.

"Partner? What partner?" He throws pleading glancing towards Elliot and Olivia still feigning innocence's.

"Save it Victor sold you out to save himself. In fact he's probable in the other room right now cutting himself a deal with the ADA as we speak" Elliot says walking towards the right end of the table placing his hands on it, before raising his left arm pointing in the direction of the other interview room.

"Yeah will you've got me. So what kind of a deal can I get, if it's not too late?" Blake inquires finally dropping his act.

"It depends on what information you've got for us. Better make it quick though" Elliot informs him.

They weren't really going to deal with him, but if he was too stupid enough to believe them without speaking to a lawyer first or even seeing Casey than who were they to try and stop him.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Who's idea was it to kidnap children and force them into child prostitution" Olivia begins the interrogation.

"Mainly Vic's he took me aside one night at the bar we go to and got to talking about the usual stuff after knocking down a few drinks"

"Which was?" Olivia asks now leaning against the table.

"Bitches and how they always wanna screw ya over and take your money, when all us guys want to do the same. So anyway Vic comes up with the brilliant idea of getting them while their young, taking what we want from them at the same time getting them to earn us some money doing what they do best"

"And you didn't think that anything of this was wrong?" Olivia yells disgusted by this pathetic excuse of a man. Wishing she could spend a few minutes alone with the guy.

"At the time I thought he was joking. But he tells me that he's got a couple of clients lined up, all he needed was a willing partner that he could trust to help him get the girls and help keep the bitches inline as he already had a place lined up for them to stay. I felt honored that he trusted me that much" He recounts a proud tone in his voice.

"You're an unbelievable piece of crap you know that" Elliot viciously spits out with his fists balled up at his sides, trying to resist the urge to beat him to a bloody pulp stands at the metal mesh covered window.

"Hey it's just business. I can't help it if I love what I do and get paid for it" Blake snickers with a cocky smile.

At that point Liv bolted over to Blake and slammed his head into the table as she kicked the chair out form under him and began to beat him.

"You sick son of a bitch you think its funny destroying innocent family's lives like you have. Taking a child's innocence's and abusing them in the worst way possible"

"Get this bitch off me!" Blake yells unable to defend himself against her attack.

"Liv that's enough!" Elliot yells pulling her off Blake. "Go get some fresh air" he adds standing between her and Blake.

"I'm fine" Liv informs, taking a haggard breath as she composed herself again.

"I wasn't asking" El counters sternly.

"Fine" she states before storming out of the room slamming the door loudly behind her.

Olivia busts open the door to the viewing room making her frustration over Blake clearly known to Cragen and Casey if they couldn't tell already form her display in the other room.

"Please tell me we've got enough to charge them both" stating at Elliot consoling Blake through the window.

"Aside from yet another out burst from you that could see you charged with abuse in custody. Yes I believe that we've got enough to charge them both with kidnapping and attempted murder for starters, not to mention child prostitution, there's probable a few more chargers I can add to that but it's enough for now" In a professional manner Casey gleefully informs Olivia.

"That's all I needed to here" Liv says triumphantly turning to re-entering the room she would deal with the consequences of he actions later, before Cragen has a chance to raise his hand to knock on the glass signaling to end the interview.

"You stay away from me you crazy…"

"Blake Harper you're under arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Emily Warren" she leans in close to his ear "And that's just the start of your nightmare bitch" before jerking him off the table and out the door towards the holding cells.


A/N I am currently looking for a Beta for my SVU fics to fix out any mistakes I may have made in this fic and to sort out my future fics as I really want to put my best foot forward. If you know of someone who can help or are willing to help than let them know in a review or contact me.
