Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight (sad, I know. Everyone wishes they owned it…anyways!)

"Edward!" I yelled in pure joy as I walked into my bedroom to find him leaning up against the wall looking at the ground. He shot his head up at the sound of my voice and gave me his famous crooked smile, spreading his arms open for me. I giggled and ran into his arms, hugging his cold body to mine.

"Bella, love, I haven't been gone that long, only a couple of hours."

"Yes, but that couple of hours have felt like years." I sighed and wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. He chuckled lightly, planting a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and rested my head on his chest while he ran his fingers through my wet, strawberry smelling hair. My smile then turned into a frown as I gazed into his eyes.

They weren't the familiar, loving topaz that I'd come to know and love. Instead, they were a pitch black color. "You need to go hunting." I stated quietly. "You're thirsty."

"I know, but that can wait." Edward said, giving me that crooked smile again.

"Edward…" I warned. Now that was something I never do. In fact, it wasn't that he was going to 'starve' that concerned me, but it was the fact that I may get hurt if he kisses or touches me at all. Yes, I, Bella Swan, am for once concerned about my own safety.

May the world end right now.

"You're troubled." He stated, and I practically dragged myself out of his arms, sitting down onto the comforter of my bed.

"As much as it troubles me to say this, you have to go hunting, Edward. This is the darkest that I've ever seen your eyes, and to be quite honest, really, it's scaring me."


I didn't think it was humanly (or vampirely) possible for Edward Anthony Masen Cullen to scare me. Even mock terror was hard to come by!

"So now I dazzle and scare you?" He asked, and my heart flipped. Whether it was just because he was dazzling right now, or if I was afraid that he would hurt me, I didn't know, but I wasn't going to take my chances on this.

"Edward, please. I don't want to be away from you either, but you need to at least hunt one animal. Maybe you'll find a nice mountain lion." I joked, laughing a little.

"So you want me to leave?"

I sighed. "Yes." I regretted it almost instantly. This wasn't like me. He placed a hand on my leg, sitting down next to me.

"Tell me, love, what don't you want me to find out about?"

"Huh?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What do you want to do over the weekend that you don't want me to worry about and find out about?"

"Nothing." I simply said. "I'm just…concerned. That's all."

"Concerned?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm concerned you're going to…going to…"

"Going to what?"

"…hurt me." I said in a hushed voice.

"Bella, love!" He laughed, "I'm never going to hurt you, or let anything hurt you….you know that, right?"

"I know, Edward, but…"

"What's he doing, Bella? What did he invite you to?"

"Huh?" I asked again, very confused.

"Jacob." He growled. "What did he invite you to?"

"Nothing! Jake's not doing or having anything, and if you think that I would send you away just so that I could spend a little time with my best friend, you're wrong."

"Oh really? Then what would you do then? If you didn't want me to intervene and be concerned that he could unleash himself and turn into a werewolf, permanently damaging you?"

I rolled my eyes at Edward's elaborate plot. He was just determined that it was going to happen. "I would sneak out the bathroom window and run." I stated. "I've done it before, I'll do it again."

Edward's face fell. I knew that he hadn't been expecting me to say that. He'd probably been expecting me to say something like, 'I honestly don't know.' Or 'I'd think of something if the time came' or he'd be right and I'd 'force' him to go hunting. But the look on his face didn't make him seem like he was confused at all. It seemed like he was angry at himself. Perhaps he was angry that he wasn't there to stop me, or that he didn't even know that I'd done that before. He looked up at me though, and the anger that had shown through his black eyes was gone. Or at least I thought. "You promise me there's nothing that he's invited you to, and there's nothing that you don't want me to know about?"

"Nothing." I said, confidence thriving in my voice, "Even ask Alice." I smiled, and he laughed. I had won. He'd go hunting. He knew that I wasn't lying; I had played the Alice card on him.

"Okay. I'll leave tomorrow morning, but right now, you need to have a human moment."

"You mean sleep?" I asked, glancing at the clock. It read 11:43.

"Yes, sleep. Now I don't want you running away to your dog at night. Because I will be watching." Why was he so obsessed with Jake?

"I know, Edward. You're always watching. You tell me what I talk about in my sleep all the time. Trust me, I know."

He pulled back the covers of my bed and I crawled in, the cold, purple sheets hugging every inch of my body as I snuggled my head into the pillow, getting comfortable for a good night's rest. He pulled the sheet and comforter up to the nape of my neck and turned off the light. I could tell that he was reaching down to place a kiss on my forehead like he always does, when all of a sudden, I felt a sharp, sudden flash of wind where Edward's body used to be, and I heard the closet door close quietly. I strained my eyes through the darkness to see if my vampire was still there. Edward wasn't by my side.


My bedroom door opened almost on cue, and the hallway light shown through into the bedroom. I quickly shut my eyes to make it look like I was at least trying to sleep, but I still kept my eyes just slightly open so that I could see him. My dad's shadowy figure stood in the doorway, and he stared at me. "You awake?"

My plan had failed.

I wanted that goodnight kiss!

"Yeah." I responded, sitting up. He walked over and turned on the light, sitting down on the foot of my bed as I propped myself up against my pillow to face it.

"You got any plans for this weekend, or is it the normal? Spending it with Edward and his family?" He asked, and I looked down, blushing. I must admit, I didn't do much with my life besides hang out with the Cullens. But most of the time, someone was always trying to kill me or hurt me. And they always were there to protect me, even if their plans were completely absurd and well…unreal! But they're vampires. They're supposed to unreal. As much as the other vampires in the world wanted to kill me or bite me, that wasn't the case this time. Someone hadn't tried to kill me for about two weeks; that is definitely a new record that I had to tell Edward about.

"No, actually, Edward's going hiking."

"Ah, so you'll be spending it was Alice then? Shopping…again?" He seemed suspicious, but I dropped it. Besides, it was probably just my mind mutating what Charlie said.

"No, again." I managed to let out a small laugh at Charlie's shocked expression. "I don't know what I'm going to do this weekend." I admitted, shrugging my shoulders in defeat.

"Maybe you should go to La Push to see Jake." Charlie suggested, and I could hear a low growl being emitted from my closet door. Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced, (okay more like glared!), over at it. Thankfully Charlie didn't hear the growl, or see my glare at the inanimate object.

That would have really pushed him off the deep end.

He already thought I was crazy enough to begin with.

If he saw me glaring at inanimate objects (or worse, yelling at them), I'm sure he'd send me off to the asylum faster then Edward could run there.

"Ah, I don't think so. I just called him the other day, and he seemed pretty busy this weekend. Something about going down with the boys to see a movie in Port Angeles." I lied.

"You should go with them." Charlie said, causing another growl to be emitted from my closet door. I'm really going to hurt that damn vampire when Charlie left. Especially if Charlie heard any of the growls or got suspicious of my glares at my door.

"I don't think so. Maybe the two of us could just do something together. I've always wanted to know how to fish." I lied again. Maybe if I got Charlie to let me go with him fishing, Edward wouldn't be as concerned, and he wouldn't call me every five seconds to check up on me. I mean, I'm safe with Charlie, right? And maybe those pitch black eyes would finally go away and turn topaz again. I loved that color so much, he didn't even know.

"Really?" He asked, shocked. "I thought you hated sports."

"Fishing is not a sport." I said. "Just for fun. Besides, Edward got me to like baseball; maybe you can get me to like fishing."

"As much as I would love to go fishing with you, Bells, I don't think I can. Billy and I are going this weekend, but maybe I can take you next weekend when Billy doesn't come."

"All right! That sounds like fun, Dad!" I lied again, letting a huge, fake smile crawl onto my face.

His face lit up, and he patted my leg. "Well you find something to do this weekend. Maybe call Jessica or Angela or that other guy. What's his name? Newton! Mike Newton!" Again, another growl was emitted from that closet door. My dad heard the sound too, and stared at the door, curiously as if he thought he was hearing things, pointing at it.

"Did that…did that closet just growl?" My face paled as he started towards it. Edward! If my Dad finds out that he's been sneaking into my room at night, he's gonna flip out! I'll be grounded for life!

"No! No!" I said, trying to stop him. "That was just my stomach!" He stopped and turned to look at me, dropping his hand from the closet knob. "I must not have eaten enough for dinner. Whoops!" I said, rubbing my very full stomach.

"You want a snack? I'll go and fetch you some crackers or something." He pointed towards the other door that led out into the hallway.

"No, no, it's okay. I'll be fine. I'll just get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." He stared at me strangely and then at the closet door before starting back towards the hallway.

"Goodnight, Bells. Oh, and I'll probably be gone fishing with Billy by the time that you awake, so have fun, and try not to burn down the house, okay?"

"I'll try not to." I rolled my eyes and lay down on one side, the side that was facing my closet door. I turned off the light as my Dad closed the doors. It wasn't until I could hear the shower running down the hall that I chucked the extra pillow on my bed at the closet door. "Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!" I screeched in a whisper tone. "Get out here right now!" He emerged from the closet, a large, crooked smile placed on his face.

"Yes, love?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked, venom dripping from my words. "Stop growling! Just because my Dad mentions that I should hang out with Mike Newton (gag me, please) or Jacob Black doesn't mean you need to start up the lion inside of you!" He laughed at my metaphor. "He's my best friend, Edward, get over it."

"Bella, you are so funny when you're angry." He sighed, running a hand through my hair as I lay back down, snuggling into the covers, turning my head away from him. "Aw, not going to talk to me, are we?" I just nudged my shoulder and turned fully, my back facing him. "Love, you can't ignore me forever. Forever is a long time." I knew that. Everyone knew that. "You couldn't live the rest of your human life without talking to me." He was right. He was one hundred percent correct.

"And you couldn't live the rest of your vampire life without talking to me, either. Like you said, forever is a long time." I smiled at him, and he shook his head, flashing a crooked smile at me. "You're adorable." I laughed, lightly pecking him on the lips. He drew back, and looked down at the ground. "What's wrong?"

"You're right. I do need to go hunting."

"I told you so." I teased.

"I love you, Bella Swan. I'll see you in two days."

"I love you too, Edward Cullen. Wake me before you leave."

"I will." He promised as he sat down in his normal place to watch me sleep. I twisted in the covers and sleep came instantly.

Please review! I need to know if I'm writing the characters correctly! please! it's my first Twilight story!! please review!! constructive criticism is wanted! :) 5 reviews total for next chapter please!!