Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, at all. (Dang it. It would be awesome if I did)

Summary: When Nami was forced to join Arlong's crew, she thought that she was the only girl there. That was, until she meets two other human members: Sun and Rae.

Pairings: ArlongxNamixSanji; ChooxOCxZolo; KuroobixOCxLuffy

Young, small Nami followed Arlong as he showed her all the different levels of his lair.

"Do I need to leave you with a guide for a while? Until you get use to this place?" Nami gave Arlong no answer. She was still a little shocked of how fast things went. All of the painful events that she had just witnessed flashed through her head. Her mother, Belle-mere, getting killed right in front of her, being kidnapped by the mermen, telling the villagers that she had decided to join their crew and now being hated by everybody.

"Nami, I asked you a question. Answer me." Nami bumped into Arlong's leg, she didn't even notice that he had stopped.

"Um…yes?" Arlong just nodded at her as he started walking again. Nami just realized that she answered a question that she didn't even hear. What if she said yes to have sex with him? He wouldn't do that….would he?

They walked past a few doors. Finally, they arrive at a door that seemed to be decorated. It had a combination of black and purple paint, written on the door were the words 'Sun and Rae's room. GO AWAY!'. Nami started to feel a little scared. She figured that this 'Sun' girl must have burning red hair, and sharp piercing eyes. And she thought that Rae would have look like a bird or something.

"It's just paint. Don't be scared. These two girls have always been this way."

"Choo, go away!"

"Kuroobi, keep your hands off me!"

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Nami heard two different voices from behind the door, then a huge crash.

"Oh boy, what did those two break this time?" Arlong pushed through the door to see the floor totally covered in broken glass. Nami looked from behind the huge mermen. She recognized the blond merman and the long ponytail merman. But the two girls she noticed that were in their arms were new.

'They must be the ones that Arlong was talking about.' Nami thought. The room was decorated almost like the door. Nothing special, the room was covered in a black coat with purple swirls. The bed was black with purple pillows. Everything was those two colors. Except the furniture, that was the color of blood red.

"Arlong, your stupid henchmen broke out glass figures." The girl with the red eyes said as she pointed to the now sharp floor. Arlong looked down and then looked up at Choo.

"She wouldn't stand still, she kept running and yelling." Choo responded.

"So that gives you a right to suddenly grab onto me and THROW MY GLASS FIGURES ON THE FLOOR??" the girl with red eyes yelled at Choo.

'Red eyes, that's pretty cool.' Nami smiled to herself. These two girls were probably the prettiest girls she's ever seen. They both were in such great shape. Except the one with red eyes had bigger hooters then blue eyes did. Their hair was almost the same, except again, the red eyes had blong streaks. It just seemed that red eyes like to stand out more than usual.

"Yeah, and they tried to rape us….AGAIN!" the girl with light blue eyes said. The three merment took a quick look at each other until….

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the laughtered echoed the room.

"I don't care. You two are their treasures. They did get you." Arlong chuckled. The two girls started bickering even more that they didn't even notice little Nami standing at the doorway.

"Uh…question." Nami raised her hand. She spoke loud enough to get everybody's attention.

"Who are you? And what's your question, sweetie?" She was surprised on how nice the girls were being.

"Oh, my name is Nami. Is that your natural eye color, or are they contacts?"

"Real. It's some sort of birth malfunction or something. We like to think of them as something that reflects our personalities." The red-eyed girl answered. She smiled at Nami when she was finished explaining.

"Nami, these two will be your guides. Except at night, they have other 'duties' that they need to perform." Now Nami wasn't dumb, she knew exactly what they meant. From the second that she saw the mermen holding the girls, she knew that they owned their bodies. But what she wondered was how these girls ended up in this situation?

It was silent for a while, until the mermen decided to leave. Kuroobi and Choo whispered something into the girls' ears before they laid them down on their bed. Arlong was the first to walk out. He stopped to take one last look at little Nami. The other two mermen followed shortly.

"Nami looks like she's going to be a beautiful gem when she grows up." Arlong stated as he sat at his favorite throne-like chair outside.

Every single mermen that was out there heard what he has said. Not once had Arlong ever called anything 'beautiful'. Not even any of the million mermaids that use to throw themselves at his feet. That use to beg him to 'claim' them.

"What makes you say this? She's still so young." One of the mermen asked him.

"I can just tell. She's already turning into a cold-hearted woman. I like that. Now if we just teach her that money is the only thing that can make a person happy, she'll be perfect. Oh yeah, Choo get the ink and the needle ready. We have to make that tattoo permanent."

"So how long have you two been under Arlong's rule?" Nami asked. She went and sat next to the girls on the bed. She noticed how both of them were silent and were looking down at the ground.

"Let's see.. Right now, we're 14. They came to our home when we were ten. So four years."

"Oh, how rude. We never introduced ourselves. I'm Rae." The girl with blue eyes said.

"And I'm Sun. You'll be able to remember that, due to my eye color." Nami smiled up at them. 'So, they were taken when they were my age. Just like me.'

A knocking on the door disturbed the girls. Rae stood up from the bed and quickly rushed to open it.

Before Rae even got a hold on the handle, the door shoot open.

"Nami, we need you right now….where's Rae?" Kuroobi glanced the room and noticed that she wasn't there. He just shrugged it off and immediately closed the door, causing Rae to instantly fall.

"On a scale of 1 to 10?" Nami and Sun both jumped off the bed and walked over to the still Rae on the floor.

Rae raised her head high enough for the other two to hear "8."


A few minutes later, the three of them were heading outside. Many thoughts were running through Nami's head. That fear disappeared though when she looked up at Sun and Rae. They wouldn't let anything happen to her.

When they got outside, Nami finally realized what Arlong called her for. The tattoo. A very sharp looking needle was on the table, along with a small jar of black ink. She remembered that Arlong only drew a fake one on her arm, to fool the whole village.

"Nami…" Arlong patted the seat that was right next to the table. "Come seat here."

"Wait…you're actually going to give me a permanent tattoo?" Nami stepped behind Sun's legs to hide. She may be brave to stand up to mermen, but she was scared of needles.

"You didn't actually think I would keep drawing it on your skin with a marker, did you? Now step away from Sun's legs and get on this chair." Sun and Rae could tell that Arlong was getting upset.

Rae kneeled down so that she could be at Nami's eye-level. She grabbed onto Nami's face with her two hands.

"Nami sweetie, I'm here. If you're scared, you can hold onto my hand, okay?" Rae then picked up Nami and placed her on the seat, she then quickly grabbed onto her hand.

"Hurry up Arlong!"

"Who says I'm doing it? Hachi, now." Rae gasped as she realized what Arlong meant.

"NO! NOT HACHI!" Sun jumped right in front of Nami, shielding her. Nami started to wonder, what was so bad about Hachi doing the tattoo?

"I don't trust you with a needle. Do you remember that time when…."

"DON'T REMIND ME! Fine, I won't do it." Frowning, Hachi handed the needle over to Choo. At first, Choo was shaking his head 'no'. He was getting ready to argue with Arlong about this when an idea suddenly popped in his head.

"Fine, I'll do it. But…" he put his freaky huge lips right next to Sun's ear. As he whispered, Sun looked like she was getting ready to cry. After a few seconds, Choo finally moved away.

"So, is it a deal?" He smirked down at her. He did love having her under his control.

"Fine fine, just be gentle with Nami." Sun moved away to let the job be done.

"Ow ow ow ow!" After the whole torture with the needle was over, Arlong had shown Nami where her room was. To her luck, it was right across from Sun's and Rae's room. Geez, all the stairs must really make you have a good workout.

"Well, I've decided to never get another tattoo. It hurt. A needle piercing in and out and in and out. But I can't help but wonder, what did Choo tell Sun that made her want to cry?"

"Ok, I'll see you later Rae." Nami recognized that voice. She jumped out of her chair and rushed over to the door. Opening it slightly, she was able to see Sun. For some reason, she looked scared.

Sun started running down the hall, Nami wanted to find out what was really going on. So when Sun was a good distanced away, Nami snuck out of her room and followed her. She ran down two flights of stairs until she noticed that Sun had stopped right in front of a door.

'Is that…' Sun raised her hand as she got ready to knock on the door, but she stopped. Nami realized that Sun immediately started to shake. That was until the door slammed open..

"There you are. I was getting tired and sick of waiting." There stood Choo, wearing nothing but a very loose bath-robe. It was so loose that you could practically see every inch of his huge muscular chest.

"I'm sorry." Sun whispered, only loud enough for herself and Choo to hear it.

"Well, isn't there something you want to say to me?" Choo leaned against the doorframe, waiting for his little 'toy'.

"do you want to have some fun?" She whimpered. Already, tears were slowly falling down her eyes.

"Say it a little louder." He smirked. His hand came forward and wrapped itself around her body. He rested his hand right on top of her butt.

"Let's do it." She tried to say a little louder. Choo started to get angry again. He firmly squeezed her butt.

"Louder!" He continued to squeeze and rub.

"Choo, take me. Have your way with me." Sun had finally raised her voice loud enough, much to Choo's pleasure.

"That's my girl. Now come on, I have some fun things planned." He used his arm that was already around her to pull her right into his room. Nami was shocked when she saw this. She wanted to run and save Sun, she wanted to kill that mermen for even touching her.

The door was shut tight and locked. Nami walked closer until her ear was right up against the door.

"Choo, please no. I refuse to do such as that."

"Now Sun, you promised me you'd do anything I want. That was the deal we made."


"No, no 'buts' for you. Just for me." Through the door, Nami heard the bed creak. 'That must mean that he pushed her onto the bed.' Distracted in her own thoughts, Nami didn't even hear somebody walk up behind her.

"Spying, are we?" Nami would have screamed if a hand didn't cover her mouth.

"Shhhh, Choo is having fun. Wouldn't want to distract him." Nami recognized the hand, it belonged to Arlong.

"If you distracted him, he'd be so frustrated. And guess who he'd take it out on?" Arlong picked Nami up and carried her all the way back to her room.

" I already knew what you meant by other duties when you first introduced me to those girls. But why do they do it? Was that the first reason that they were recruited into this group?" Arlong set Nami down on the floor. He turned to exit out the door.

"Yes, if you want the whole story of how they got into this mess, then ask them tomorrow. They'll tell you everything." He shut the door behind him. Leaving a stunned Nami on the floor.

The next morning, the first thing Nami did was head over to Sun's and Rae's room. She knocked first, but to her disappointment, no answer. She then just grabbed onto the knob and opened the door. The room was empty.