Sailor Moon X: Planet Crystals

Sailor Moon X: Planet Crystals


First of all, I don't own any characters of the Sailor Moon universe, with the exception of the ones created by me. The characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi, and this story doesn't have anything to do with the original storyline.

This story has a few allusions to the original Dragonball series, so it's normal that some situations may seem a little similar to the ones seen in the series. I hope that you all understand this, and let me just say that I don't intend to put any Dragonball characters in it. If someone has an idea to make this story even better than I'm going to write it, let me know, for I am opened to suggestions from my readers. Anyway, let's get this started, shall we?



A long time ago, in a time that no one knows, there was a girl who was destined to be the most powerful warrior that ever existed. She lived all by herself, in a house, located in the middle of a forest, without any kind of contact with the human world… just her and the wilderness. Her name was Tsukino, Usagi Tsukino.

One day, Usagi went for a walk in the middle of the forest. She had the craziest dream, where she was the main protagonist, in the last nights. In the dream, she was all alone, in the middle of what seemed a dark forest, when suddenly, 14 figures of light appeared out of nowhere, and involved her.

Usagi was a 16 year-old girl. She had long, straight and shiny blond hair. She was thin-faced, and her eyes were blue. Her skin was white, and she had thin lips. Her body was slim, although she revealed a few muscles on her abdomen and on her upper arms. She was dressed with a white shirt, with a pink bow and an old blue mini-skirt. She was also wearing a pair of blue sandals. As she walked through the forest, she thought about the dream, trying to figure out its meaning. When she arrived at a clearing in the forest, she noticed that she had never been there before.

I thought I knew this entire forest like the palm of hand, but it seems that once again, the sacred forest decided to prank me, by showing me another hidden place. –she thought to herself, as she entered in the clearing.

The grass looked more ostentatious, and so were the beautiful pink and yellow flowers that grew in the bushes that surrounded the place, along with the trees. The air had a funny smell, because it smelled to flowers but also to wet grass, an interesting combination of smells. In the middle of the place, there was an old rock, shaped like what looked like a bench. Usagi lied in it, and started to look into the sky. There were some clouds in it that were hiding the Sun. The blonde girl started to look at the clouds and tried to imagine what animals or objects could they represent. She spent at least an hour there, looking at the clouds, letting her imagination take control of the situation. Her amazing imagination was one of her greatest prides, because she read all the books that her grandmother left her, when she died. It was her grandmother the one who teached her everything that she knew about martial arts. Her skills were amazing, and she could use almost everything around her as a weapon, from a small rock to a wooden branch. But, usually she would only use those skills to hunt for food, or maybe to protect herself from any ferocious animal or beast that could appear in her way.

After getting fed up of all that, Usagi decided to go back home, when she was surprised by a noise that came from behind her. At first, she thought that it could be a bear, or maybe a puma… She was already used to those animals, which seemed to have a special taste for her. Sometimes, she scared them away, by using her fighting skills, but other times, she had to kill them. Anyway, it made no difference to her, for she would eventually kill one of them to eat… But this time, it was only her feline friend, Luna. Luna was a black panther, with light-brown eyes, and that had the ability of changing into other types of felines, like a lioness, or a cheetah, or any other. Luna also had the ability of talking and understanding humans. She was one courageous panther, and she lived in that forest for many years.

Luna-chan! Why do you always have to appear from behind me? Can't you just appear in front of me, for once? –Usagi yelled furiously at the panther.

Sorry, but this is my nature, Usagi. So, tell me… What are you doing around here? I haven't seen you for a couple of weeks. –asked Luna.

I've decided to go for a walk, and well, I ended up here… And about the fact of you seeing me in these last weeks, it's because I've been busy perfecting my "Moon Fist"… You know what, silly? I was able to shatter a rock as big as the one that exists near the Great Waterfall, with only one of my attacks. –she answered Luna, as they walked through the forest.

That is quite impressive, Usagi… Your grandmother would be very proud of you. You have the strength of ten men combined, an agility and speed only compared to mine, and it seems that each day it passes, your qualities become even stronger. You really are a gifted warrior, and I will not be surprised if one day, you become the world's most powerful woman.

My grandma also told me that, but I don't believe in that, I mean, I know that I'm quite strong and all, but I think that there are people and creatures that are more powerful than me, and I'll never beat them, Luna. –declared Usagi, revealing her most humble side.

Don't be so harsh on yourself, Usagi. You have a bright future a head of you, and with the proper training, nothing will stop you from getting where you desire to go. But to do that, you must do what your grandmother told you, you must get out of this forest and see the world, so you can learn new things. –said Luna, as she tried to make Usagi see that anything was possible.

I know that, and believe me, I want to get out of this forest, but I don't think I'm prepared to do that, not just yet… But someday, I will, and when that day comes, I want to be ready.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, a black car speeded up through the road, leaving a dust cloud behind it. It was unusual to see that type of car, passing in that road. It was a black roadster, with neon lights, black windows, and it had the nosiest engine that people who lived there ever heard in their lives. All of a sudden, it stopped, and the cloud of dust, covered it with a thin layer of dust from the road. The driver's door opened, and a guy comes out of it. His name was Meioh, Johnny Meioh. Johnny was an 18 year-old boy. He had brown hair, with a crew cut. He was thin-faced, and his eyes were almond-brown. His skin was white, and he had thin lips. He had a muscled body, especially on his upper arms. In fact, his entire body was muscled, but he did not have a muscled body from a guy who spent all of his time in the gym. He was dressed with a black t-shirt, a pair of dark trousers, and finally a pair of black and red basketball shoes. He yawned and took a closer look to the landscape that surrounded him, and then opened what seemed like a small console, which was attached to his left wrist. This one was a big device that covered his arm until its elbow, and seemed to look like a GPS of some sort.

Hmm… According to my GPS, the next one should be around here somewhere. –he said, looking at his device. –The signal is getting stronger, so maybe, if I follow this road, I'll discover the exact place, where what I'm looking for is. It'll be a synch!

After saying that, he got back into his car, turned on the engine and speeded through the road, at high speed, without knowing the surprises that awaited him, on the end of it.