Finding the Strength

Ch 1

It was a normal day in the Valley of Peace.

The Furious Five were training but Shifu was nervous.

He'd had a vision… that two human kids would arrive and one of them was the second Dragon Warrior.

"I wonder what's bugging Shifu?

He's never like this." Po thought as he and Tigress trained against each other.

"I have to go, okay?

I'll be back in a minute." Shifu said walking.

He heard a commotion in the village and had a feeling.

Two human kids were standing in the middle of the commotion looking around.

One had short black/purple hair, glasses with a back pack and symbol cane.

The other had long chestnut hair, dark brown eyes.

She wore an Invader Zim shirt.

"Leah check it out!

We're in the Valley of Peace, Po's world.

Maybe we'll learn how to be karate masters." Carley told her.

"Yeah you're right.

This is cool.

But I'm sort of hungry." Leah replied.

Shifu then watched them.

"The short haired girl is giving off Dragon Warrior aura.

She and her friend must come with me before anyone finds out.

Especially Tai Lung's son." He thought as he approached them

"Hey what's going on?" Leah said to him.

"Who're you two?

I'm Shifu.

You have to come with me at once.

Your short haired friend will be in danger." He told them.

"I'm Leah and my friend here is Carley.

We'll come.

But you've got to explain to us what's going on." Leah told him.

"I'll explain when we get to the bunk house.

For now just trust me." Shifu replied to them as they followed him.

Po and the others were amazed when Shifu explained about the kids showing up and how one was the second Dragon Warrior.

"Hey there I'm Po.

It's pretty cool that this happened." he said to Leah.

"You too.

This is pretty cool.

Only I'm worried." she replied.

Tigress and the others watched as Carley sat under the Heavenly Peach Tree of Wisdom.

"Don't worry about Carley.

She's... sort of shy around new people until she gets to know them.

Actually Po, you and her are alike.

Only... she has confidence issues." Leah explained.

Tao, Tai Lung's son watched this.

"You think they can help you, you're wrong!" he thought biding his time.

"Umm... hey I brought food.

I... thought you might be hungry." Po told Carley as he sat down beside her.

"Thanks Po.

I guess Leah and the Furious Five are hitting it off already and giving Master Shifu a head ache." Carley replied to him smiling.

"So what does your name mean?

It's Carley right?" he said.

"Yeah you got it right.

It means free person but I don't feel that way especially since..." she replied.

"Since what?" he asked.

"Never mnd it's not important." Carlet replied to him eating.

"Yeah they're hitting it off. Leah's imitating Shifu and being nuts. I can tell Monkey and her will be partners in crime.

You know what?

I'd like to be your friend.. if you let me.

I sort... overheard Leah talking to Shifu." he told her.

He looked in her eyes seeing the look of wanting.

"Sure. I'd like that a lot.

Besides I'm like you but without fur." she replied as they looked at the stars in the night sky...