Alright, I admit it. I've succumbed to I've Lost My Profile Page's challenge to "borrow one of her stories. This comes from her "Senarios" chapter. This is senario...3? Yeah, I think it's three. Meh, my memory is terrible. Ah well.

Before we start, this is the first chapter/episode. Yes, I do realize that it's the episode Rose. And yes, I realize that the dialouge is different. It's supposed to be! It's a different Doctor, thus different dialouge!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. I don't own this idea. I don't even own the computer I'm typing this on!!

The spring sun started it's slow ascent above the small planet Earth. People started to wake and start their days. Another average start to another average day. Rose Tyler was no exception in her mind. Wake up, go to work, eat lunch with boyfriend, work some more, go home, sleep, then repeat the next day. That's how it's been since she left school until now.

She dazed throughout the day like a zombie; everything she did in the store was a routine now. She didn't even have to think about what she was doing. She barely heard the announcement saying that it was five minutes until the store closed. She grabbed her purse and followed fellow employees to the doors. She was almost out when the guard tapped her on the shoulder and held out a bag with a small amount of money in it. It was the Chief electrician's lottery money. She grabbed it and hurried to the lift, walking in and pressing the button to the basement.

Rose stepped out after a brief ride down, looking around the dimly lit hallway.

"Wilson?" she called for the elderly man, "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson?"

She walked over to his office door. Why anyone would put an office in the basement, she'd never know. She knocked on the heavy door, "Are you in there?" She placed a hand on her hip. "I can't hang about 'cause they're closing the shop. Wilson!"

She growled softly as she gave a little kick to the door. "Oh come on..."

There was a sudden clatter and Rose whipped around. She peered down the hallway, an uncomfortable feeling forming in the pit of her stoumach for some reason.

"Hello?" she called. Not hearing an answer she started walking down the hallway. Maybe it's Wilson, she thought.

"Hello, Wilson? It's Rose. Hello?" she stopped in front of one of the doors. "W-Wilson?" she called through it. Still no answer. She hesitently pushed the door open, stepping into a darker hallway. She reached out and flicked a switch on the wall, and a line of lights flickered to life. The corridor was filled with unused shop dummies; their blank faces and empty eyes staring at her from all angles.

"Wilson?" Rose called again, still hoping that it was him down here. She slowly walked past the rows of mannequins.


She turned around to see that the door she had come through had slammed shut. She swallowed.

"You're kidding me." she sighed/growled as she heard the lock click into place. Another clattering noise came from behind her. The uncomfortable feeling was slowly becoming a feeling similar to fear. Whoever was down here messing with her mind was really starting to freak her out, and she didn't like it. She wasn't scared very often, but a real tingle of fear ran up her spine as she slowly walked to the other end of the hallway. The sound of creaking plastic made her turn around. One of the mannequins was moving! It started taking slow steps towards her, almost moving like a robot. She cleared her throat.

"Ok. You got me. Very funny!" She said shakily, backing up from the dummy. It was obviously someone dressed up like a mannequin with a mask. What else could it be? One by one the others perked up and started following the first.

"Right, I've got the joke. Whose idea was this? Was it Derek's? Was it? Is this you Derek?" she looked around and noticed one of the dummies aproaching her from behind. She quickly changed direction, starting to back up against one of the walls. Her head was turning every which way, trying to watch all of the dummies at once. Her foot caught a stray cardboard box and she nearly fell. She picked her self up quickly.

Rose continued backing away from the dummies in growing fear and confusion. Why weren't they stopping? What did they want? Who were they? They weren't blinking or breathing, were they even human? She suddenly stopped, her back against the cold brick wall. The mannequins slowly advanced on her, raising their arms to kill her with a blow to her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut, muscles stiffened, ready for the blow to come.

Rose felt a hand grab hers and her head snapped around to find herself staring into sea green eyes.

"Run." the man holding her hand said. Before she could do anything else, he was pulling her alongside him as he ran. She could hear the mannequins running affer them, hollow footsteps echoing down the hallways. On and on, through corridors that Rose barely knew. But the man dragging her along seemed to know where he was going, so she simply went along. They ran through a doorway and Rose looked over her shoulder. They were getting closer! They were right on her heels as the strange man pulled her into a service lift. One of the dummies managed to get it's arms inbetween the doors as they were closing. The man grabbed the arm and gave it a great pull. After several tries, he succeded in "disarming" the mannequin. It's head squeaked as the was pressed against the closing doors. Rose finally regained her ability to speak and said the most intelligent thing she could think of.

"You...pulled his arm off."

The man turned around and smiled at her.

"Yes I did. Would you rather me let it in to kill us?" he asked as he tossed the arm to Rose, who jumped back as she caught it. She held it away from her body as she looked over the man. He looked like he had stepped out of the 1800s; he had on one of those long coats on over a dark red waistcoat. His wavy brown hair fell into curls as it settled onto his shoulders. She thought he seemed very handsome.

"So, who were they? Students? Was this a student thing?" Rose asked, clearing her throat to get her mind off how the man looked. The man smiled slightly, almost as if he was amused at the question.

"Now why would they be students?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Rose blinked and shrugged, still making sure that the plastic arm was well away from her body. The man waited calmly for an answer.

" get that many people dressed up and acting silly, they must be students." Even as the words came out of her mouth, she wasn't too sure if she believed what she was saying. The man chuckled.

"They weren't students,"

"Well, whoever they were, Wilson's going to be mad," she said, pulling the arm slightly closer to her body. The man looked a bit confused.

"Who's Wilson?"

"Chief electrician," she answered. "Why?"

"Wilson's dead. Poor chap..." he sighed as the doors to the lift opened and he stepped out. Rose followed him, unable to completely grasp what was happening at the moment.

"What? That's not funny; that's sick!" she shouted as she followed him through another doorway. He pulled her to the side.

"Mind your eyes." he said, ignoring her outbursts. He pulled something out of his pocket and pointed it at the controls to the lift. Rose yelped as sparks flew out of the controls. She started following him out of the corridor.

"I've had enough of this! Who are you then? Who's that lot down there? I said, WHO ARE THEY?" she half said, half shouted at the man's back.

"They're called Autons. Beings made of plastic, living plastic. They're being controlled by a relay up on the roof, which would be a bit of a problem if I didn't have this," he pulled a device out of his pocket that looked like a mutilated remote control. A mutilated remote control that was beeping. "I'm going up to the roof to blow it up."

He stopped at the door leading up to the roof.

"Would you care to join me...I'm sorry, what is your name?" he flashed a charming smile. Rose scoffed, waving the plastic arm at him.

"It's Rose, and you're INSANE if you think I'm gonna come with you. You're just a part of this whole joke to scare me out of my skin! What did you say your name was?" The man laughed.

"I'm the Doctor," he looked at the door and placed a hand on the handle. "You might want to think about leaving Rose. I can't really garentee that this is going to be a safe place to stand in a few minutes." he smiled as he opened the door and left. Rose stared at the door for a moment, holding the plastic arm in her hands. She turned and looked around. She was outside. How did that happen? She guesdsed that she wasn't paying attention.

She walked out into the dark night, mind adrift in thougts. Who was that? The Doctor? Doctor who? He must've been a part of the joke. She woyuld have a talk to Wilson tomorrow about locking the doors more carefully...

Rose's thoughts were interrupted by a large and violent explosion from be hind her. She whriled around just in time to see fire erupt from the building she was in mere moments before. She shuddered, before turning and running the rest of the way home.

'The whole of central London was been closed off as police investigate the fire..."

Rose sat on the living room sofa in the flat she shared with her mother, not really listening to either the television or her mother talk to everyone she knew and tell them about "Rose's miraculous survival." She rolled her eyes as Mickey decided to show up and start fussing over her. Sure, he was her boyfriend, but she didn't need everyone to be all over her. She gently pushed him off of her as he started asking her questions.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," Rose replied. Mickey raised an eyebrow.

"What was it though, what caused it?"

"I wasn't in the shop. I didn't see anything," she said. Well, it wasn't really a lie; she didn't see what caused the explosion. She knew who caused it. It was psycho calling himself a doctor with a bomb, but she didn't see it. Her mother, Jackie, walked in the room one hand over the reciever of the phone in her other hand.

"It's Debbie on the end, knows a man on the 'Mirror,' 500 quid for an interview!"

"Really? Give it here," Rose took the phone and hung up. Jackie folded her arms and frowned.

"Well you've got to find some way of finding money. Your job's kaput, and I'm not bailing you out again," the phone rang and she snatched it up. "Bev! She's alive!" she walked out of the room talking. Rose rubbed her temple, a small headache starting to pound away at her forehead. She went to take a sip of her tea when Mickey laughed and took the cup from her.

"Tea? No no no, you need something stronger. You've had genuine shock and trauma," he grabbed her hand and stood up, "Come on, we're going to the pub. You and me, my treat." Rose raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a match on?" Mickey's eyebrows flew up.

"No! I'm just thinking about you!"

"There is a match on." she stated plainly. Mickey hung his head in an admittance of defeat.

"Yeah. If we leave now we can catch the last five minutes,"

"Go on. I'm tired," Rose gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She stopped him as he was halfway out the door.

"Can you throw that away for me?" She pointed to the plastic arm laying on the wooden chair. He laughed and picked it up.

"Bye!" he said in a high voice, waving the plastic arm. Then he put it to his neck and pretended to choke. Rose giggled as he left the flat.

Micky tossed it into a garbage bin as he hurried to the local pub. He noticed niether the scuffling sound coming from the bin nor the blue police box innocently tucked away in an alleyway. Why would he? It was just a Police Public Call Box...