Chapter Twelve
Lies and truths
In what felt like an eternity but was no more than several hours the six were back at the docking bay and aboard the ship, immediately after depositing Bulma in the royal suite, Vegeta had retreated to the cockpit and readied the ship for take of, setting the co-ordinates and putting the auto pilot on in order for them to be away from this god forsaken place he identified as a living hell, he was in two minds to destroy the planet, however at this time felt he was too weakened, having used up the remainder of his stored energy to fly himself and Bulma back to the ship in expedient time, now that this nightmare was finally over.
He thought that maybe one of his first official acts as king would be to order a small troop to the planet and have them destroy it in the name of Vegetasie, yes that would do nicely. Having set the co-ordinates, he settled himself down into the pilots chair and opened up a link to his home planet.
He was surprised when the com link opened and he came face to face with Bardock, who looked much older from when he had last seen him, probably still suffering from the effects from the blast.
"Bardock, you look like crap, but your brat will be glad to know your up an around" Vegeta stated.
Bardock smiled at what Vegeta had just said, in reality Vegeta had just in a round about way stated he was glad to see the older Saiyan alive and well.
"It is good to be back my king, what news have you on the princess, have you found her yet" Bardock enquired.
"Yes, she has been found and she is well, she is resting at the moment, how is" Vegeta paused "my mother".
"Your mother is as well as can be expected, considering the circumstances, she is still not her full self but that is understandable, she will heal in time although with the death of your father her mental stability will be waning, it is too soon to tell how the breaking of the bond will affect her" Bardock replied "she will however be happy about Bulma being safe and yourself" he finished.
Changing the subject to one that did not entail any mushy emotional stuff, Vegeta enquired "did you ever find out who set the bomb" now that the matter of Bulma was sorted, Vegeta needed to confirm his suspicions.
"Yes my lord, it was the human, however it was done via Freeza's technology and no doubt his orders" Bardock answered.
"That bastard will pay for this I swear, has there been any word on him, such as what he is up to" Vegeta demanded, he had know Freeza would be behind this, but he had no idea the human scum would be involved, he now knew he would have to work extra hard at achieving the level of super Saiyan in order to beat Freeza, and that meant pushing everything else aside, both the running the kingdom, and even interludes Bulma, he clenched his fists at the thought of not being able to be with her, in her, but at this moment he needed to think of the kingdom, of all his people, he needed to be king, he needed to be the legendary.
"Bardock, we will discuss this when I get back in more detail, we should reach planet side in eight cycles" he finished, nodded to Bardock then threw the off switch.
Having arrived back on the ship with the others, and watching Vegeta carry Bulma to the royal suite, Kakkarot had scooped up Chi Chi and taken her to his room with thoughts of ravishing his little warrior, however upon arriving there they had discovered that they were both so exhausted that they fell immediately into a sound sleep, neither of them even had the strength to kiss before their heads hit the pillow, however Kakkarot's last thoughts had definitely been carnal for when he awoke.
Elsewhere on the ship, Krillen had carried his wife 18 to his own room which he had taken whilst joining the Saiyan's in the search for Bulma, once there he had tucked her into his bed, and lay down beside her, holding her protectively, frightened to sleep in case she left him again or worse he awoke and found that this had all been an elaborate illusion, a dream in which she had not been returned to him.
Vegeta had deposited Bulma in the royal suite upon his return before he had headed to the cockpit in order to make the necessary call to Vegetasie and also so that he could get some much needed rest and sleep, without having to look at her half naked body, which would no doubt be begging him to take, and at this point in time he was exhausted and knew she was too, she was also still sore no doubt from their rather hasty quickie, this thought in itself made him smile at the memory of her clinging to him, her legs wrapped tightly around him as he satisfied her needs as well as his own.
Shaking this thought from his mind he settled into the cock pit and after the co-ordinates were laid in and the auto pilot set as well as the communication to Bardock, Vegeta allowed himself the luxury of relaxing into his seat for a well earned rest while the ship got them the hell out of this nightmare of the planet.
As for Bulma herself after being deposited quite ungraciously upon the bed by her pig of a brother Vegeta, she tossed and turned for about half an hour before deciding that she could not settle to sleep, so she trudged from the bed where Vegeta had left her to go and soak in a nice hot bath and relax, although she did not care that she was sticky from her and Vegeta's coupling which actually brought a small smile to her face and a blush, as she thought back to the way he was so desperate to be in her again, and carried his scent all over her, she still wanted to scrub the remains of the scent and touches of Yamcha, which in itself pulled the previous smile and replaced it with a feeling of shame and disgrace for allowing herself to be put in that situation.
Getting the water as hot as she could without it burning off her skin, she ripped the shirt from her body and lowered herself into the scalding water, releasing a long breath as the heat soaked into her aching muscles and bruised body.
Bulma ducked her head under the water and lathered it up, scrubbing her hair with so much vigour that she thought she would take off half her scalp. Ducking her head under the water a second time, she rinsed the shampoo from her head and resurfaced again.
She then grabbed the soap and began to scrub every inch of her skin with it. She got to her throat and neck and winced as she was struck with a stinging sensation. She dropped the soap and brought a shaky hand to the right side of her throat and gasped as she traced her fingers lightly over the circular mark on her neck.
Caught in her panic, Bulma scrambled out of the tub and rushed over to the mirror, rubbing her hand frantically over the steam covered glass, what she saw made her gasp in shock, disbelief, abject horror and finally fear.
"Oh great kings" she breathed, too scared to even voice her words in anything other than a hushed whisper, "what have I done, oh no oh no, this can't be happening, he's bit me, oh no Vegeta has claimed me, oh great kings I am so going to Hades", she finished dropping to her knees and burying her face in her hands.
If anyone found out, if her father found out or her mother or if Vegeta found out, life would not be worth living, she had to find a way of keeping away from him, she needed to keep her distance, keep herself covered and hope that this was one sided and would eventually disappear, although she had never heard of that happening in the past, she was sure that in their case divine intervention would intervene and they would be spared the pain and anguish of a one sided bond, if all else failed she didn't even want to think about it, she was just glad that it was her and not Vegeta who had the beginnings of the bond, she knew that one sided bonds ended in pain and madness however she could live with that, hell she'd be too nuts to worry about it when it got that far.
She decided she would tell him that she was ill, not fully recovered from her ordeal, tell him that she needed time to herself, that's it, he said he would leave her alone if she needed it, well she needed it now, oh great kings she needed it now.
Bulma also thought that if that failed she could bring out the trump card that of his need for training and attaining the level of the legendary, she knew he had a giant ego, she just had to push the right buttons and he would lock himself in the gravity chamber until they arrived home then she could just hide until the lunacy kicked in, yep that would be her secondary plan.
Pulling herself out of her self acting inner monologue, she quickly dried her self off and retreated to the bedchamber, she put on one of the black training suits, it had a high enough collar, and then she donned one of the simpler dresses, a plain green sleeveless dress with slits up either side, she then put on a pair of black boots.
She decided she would put her hair into two winding braided buns on either side of her head, it would aid in covering her neck (think princess Leia from star wars). Once she was suitably dressed she made her way to the galley, hopefully no one would be around, she knew how tired they would be and she was just too pumped with worry to even attempt sleep, she would eat quickly and then hole herself up in the pilots cabin till they got home, or in the engine room, well away from Vegeta and the others.
Vegeta left the auto pilot on and after spending a few hours at the helm resting decided that he needed a better rest and to wash and change into some decent clothing, with this decision made he left the cock pit and made his way to one of the empty cabins, he knew Bulma would need her rest, she had been through so much over the last several weeks and although he really wanted to be with her he had already made the decision that he would not take her again until he had achieved the status of the legendary and then no one in the kingdom would question his taking of his sister, yes he knew their would be some uproar, however he would not be the first royal to do this, it had been done by one of his ancestors who had taken his fourteen year old sibling as his mate, and no law had been passed to dispel this, also many of the lower classes did the same when females were short in supply, often mating to more than one brother, although this often led to fights and deaths amongst families.
Having his future plan firmly imbedded in his mind, he quickly entered the shower and began washing the blood from his body, afterwards he settled himself down to sleep in the cot, eventually he drifted to sleep but not before having an unsettling feeling that something was not quite right.
Several hours later, Kakkarot stirred as a warmth moved over him, languidly he popped one eye open then the other and gazed at the dark haired woman who was staring at him and rubbing her hand over his hardened cock.
He stared at her and smirked, placing his hands behind his head in order to allow his mate all the time she needed to make her explorations off him.
Chi Chi smiled as Kakkarot allowed her to freely roam her hands and whatever else she wanted over his body. She had not had the chance to before, only being taken by him and explored by him, and receiving only pleasure, well she was determined to change that.
Gingerly she knelt up and started tugging at his top, Kakkarot gave no inclination of helping her and so she growled, and using her strength ripped the material from his body, causing his erection to throb and harden even more at the sight of his spit fire mate.
Chi Chi then tipped of his boots and bottoms, and began to scrape her nails along his thighs, making him hiss in pleasure and his tail to start thumping rhythmically.
Remembering how his tail had reacted earlier, Chi Chi grabbed Kakkarot's tail and straddled his legs, Kakkarot watched her in awe as she began to pet it gently, then she began to lick the tip, and finally she sucked the end into her mouth.
At first Chi Chi thought that she would end up with a mouthful of hair and would be coughing up fur balls however the fur was silky and firmly in place, not one strand coming away.
Chi Chi carried on sucking and stroking Kakkarot's tail, her eyes firmly on his cock, which was now throbbing and looking painful. Having an idea Chi Chi began to stroke and suck the tail harder and firmer, enjoying the power she had over this strong Saiyan, hearing his grunts and moans and there was definitely some purring going on.
Kakkarot couldn't believe what Chi Chi was doing to him, she was going to make him come by simply manipulating his tail, oh great kings he could feel his balls tightening as he readied his release.
Chi Chi watched transfixed as suddenly, Kakkarot's back arched and he growled deep in his throat as his cock suddenly stuck straight up in the air and shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into the air, landing in globs all over his abdomen and legs.
Chi Chi released his tail and bent down and licked up every drop of her Saiyan mate's seed, enjoying the look of sheer pleasure on his face and fascination at what she was doing.
Recovering himself Kakkarot grasped Chi Chi by her arms and threw her under him and began to kiss her all over her face, he easily ripped the clothing from her body, making her pant and squirm before burying his face in between her breasts, pinching and pulling at her hardened nipples causing her to loudly moan his name, begging him for more.
Kakkarot moved down Chi Chi's body and pulled her legs over his shoulder, and grasped her hips holding her steady as he buried his face between her dripping folds, where he feasted on her nectar.
Chi Chi screamed and shuddered as Kakkarot licked, and sucked at her clit, before probing her opening with his tongue and then biting at her clit and soothing it with more licks and sucks, before long Chi Chi had come so many times she felt that another would kill her, with what little voice she had left, she begged Kakkarot to stop, which he eventually did, not before giving her another for good measure, then chuckled before telling her that it was punishment for what she did to his tail.
Completely exhausted, Chi Chi curled up in Kakkarot's warm embrace and they both went to sleep, happy and sated, even if they had not actually had sex, the foreplay had been more than enough, well at least for a while, smirked Kakkarot in a very Vegeta like manner.
In their cabin along the hall Krillen and 18 lay together in perfect silence, they had both awoken but neither of them had wanted to be the first to speak, finally 18 spoke.
"I'll leave as soon as we reach wherever it is we are heading" she whispered quietly.
Krillen bolted upright quickly staring at her trying to digest her words "what, why, no, no, I've just got you back, I won't loose you again I can't" he finished choking back the tears with the last words.
"don't, please don't cry over me, I'm not worth it, I should die for what happened, for what I have done, you can't want me now, not knowing what I have become and knowing what has happened to me" 18 pleaded, she could see how broken he was, this was all her fault, no matter what anyone else said.
"NO" Krillen shouted, "I won't allow you to leave me, not again, you belong to me you are my wife, we said better or worse, and I won't abandon you now, no matter what" Krillen stated, taking her hand in his.
18 snatched her hand away and stood staring at the only person she loved, with what was left of her breaking heart.
"How can you want this, I have fucked another man, yes fucked and I enjoyed it, he made me come, time and time again, he made me beg for him, is that want you want, a whore of a wife who begged another man to pleasure her" 18 screamed, all the memories flooding back, the knowledge of knowing that she had broken her marriage vows.
Krillen just stared at 18, lost for words, what the hell had happened to her, how could she be saying these things, none of this was her fault, he knew that, so why did she not, he knew what Yamcha would and had done, he would never judge her, now he knew he never would have to, she was judging herself and getting ready for the final conviction.
Standing up, he grabbed her by her upper arms and shook her screaming all of his pain at her, all the longing at her "I don't care what you say, I love you, I'll always love you, he was a monster, he made you, forced you, you are and will never be a whore you are my wife, my beautiful and pure wife, let me heal you, let me help you to cleanse the memories, I don't care how long it takes, but know this, I would rather be dead than live another moment, another day without you my Juu Juu" he finished using her pet name before crumpling to the floor and hugging her legs, clawing at her and pleading for her to hear him.
18's eyes filled with tears she thought she could never again shed, and collapsed onto the floor with Krillen, where they held onto each other desperately, each unwilling to let go, they stayed that way for what seemed like hours, before laying back on the cot, and falling into and exhausted sleep.
For the next several days in which it took to reach planet Vegeta, everyone on the ship was in their own little world, Krillen and 18 stuck to their room, only venturing to get food, the rest of the time they spent talking about what had happened, both of them gradually talking away the nightmares which had been the last several months of their lives.
Kakkarot and Chi Chi spent as much time together in bed as was humanly possible, only venturing to eat, and for Kakkarot to spar with Vegeta, and find out the progress.
Bulma avoided Vegeta as much as possible and he reluctantly gave her the space she needed, she spent time with Chi Chi when Kakkarot was with Vegeta, they talked about Vegetasie, and where Chi Chi would live once they returned, what she could do, about Kakkarot's parents and older brother.
Vegeta checked the last of the ships controls, they were an hour away from landing, and he had still not told Bulma of their father's death and mothers injuries, he had forbidden Kakkarot from telling her stating it was not his place, it was his, and he was not looking forward to it, but it needed to be done.
Vegeta made his way to the royal suite where he knew Bulma was, and knocked before entering, Bulma was just coming out of the bathroom when she noticed Vegeta sitting on the bed, absently rubbing his hand over a piece of her clothing.
Bulma swallowed, she had tried so hard not to be alone with him since she had noticed the mark on her neck, but now she knew she would be unable to escape him, part of her wanted him to seek her out, but the better part of her knew that it was not good to be alone with him.
"Bulma, sit down there is something we need to discuss", Vegeta stated in a deadpan voice, his using her proper name immediately got Bulma's attention, and he hardly ever used it even when they were children.
"Vegeta, what is it", Bulma asked as she made her way across the room towards the bed and sitting next to him, this was definitely a serious matter.
Vegeta looked at her and forced his voice and features to stay stoic, "Remember before you were taken, there was an incident in the palace", Bulma was going to reply, but Vegeta raised his hand in silent request for her to remain silent, she nodded and he continued; "what you would not be aware off, and I have waited until now to tell you, is that there was an explosion" seeing her eyes widen in the beginnings of understanding he quickly continued "there were many casualties, mother was gravely injured she lost an eye and her right arm, she will be scarred permanently", Bulma gasped hearing this, slowly tears began to slide unbidden down her face, she already knew what he was going to say next, he didn't need to tell her, but he did "father, was killed protecting her".
There he had done it, now he just sat there and watched as she fell apart in his arms, crying like she had done when she was a small child, crying with all her heart and soul, even after what had happened with Yamcha, she had not cried like this.
Vegeta attempted to tighten the arms he had around her, but she quickly shook them off, "Please I want to be alone, please leave" she sobbed, her broken words stinging him.
Silently he rose and made his way to the door turning back once to watch her crumple on the bed and curl herself up into a ball, "well be home in an hour" he stated and then was gone.
As soon as the ship docked, Bulma raced from it heading straight towards the royal wing in search of her mother, her tears still steadily streaming down her face.
She didn't even bother to knock, she just shoved at the guards and threw open the doors, her eyes searching around for her mothers form, coming to rest as she saw her form sitting in a chair by the fire. Bulma rushed towards the woman, who had looked up upon hearing the doors being roughly opened, and a blur of blue, sank to its knees, burying its face into the woman's lap, whispering mother, mother over and over again.
The queen looked down upon the blue haired woman and her face formed into a frown, frantically she pushed the young woman away from her and shrank back into her chair.
"Who are you, what is the meaning of touching my person" the queen hissed at the now completely shocked Bulma.
"Mother it's me, it Bulma, your daughter", Bulma answered with a new set of tears forming in her eyes not understanding why her mother was acting this way.
"daughter, you, an ugly hideous creature such as yourself is not my child" the queen hissed, "if I had bore such a thing as you" she waved her hand pointedly in Bulma's direction before continuing "I would have had you ripped from my womb" she finished with a self satisfied smile on her face.
Bulma recoiled by her mothers words which had pierced straight through her heart, she scrambled off the floor and ran towards the doors, tears pouring down her face, just as she reached them she her mothers voice again, but this time it was the mother she loved, the one who loved her.
"Bulma, Bulma, is it really you, oh I thought we had lost you, oh my baby" she cried, starting towards her child in a rush to ensure it really was her and not a mirage.
As Bulma turned, she was embraced in a bone crushing hug, the queen crying into her hair, immediately she wrapped her arms around her mother, the words spoken to her a few moments ago temporarily forgotten.
As the two women embraced, Bardock entered the room with Vegeta, he was carrying a hypo, and he silently led the queen to her bed and administered the drug, within seconds the queen was slumbering peacefully.
"Bulma, there are some things which you need to know about the queens health" Bardock began, he had been discussing the issues with Vegeta and the pair had overheard what had been said to Bulma, she needed to understand what was happening.
Bulma listened attentively, whilst sitting next to her mother stroking her hand lovingly, whilst Bardock explained that the explosion had caused some brain damage to Buruma's frontal lobe, coupled with the death of the king, her mate and the broken bond, the queen would never be the same she would be open to varying degrees of mood swings and personality changes, only himself and now Vegeta and Bulma knew as well as Kiara, Bardock's mate who had been and would continue to care for the queen in the capacity of a companion, she would never make a full recovery, and would only have a few years to live, depending on the stress her illness caused.
Tear ran down Bulma's cheeks as she turned her face towards the one woman in her life who had always been a tower of strength and decorum, the king might have ruled, but she knew as did most that it had been the queen who had governed him, and he would never have changed that for anything, it had been her tenacity and vibrancy of life and the determination she had to ensure the safety and well being of the Saiyan race which had bagged her the title of queen and mate to the late king.
Once off the ship, Kakkarot escorted Chi Chi and the two humans to the palace and towards the guest wing, he left 18 and Krillen to settle and informed them that he would have food sent to them and then he or one of the palace guards would collect them to speak to Vegeta in order to find out what they intended to do.
He then led Chi Chi towards his quarters, which were between the guest wing and the royal wing, these rooms were usually occupied by high ranking dignitaries, however with his close relationship with Vegeta and Bulma as well as the other royals, he had been given very plush accommodation.
Chi Chi stood in awe as she entered into the room, it was hugh, the walls were an opulent cream, trimmed with reds and blues, there was a roaring fire, with two animal skin chairs and a large animal skin sofa surrounding it. By the far corner was an ornate table and four chairs overlooking the gardens via the large French doors. Towards the other side of the room was the biggest bed she had ever seen even bigger than the one her father had slept in, and he was one of the largest men who had lived on earth. The bed was at least 12 feet by 12 feet and richly adorned with silks and furs, she could just imagine herself disappearing underneath the mass of materials and never coming out. To the far corner was a door which when Chi Chi went to inspect, found that it led into a dressing room and then into an large marble type bathroom with large shower and bath, two basins and a partitioned toilet.
Returning to the main room Chi Chi stood in awe of her husband, she could not believe she would be living like this, she felt like the princess she had once been, and this thought brought a tear to her eye.
Kakkarot noticing and feeling the change in Chi Chi's mood, rushed to her side and pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close and allowing the overwhelming emotions she was feeling to release themselves. Whilst on the ride to the planet, Chi Chi had told Kakkarot all about the life she had had growing up on earth.
She had been known as the demon princess growing up as a child in the fire kingdom, this was due to no one understanding how her mother could have married her father who at the time had been a tyrant and murderer. Her mother had been a queen in her own right and a warrior who had plagued a vengeance upon men throughout the lands.
Her mother had been bested by the Ox king, and he had taken her as his wife, her father stated that her mother had said no man would have her unless he could best her; it had taken the Ox king all but ten minutes to subdue the slayer of men.
Her father and mother had loved each other dearly and had been together for several years before Chiana, had fallen pregnant with her. She had been attacked during her ninth month and mortally wounded, she had sliced her unborn child from her own womb to ensure she survived, she had looked upon the babe once, and pleaded with her husband to ensure that she grew up loved and powerful.
The Ox king had grieved terribly for his beloved and made a vow that his daughter would no not what war and death were like, and so he changed into a caring and loving father as well as a better man in general, taking care of his people, however he also ensured that Chi Chi was well versed in the warrior way so she would be able to defend herself.
She had run around quite wild as a child, living a care free life until the earth was invaded. Many people were taken and so the people began to go to ground to avoid capture, for all the effort her father had done in trying to shield his little girl from death and destruction, it had still found her.
She had soon met with Yamcha and Gero, who claimed to be rebels, and they had soon gained the trust of those in the camps, Gero helped many injured while Yamcha fought with the small armies against the invaders or so she and the rest of her people thought.
It was during one of the confrontations that Yamcha had subdued Chi Chi with a nasty blow to her head and while she was down he had retrained her with ropes, he had then made her watch as he killed her father, gutting him like a fish.
Chi Chi, opened her eyes from her thoughts and looked to Kakkarot who she had decided to nickname Goku because he reminded her of her first love, a small black rabbit with floppy ears and a mass of untameable fur. Kakkarot had just smiled at her and said it would be his honour to be her rabbit, whatever a rabbit was.
"Goku, please make love to me, make me forget all the bad things, all the horror and sadness" Chi Chi pleaded, her eyes red rimmed with the crying she had done.
Kakkarot looked down at his mate and kissed her gently before taking her to their bed where he would make her think only of him.
Bulma was trying very hard to understand all that was going on, her mother seemed to have developed split personalities, however she noticed it only seemed directed at her. It had been several hours after Bardock had sedated the queen and all three were still present when she awoke, however while she had acknowledged Bardock and Vegeta, whom she at first thought was her mate come back to her, she had again lashed out at Bulma, accusing her off trying to lure her son into her whoreish clasps.
Vegeta had been angry, but a quick shake off the head from Bardock had stilled him, he had seen the effect it had had on Bulma and he was angry, but understood his mother, their mother was not able to help herself. Bulma had fled in tears, causing the suddenly lucid Buruma to question her daughter's fast retreat.
Time went by quickly at the palace, within a week 18 and Krillen had departed back for earth, promising to inform the Saiyan king of anything which transpired there in relation to Freeza and his armies.
Chi Chi got to meet her new family and immediately formed a special bond with Kiara, not having had her own mother in her life, Bardock had welcomed her into his family with open arms, proud of his sons choice in mate, even though she was not Saiyan, he could tell she was strong and would produce fine sons. Even Radditz welcomed Chi Chi, although he was hoping to be able to partake of her from time to time, and had cornered her many times, however a firm warning from his younger brother Kakkarot that he would cut of his tail and shove it up his arse before ripping out his throat soon cooled his passions for the fiery dark hair human warrior.
As for the royal family themselves, they maintained a level of dysfunction that would not easily be rectified.
Vegeta split his time running the planet with Toma as his vice, trying to find out what had happened to Freeza whom had seemed to disappeared entirely, which was not a good thing, and training to become the legendary.
He had not been to see Bulma in many weeks, although it was hard, he needed to focus on his role as king, Bulma had agreed with him which had concerned him at first, but then shook it off as the sensible option.
He often found himself using the palace whores when he wanted to slake his lusts, and this had resulted in him returning to his old ways. He would use them then kill them, he could not understand how Bulma, his sister of all people had been different, somehow she had managed to do what no other had, bring out the man that he truly was, albeit still savage, in that he had more often than not caused her injury and pain, but he had been able to temper himself somewhat and control his instinct to kill her.
Bulma honestly thought the madness was settling in, she was confused over the half bond with Vegeta; she was grieving over her father, and trying to understand her mother's illness.
Her mother seemed to be getting increasingly cruel, the worst part was that no one knew about her illness, so more and more of the guards who heard her debasing her child had begun to look at Bulma slightly differently.
One night when Bulma's resolve toward Vegeta broke, she found herself walking towards his chambers, once outside his rooms she could hear muffled noises coming from within, as quietly as she could she cracked open the door, and immediately wished she hadn't.
A/N That it for now, I would like to thank everyone who is reading and reviewing, you guys give me the inspiration to carry on.