Challenge piece #10 crack-pairing for DNContest at Livejournal
Title: Concert Euphoria
Author: kaostic / Kimmie
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: L/Ryuga Hideki
Notes: Barely IC!L. This pairing came up at the very last minute when I was forced to sakujo the idea of my original one. XD Also, L does attend concerts (mentioned in the little comic in File No. 15.
Word Count: 295
I would like to thank the people who had leave comments for my other stories. I really appreciate it. :)
Upclose. A hint of sweat, glittering. Foward Move. Semi-Spin. A wink.
VIP seat was so much better. L curled his toes and held his knees closer to him, his thumb running lightly along his bottom lip. No screaming fan girls blocking his view while he scrutinized the features and movement of this pop idol.
Intensive blue eyes, holding a burning fire in them whenever he threw a flirtatious wink at a lucky girl (or a boy; you would never guessed his preference). When he closed his eyes during the slow songs, L found himself chanting, at the back of his mind, "Ryuga Hideki, open them, open them..." and pressed his thumb a little harder on his bottom lip whenever he did. L wondered what those eyes had seen.
Luscious red lips, too red for a boy and too dangerously kissable. L subconsciously licked his lips a little when the singer attempted a typical seductive chew on his luscious lips for the energetic audience. Delicious thoughts swam through L's mind, some as sweet-inducing as his confectionery stash and some were a little obscene enough to scare the daylights out of Watari. How would those lips felt like when pressed against his own?
His body language, so full of subtle hints and delicate movements that made the audience screamed for more. His hips swiveled indecently, each motion doused with lust, and it made L opened his eyes a little wider. The strong grip on his microphone and how it barely touched his lips while he belted his song... that was the breaking point for L.
"Watari-" L addressed the inventor seated beside him and smiled, the concert euphoria (or was it the pop idol?) made him shuddered a little. "Please arrange a meeting for me. With Hideki-san."