When they arrived at Shimeru's house it seemed plain and boring but the tension was high with everyone in the group. Especially Sasuke, who hasn't left Naruto's side for a second, he couldn't leave him alone, not after he saw him laying on the ground as if he were death. The very thought of it sent his body cold and near tears.

Naruto eyes were dull, murky grey at the moment. It didn't seem like he was looking at anything. His body did not carry the usual happy go lucky stride it normally did, instead it was the manners of someone completely different and Sasuke didn't like it one bit.

Only Shikamaru, Shino, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura went to Shimeru's house. The others thought that they should give Haku a school burial, just a grave with Haku's poem, rose, and the book of Romeo and Juliet. They'll pay for the book later.

Knocking on the door, a woman with long, straight black hair with glasses, a older version of Shizume, answered the door. Just who we were looking for.

"Hello, you're Shizu's friends aren't you?" She greeted with a smile. "She's upstairs doing her homework, I'll go get her for you."

"Actually, we came to see you ma'am." Shikamaru said.

"Me?" She gave a confused look.

"Yes, you were in the same class as Haku right? In fact, you were the one who found him," Shikamaru asked.

"Yes, I was so upset when I found out. I was in deep shocked, even now I can't really talk about it." Her face looked at the ground, trying to keep her face calm.

"There's a rumor going around saying you had something to do with it, care to comment?" Shino asked her, his voice a bit more deeper and scarier then usual.

"Comment? On what? I saw Haku jump I'm sure of it, I remember that day clearly,"

"Are you sure Haku jumped?" Sakura asked.


They all just stared at her for a moment, not sure what to say. How do you say to a person, "We know you killed someone?" It was a odd predicament.

"Ah Guys!" Just then Shimeru came down the stairs. "So what did you guys find?" She gave a puzzled look, "What's wrong"

She looked toward her mother, who was now lightly shaking at the thought of being caught.

"W-why don't we come inside and sit down?" Older Shizume opened the door to let them in.

"No, this won't take long," Shino said. Haku said that Naruto's body won't hold out much, so we better hurry.

"Madam, while we were investigating the school, we found a few things," Shikamaru held up the old poem. "Recognize this?"

"No, why should I?"

"Or this?" Sakura held up the rose.

"No, I don't what's with these questions?" Shimeru's mother started getting defensive.

"Haku was going to give these to Zabuza-sensei before he ran away, but he never got to. He hid these so that way no way would find them and ruin them." Sasuke explained to her. So they were stretching the truth a little, long as the woman cracked, who cares.

"Oh, uh, I see," The woman started to shake and stammer over her words.

"We also know that the so called reason Haku jumped was because of the bullying, but actually we've learned that Haku didn't want to jump," Shikamaru began to get a mocking tone.

"He didn't?" Shimeru asked from the back.

"Shimeru, go back upstairs!" Her mother yelled.

"No, he didn't, he got pushed, accidentally," Sasuke said.

"NO!" Shimeru's mother held her stomach as if she was going to throw up.


"I'm sure the person who did it, didn't mean to right!? I mean you did say accidental!" The woman was going into hysterics.

"Doesn't change the fact that she still did it," Sasuke said calmly.

"No!" She yelled, now on her knees.

"She……..you mean, the killer was a girl?" Shimeru's eyes were gaped open at the reality of what they were trying to say.

"Yes," Shino's voice went menacing, making the truth look like one evil bitch. "After learning the fact that Zabuza-sensei loved Haku, she got into a jealous fit and went to see Haku who was on top of the infirmary building crying after having his journal read to the whole school. In her rage, she ran at Haku knocking him against the rusty railing. Under Haku's weight the railing fell taking Haku along to the ground."

"Oh my god," Shimeru gasped.

"That jealous girl, who is now an adult, is here in this room,"

"No, it's not true!" The woman looked up, towards Naruto's eyes. They were a now a grayish-brown. Brown the same color of Haku's eyes.

"No, Stay away from me!" She scooted back against the wall.

"You killed me," Naruto's spoke for the first time, but his voice was mixed with Haku's. And now his body seemed to glowed.

"H-H-haku!" She screamed.

"I had dreams, a life and you took that away from me," Naruto slowly began to walk towards her.

Sasuke took a instinctively step with him, Shikamaru held him back and shook his head. Naruto had to do this alone.

"No, Haku, no, don't do it!" She covered her hands over her head trying to protect herself.

"And then deny me of the one person I held dear," Naruto leaned down to eye level."Now tell me what should I do with you?" Naruto smiled now. "Tell me?"

"No, please, god no, Please Haku, I'm…..I'm….I'M SORRY!" She screamed.

There was a beat a silence and then…..

"THANK YOU!" Haku's ghost jumped out of Naruto's body and hugged her. Naruto fell back unconscious but Sasuke was there to catch him before he hit the ground.

"Minami, that's all I wanted from you," Haku's eyes began to stream ghostly tears.

"What? Me saying I was sorry? That's all you wanted?" She looked back at the ghost with tears in her eyes as well.

"Yup, Zabuza always said never to harm anyone, because you'll be just as bad as they were." Haku smiled.

"Then why did you have us do this act for?" Shikamaru asked.

"I wanted to tease her a little,"

"You've got to be kidding me," He said distained.

"Years being a ghost will do that to you," He turned back to his Murder. "Thank you Minami, I've waited for years for that," Haku started to disperse in the air.

"Ah, wait, Haku where are you going?" She asked.

"To Zabuza, he's been waiting for me for a long time," Haku smiled as he turned to Sasuke holding Naruto. "Tell him I said Thank you,"

Sasuke did a half smirk, half smile, "You bet,"

Haku's face began to disappear, "Thank you so much……Thank you so much, Naruto, for understanding. You really are lucky," He looked at Sasuke and Naruto again, seeing them together.

"Very lucky,"

With that, The Ghost Haku was no more, but it doesn't mean anyone forgot him. Haku's grave was place by the tree where they found his poem.

To Our beloved School Ghost

May you rest in peace with your beloved

In the end, Haku the Ghost ended up having friends after all.