
You've missed me, haven't you xD? I've sure as hell missed you lot. I'm SOOOOO infinitely sorry this has taken MONTHS and MONTHS to post... but things have been really strange for me recently. But hey, here it is. The long awaited final chapter of "Jake and Edward". Soorrryyyyy!!!!

Pleeease drop me your final thoughts! You know how much your reviews mean to me!!

Liz xoxo


Bella's POV: Thoughts

It's so cold. Every inch of me is cold. Not just my exterior, but every single cell that makes up my existence. Every heartbeat feels like a painful reminder. Cold. Cold. Cold.

As I stand here, watching the turn of the water in the darkness, I remember things about my life. Jacob… such a wonderful man. I do love him. And I know that now, but my love would never be enough for either of us. Not completely. My love would never be enough. Not while it's been so poisoned and twisted by someone else. Not while it belongs to someone else.


Oh, Edward, how wretched I am. I know you can't hear me, as you lie insensible in the Cullen house…but I do wish you could. I wish you were here to put your arms around me and tell me that everything is alright. That everything wrong that's ever happened was some nightmare. A nightmare that only you can wake me from. But I know that this is stone cold reality, the wind is harsh and bitter, (I suppose this may be the end of Forks' warm nights), and I can feel the slight spray of water as it crashes against the cliffs. This is too vivid to be a wistful dream.

I'm so sorry, Edward. I killed you, didn't I? Carlisle has been spouting some nonsense about a "vampiric faint" but I know you're gone now. I can feel it. Because I know, if you were coming back, you would have done it already. And Edward, I can't bear to be somewhere that you aren't.

It's funny, you were the first to say that to me. Now I find that I can honestly return the sentiment. Because I… I love Jacob. And Emily, and Charlie, and Renee. But being without you has never been an option for me, not really. Even when you left me – the darkest time of my life – I survived. Because I knew you were alive. Out there. Somewhere. But now I can place my hand on your stone cold cheek and feel nothing. I can't do it, Edward. I can't.

I love you, Edward. I do.

Now, I'm stepping towards the edge. My toes hang across the rock. It makes me think of the last time I was here. A year ago, foolishly cliff diving in an attempt to hear your voice, I suppose this is a similar situation. That's what I'm doing…


Look after my heart, I've left it with you.

I wrote that on a paper. I wonder if anyone will find it. I'm sure nobody will know what it means, but it was a comfort to leave it all the same.

The wind is whipping at my face and I'm crying as I bend my knees. Ready to dive. Ready to fly…

I'm flying…


Epilogue: Love


The darkness was cold and impenetrable. I remember the sharp striking sensation that had hit me in the back of the neck, as I struggled to push the writhing Bella off me. Then all I remember is blackness. Somehow, that was scarier than the pain.

When I woke up, I was in the cottage. The rest of the pack surrounded me, each pair of dark eyes agaze with a mixture of worry and fury. I remember - as I came back to consciousness - wondering why they looked so frightened.

That was before I became aware of the fiery pain that burned every inch of my (now human) body. It blazed angrily through my chest, and I howled in pain and bit my lips hard enough to draw blood as it hit me with vile intensity. Never had I felt such acute agony. I wanted nothing more than to die, right then.

Apparently I slipped away again for a few more hours, my system protecting itself from the thousand needles pricking at my insides. And when I awoke again, all I felt was a dull, throbbing ache in my neck. I managed to sit up, to see that I was lying on the couch in the small sitting room. Emily was leaning over me, holding a damp cloth to my forehead. As my eyes fixed on hers, she breathed a sigh of relief and called for Sam to come in. He did, accompanied by Quil, Embry and Paul. They all looked happy to see my eyes open again. I took this opportunity to look down at myself.

I was completely naked. Only a think blanket protecting my modesty, and I could see tracks of blood dried on my chest, where they had run from the wound in my neck. As I flexed my arms and stretched, I winced to find a small echo of the fiery pain. It lingered in every muscle… every joint. But I was more or less ok, and could already feel it ebbing away as my mind focused.

"Where's Bella?"

My throat hurt as I spoke, my lips dry and salty from my blood as the words emerged. I blinked and pushed my sweaty hair away from my face, to fix my eyes unwaveringly on Sam. His gaze was shifting, fixing on anything but my face. He didn't answer.

"Where is she?" I said, a little louder. Tensing as I swung my legs off the couch, clutching the blanket around me.

Nobody would look at me. Why wouldn't they?

"She's back with the leech, isn't she?" I said, sighing.

No one said anything.

It was completely silent.

I looked around at Emily. She was sitting on the floor, and I was shocked to see that she was crying. Her red-rimmed eyes seeping at the corners.

"Em? Em, what's the matter?"

She didn't answer.


My shout cracked like a whip in the still room. Paul and Embry flinched. Emily cringed into the wall, rocking herself as tears seeped on to her cheeks, making her face seem even more ghastly and deformed.

I was frustrated. Why wouldn't they speak?!

"Fine. I'll find her myself."

I got off the couch, making sure no private parts of my anatomy were visible, and headed for the door. I felt Sam come up behind me, placing a restraining hand on my shoulder. I shook it off impatiently.

"Jake-" He started, but then I found that I didn't want to hear it.

"Shut up." I muttered, before heading outside.

It was… light now. The sun shone lazily through the trees. It was funny, Forks had certainly been getting some freaky weather. It had been getting dark when I'd been attacked… it dawned on me that I must have been unconscious the whole night.

It was probably about twelve o'clock now, I reasoned by the position of the sun and my natural instinct. Once out of sight of the cottage, I shrugged off the blanket and began to run. Letting my hair whip out behind me as I phased…

I got to Charlie's in under five minutes, it felt good to run again. It eased my aching bones and made me feel more alert. Once I reached the house, I stopped on the front porch, still in my wolf form. I would just check Bella was alright, before leaving. I climbed the tree outside Bella's window, and looked inside. Her bedroom was deserted, the bed looking cold and unslept in.

Once I'd climbed down again, I saw that there were no lights on in the house, and the curtains were all shut tight. There was no one there. I decided I'd cut through the forest, up to the boundary line.. to see if I could pick up her scent towards the Cullens' place.

I ran through the trees, a little worried at this point. Where was Bella?

I found her.

Boy, did I find her.

After a couple of minutes, I became aware of voices in a clearing up ahead. I recognised Charlie's amongst them… and I was shocked to find it sounded like he was crying. I hurried towards them, and hid amongst the trees.

There were six figures outlined, besides Charlie. I recognised all the Cullens, excluding the monster who had injured me. Their scent stung my nose and I growled as I peered closer.

The little Cullen – Alice, I think – had her head buried in a blond male's chest, and all of them had grim, painful expressions. But none of their faces matched Charlie's. He was sobbing angry, animal-like sobs that made him shake. Esme, the mother figure, had her arms wrapped around him. Why was he crying?

Two of the Cullens (the leader and the big one) were leaning over something in the middle of the circle.

I think the truth was dawning on me at that point, but I shoved it aside. Refusing to let it in. I convinced myself it was a strange situation, probably with a perfectly innocent explanation.

Then, I saw it. The big vampire moved aside to reveal a big hole in the earth. Beside it, lay a thin, black box. A coffin.

Even then, I didn't accept it. I remember thinking ooh, is Edward having a little nap? And this made me laugh in my head. But then I looked closer.

The lid was open, and I could see a trace of dark hair whipping upwards in the light breeze. It shimmered in the strange sunlight and cut me up inside. It cut me up, and ripped me open. This pain… this realisation hurt more then the excruciating suffering I'd undergone not hours before. It overshadowed it in its intensity, and still burns inside me every day and every night.

I let out a loud howl, which screeched upwards and echoed back towards me. I ran through the clearing, battling with the knowledge I couldn't take.

I ran to my Bella. Who lay still and silent in her little black grave, never to move again. Never to laugh … never to flush scarlet…dead at nineteen.

I looked down at her. She was as beautiful as ever, her body cool and perfect. Her eyes closed, her face smooth. How could she have ever doubted her loveliness? Here, in death, she looked much like her beloved parasites. Cold, perfect, and dead.

I reached out to stroke her face, but saw that I was reaching with a paw. Quickly I phased back, not caring that every inch of me was on display as I knelt over her. My hot tears trickled on to her pale skin, making it look as if she were crying too. I wiped my tears from her eyes, not wanting to spoil such immortal beauty.

Immortal beauty…

"Why didn't you bite her?!" I screamed at Carlisle, who was standing up and looking forlornly down at the girl. "WHY? Why didn't you make her a parasite? She'd still be here. She'd still be her. She'd still be MINE."

"She was never yours!" I heard Edward scream, and I turned to see him emerge from the trees.

He looked broken, and as bad as I felt. No longer beautiful, his eyes were hollow and dead, two shining holes in his ashen face.

I screamed. "WHY? Why is she dead, Cullen?! YOU killed her. If you hadn't come back, this never would have happened. Bella would still be alive… she'd still be…"

Edward roared desperately, before running back through the trees.

I never saw him again.

I looked down at Isabella.


She'd still be mine.


Now, I lie in the forest. Beside the small grave of Isabella Swan. No plaque marks her body, just a small card that reads:

Look after my heart, I've left it with you.

Only now, do I know the full facts of her death.

That night, she had discovered Edward lying still in the grass. She, Esme and Alice has brought him to Carlisle. Who had found nothing that could help him. Nobody knew what was wrong. He appeared dead. Bella believed this was her fault, for she had walked away from him that day - leaving him, to be with me. She could no longer live with herself, so had thrown herself off a cliff. The same cliff she had dived from, just a year ago. Only now, her intention was to die.

When the Cullens found her, it was too late. She'd drowned in the icy depths of the river. I can imagine her face as it bobbed above the water. Milky white. She left no note, only the card that the Cullens tacked to her grave. Look after my heart, I've left it with you.

Edward Cullen awoke not an hour later, not knowing what had happened. He said he'd collapsed after Bella's departure, and was engulfed by blackness. He claimed it felt as if he were sleeping again, although such a pastime is alien to the leeches.

Bella has been dead now for two months, and Edward Cullen now sleeps beside her. Or at least his ashes do. He ran to the volturi after meeting me, and Alice Cullen went to retrieve his ashes four days later.

Forks is now a quiet place, the remaining Cullens having moved away somewhere. Now you'd never guess that mythical creatures ever existed in Forks. Unless you came across Bella Swan's grave, and had an amazing knowledge of her life. Like mine.

Well, I suppose mythical creatures do exist. Well, one does. The pack disbanded, now there is no need for protection. However, I remain. I haven't phased since I ran from the clearing that day. I can't bear to, I guess. It would be soul-destroying, to return back to the body that Bella loved. I think it might kill me too, and that would be an interesting turn of events, wouldn't it?

The only reason I'm still here, is for Bella. I know she would have wanted me to survive. To keep on fighting and to find some new way of life.

To keep on fighting.

This idea makes me laugh bitterly.

Perhaps she didn't give a crap about me. I bet her last sentiment was for that bloodsucker. That leech who killed her. I'm sure that's whom her last living thought lies with… I'm sure.

But I can't hate her.

I love her too much.

Far, far too much.

Its all over!!

:( So sad. But it had to end.. xD...

I couldn't think how to end it so I guessed.


More Twilight 'Fics coming soon... if you haven't read VOV.. try it!! Love F.I xoxox