AN: I know it's been very very long since my last update. I have no excuses, the only one I can blame is myself for not making time to write.

Thank you to all my reviewers.


Chapter 10: An Alliance part one

It took Xiang half an hour to find a doctor and bring him back to the ship. He and the doctor entered the room and the doctor immediately tended to Katara, who was slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Your servant told me that Lady Katara is not well," he said to Zuko.

Zuko was holding Katara's hand in his. "I'm afraid it's pneumonia, a crew-member is sick too. She tended to him a couple of hours ago."

"I'm afraid that there's a epidemic," the doctor said, while he examined Katara. "She must have caught it earlier."

"So the sick number will only increase?" Zuko asked. The doctor silently nodded. It seemed that the situation was getting worse and Zuko felt entirely helpless.

"Her blood pressure is low. She needs medication soon. Things might get very nasty with the pregnancy. For both her and the child."


Zuko sat on the main deck leaning against the cabin. Chen emerged from below deck and walked to Zuko.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Zuko sighed and buried a hand in his already untidy hair. "I don't know anymore what I should do. Would it make me a bad leader if I left to save the one I love?"

"I don't know, Sir, we could split up. If a part of us stay behind on your behalf to help them here, then you and the others could go back so Lady Katara and Captain Jee can be treated."

"We would never be with enough to sail this ship," Zuko remembered him.

"Is there no other way to get back?" Chen asked.

His question was answered by a loud roar above them. Zuko's eyes widened as he looked up. There was Appa. The giant bison stroke down in front of the two men and a moment later Aang and Toph jumped on the deck.

"Zuko! Oh good you're all right." Aang said relieved.

"Yeah Twinkletoes had a vision that you were buried underneath the ground."

"I was, I'm all right now. But you're timing couldn't be more perfect," Zuko said as he pulled himself up, grabbing his crutch for support. He let a low wince out as he straightened himself.

"You're wounded," Aang said worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry. It's Katara and Jee we're worried about."

"What's wrong with them?" Toph asked.

"Pneumonia," Zuko said. "And Jee is badly wounded too. I'm afraid that now Katara can't tend to him anymore that his wounds will inflame. And if they don't get treated soon, it looks very bad for them, especially Katara and the baby."


Katara blinked several times against the light in the room and when she finally was able to open her eyes, she was looking straight into the grey-blue ones of Aang.

"Aang," she wheezed. "How? When?"

Aang shushed her and stroke the sweaty strands of hair out of her face. "It's going to be all right." He then turned to Zuko. "She's not looking well. You better leave immediately."

"What about my people?" Zuko asked.

"You and Chen take Katara and Jee on Appa to the North Pole. Toph and I will stay behind on your behalf with the rest of your men. Ask Chief Arnook to send healers."

"The North Pole?" Zuko asked.

Aang nodded. "Yes, I think Katara, Jee and you could use some healing sessions and all these wounded and sick too."

"You think they will comply? They don't owe anything to the Fire Nation."

"They have the deepest respect for Katara, they will help," Aang assured.


Katara was securely wrapped in a blanket and her head rested in Zuko's lap. Zuko stroked a hand through her hair absentmindedly as he stared straight ahead. Jee was lying next to them, he too was wrapped in a warm blanket. Chen was sitting on top of Appa's head. He was quite impressed to be sitting on the avatar's bison. The view was majestic, but he didn't dare to say something about it. It was not the time for admiration. They had been flying for almost two days now and Chen was surprised how fast the air bison was. If they had made this journey by ship it would have taken them about a week. But he had heard before that the avatar's bison had flown from Ember Island to Ba Sing Sei in one day and back to the Fire Nation Capital the day after that. That had been the day of Sozin's Comet. Chen stared ahead and saw the glaciers of the North Pole.

"Sir, the Northern Water Tribe is lying straight ahead of us. Where should I land this – er bison?"

"The court yard, close to the entrance of the palace."

Chen did as he was told and landed Appa right in front of two guards.

"Quick! We need some help now," Chen called to the both of them.

The two guards looked surprised at the giant bison, but came closer.

Chen helped Zuko down.

"Fire Lord Zuko!" one of the guards said surprised.

"I'm sorry for bursting in like this. But we need help. Master Katara and a friend are badly sick," Zuko said while searching support on his crutch.

"Get some healers here!" the guard said to the other one, who hurried away immediately.

"Fire Lord are you all right, your injuries seem pretty serious too."

"I can wait, is it possible to speak Chief Arnook first?" Zuko asked.

The guard made a bow. "I shall see what I can do."


They waited until the healers had arrived and brought Katara and Jee safely inside of a cabin. The guard guided Zuko inside to the great hall where Chief Arnook was. When they reached the platform the guard knelt.

"What's the matter, Takko?" Chief Arnook asked.

"Fire Lord Zuko would like to speak you, Chief Arnook."

"That firenation jerk hasn't lost anything here!" sneered a haughty warrior that sat behind Arnook.

"Hahn! Watch your tongue! I won't allow such language." Chief Arnook said sternly, then he turned to Zuko. "Now Fire Lord, what brings you to my tribe in this state?"

Zuko limped forwards and dropped to his knees, ignoring the pain he felt in his right knee. "Chief Arnook, a mine in Tai Dum has collapsed, there are still people trapped inside and an epidemic has broken out, both Katara and my Captain have fallen ill, I brought them here for healing, but I want to safe my people too. So I beg you for your help," Zuko said lowering his head to the floor.

There was a loud laugh and everyone looked at Hahn. Zuko looked up from his kneeling position

"Oh please," Hahn said still snickering. "You can't honestly think that we would help you or the Fire Nation in any way. It's not because the war is over that you can get everything you want –"

"Hahn! That will do! Takko, are the healers working on Master Katara and the Captain?"

"Yes, Sir." Takko said with another bow.

"Why didn't they tend to the Fire Lord?" Chief Arnook asked.

"He first wanted to see you, Sir."

Chief Arnook nodded understandingly. "You carry such a heavy burden, young Fire Lord." He closed his eyes and sighed. "We will help your nation."

Hahn's mouth dropped. "What?!"

But he was ignored by Arnook. "Now let Takko bring you to our healers so they can treat your injuries."

"Thank you," Zuko said as he lowered his head to the floor once more. Then he stood with some help of Takko and his crutch. When he was escorted out of the Hall he could hear Hahn's bickering.

"Why are you helping him! Has he ever helped us?"

"Enough! I won't allow such disrespect towards Master Katara's fiancé. He's a noble man and the fact that he asked our help to save simple citizens, shows he cares! And that's my final word about it Hahn!"


A moment later they entered a cabin, where Yagoda was working on Katara. Zuko was surprised at how comfortable the cabin looked from the inside. There was a square pit in the floor, which was covered with thick fur.

Yagoda looked at Takko and Zuko. "You can go, Takko. I shall take care of him from here on."

Takko made a respectful bow before he left the cabin.

"How is she?" Zuko asked Yagoda as he sat down on the border of the pit.

Yagoda gave him a gentle smile before looking back at Katara. "She's going to be fine. It won't take long before she's back to her former self, although she should take it easy until the baby is born."

Zuko nodded understandingly. Yagoda bent the water back in the bowl and stood. She walked towards Zuko and knelt down in front of him.

"Now let's take a look at you." She took his left arm slowly out of the sling and started unwinding the bandages. Once the bandages were removed a badly swollen and inflamed arm was revealed.

"You're extremely lucky you're still able to stand," Yagoda said as she summoned water and gloved her hands with it before soothing his hurt arm, "most people would have been burning up with a high fever to fight off the infection."

Zuko winced a bit as the cold water touched his arm first. "I'm a Firebender, I tend to run warmer than most people without suffering from it," he explained.

"That might be true, but it should have been treated the moment you broke it. Luckily for you I'm a Waterbender and the damage is still repairable," she scolded, but her tone became gentle once more as she saw him look at Katara, "but thanks to your quick acting both Katara and the baby will be fine. As for your friend, I heard Tahna say that he would be back to his former self in no time."

Zuko fought his tears, but they rolled down anyway. He quickly rubbed them away with the sleeve of his good arm. "I was so scared th-that I would – lose them."

"I thought you knew by now that Katara is a strong-headed woman with a very strong will to live," Yagoda said gently as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "you have grown into a very nice young man. And the healers already set off to Tai Dum to help."

Zuko nodded gratefully. Yagoda continued her healing and then she started bandaging his arm again. Once she was done she took of his shin guard and boot so she could tend to the injured knee.

"The injury is not too serious. Only the muscle tissue is damaged," Yagoda said as she placed her water gloved hands on his knee. "I think with a night rest you'll be able to walk again tomorrow." She bent the water back into the bowl and stood. "I think that will do for tonight. Try to get some sleep. If it's too cold tonight you can use those extra blankets I brought," she said while pointing to a pile fur. "Will you manage from here?"

Zuko nodded. "Thank you, for everything."

She gave him a gentle smile. "It's nothing dear. Rest well." And then she left.

Zuko took of his other shin guard and boot and pulled himself on his feet. He noticed he could put some weight on his right leg now. He slowly walked to the spot were Katara was tucked in and gently knelt down next to her. He brushed his hand through her hair. Katara's eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at him. He gave her a gentle smile back, even though it didn't reach his eyes completely.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked as he sat down with a grunt.

"I feel much better, but you seem to have neglected yourself," she said as she placed a hand on his scarred cheek.

"I had to make sure you, the baby and Jee were all right," answered he.

"I pretty sure that we will be fine, we're in good hands after all."

Zuko nodded and slowly lay down next to her. Katara snuggled up against him.

"You scared me," Zuko admitted after a while. He sighed and continued. "I thought I was going to lose you."

Katara didn't respond and when Zuko glanced beside him he saw she had fallen asleep again. He sighed and laid his head on the soft pillow. There were many things on his mind. What would happen to his people in Tai Dum. So many dead, so many injured. Where Ozai-supporters behind it? What would be their next move? For the first time since he'd been crowned Fire Lord, Zuko felt powerless.


When Katara opened her eyes the next day, Zuko was already gone. Katara slowly sat up and looked around, but the young Fire Lord was nowhere to be found. Suddenly she heard voices just outside of the small cabin.

"It's a tragedy what happened at Tai Dum," the deep voice of Chief Arnook spoke.

"I'm afraid that someone made it collapse," Zuko said bitterly.

"But who?" Chief Arnook asked.

"I'm ashamed to say that there are still people who support my father," Zuko replied.

"I see. Obviously they want to spread dead and despair so people will turn against you."

Zuko let out a deep sigh. "Yes, I think so."

"Then I think it's best we call a meeting together with the other nations to see what we can do to maintain the peace. I shall send word to the Earth Kingdom and Southern Water Tribe straightaway. This problem needs to be tackled immediately."

"I agree," Zuko said. "In the meanwhile I'm going back to Tai Dum to see what I can do."

"What about Master Katara?" asked Chief Arnook.

"I think it's best if she went back to the Fire Nation Capital together with Captain Jee."

'We'll see about that,' Katara thought.

"I think I can arrange something. But do you think she will co-operate? If I know Master Katara well enough, then I can tell you she will not like being left behind."

'Ha! Katara thought triumphantly.

"We have a chid to think about. Her family would never forgive me if I let anything happen to either of them and neither would I. My family is my life. She, my uncle and the baby are all I have. After five years I was not even able to find my mother, the only person who ever loved me beside them."

Katara felt a pang of regret in her heart. It was true, Zuko had been looking for his mother with all his power. But not even a trace of Ursa had been found. No one could tell if she was alive or dead or even in which nation she was residing.

"I understand," Chief Arnook went on. "But I hope she will as well. I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Well I guess you will be leaving today with the Avatar's Bison?"

"Yes, I would like to know what Aang and Toph found out."

"Then I wish you the best of luck. May our paths cross in the future under better circumstances."

"I hope for the same. Thank you for your hospitality and help."

Katara heard Zuko approach and a moment later he entered the cabin. He stopped in the opening as he saw her looking at him.

"You're awake," it was a statement. "How are you feeling now?" asked he as he walked towards her and sat down.

Katara glared at him. "So you're sending me back to the Fire Nation?"

"We're not having this discussion!" Zuko said raising his voice. "If you were listening anyway then you also must have heard my reasons!"

"You don't have the right to decide for me!" Katara snapped back. "I'm a free person!"

Zuko looked her straight in the eyes. "Katara do you know that Yagoda told me that you were this," he held his fingers half an inch apart, "close from miscarrying."

"Don't use that against me! Don't make me feel guilty!" Katara yelled.

"That's the last thing I want to do, Katara," Zuko said his face softening. "You're a great healer and warrior, Katara. But you have to realise that your body is reaching its limits."

"I want to help too, I can't sit here and watch other people suffering! I want to mean something to your people too!" Katara said as tears erupted from her eyes.

"Tara," Zuko said gently as he wrapped his arms around her. "Is that what this is all about? Are you afraid of the citizens judgement?"

Her silence proved he was right.

"You have nothing to prove, you already have their approval."

"But Governor Li Zong —"

"We've talked already about this Katara. Even Mai disagrees with her father, Agni she even accepts us getting married! And people who don't accept you, also have a problem with my reign. It's always going to be like that."

Katara swallowed a lump down her throat. "You're right. I'm sorry." She buried her head in the crook of his shoulder.

"Just promise me you're going back to the Fire Nation Capital," Zuko said as he lifted her chin so she was looking at him. "I couldn't bear to lose you too. Please understand that I don't want to lock you inside away from all harm. I know I can't stop you," he chuckled slightly.

"How long will you be gone?" Katara asked with a lump in her throat, silently promising she would reamain behind, at least until she regained her strength again.

Zuko released her and cast his eyes down. "I hope no longer than two weeks."

Katara had to blink her tears away and flung herself again in his arms. "Then promise me you will remain safe."

"I promise," Zuko whispered against her head before kissing it softly.


Several hours later Appa was saddled and ready for take-off. More than happy to go back to Aang. Chief Arnook, Katara and several citizens were there. Chief Arnook shook Zuko's hand. "Good luck. May Yue and La watch over you."

"I cannot thank you enough for your help," Zuko replied. His eyes slowly turned to Katara who was standing a meter behind Chief Arnook.

"Don't worry, son. Once your captain is strong enough, I'll make sure they'll be brought back safely to the capital. Until then they'll be perfectly safe here," the watertribe's chief said.

Zuko bowed his head. "Thank you."

Chief Arnook made a bow too, then he stepped aside. Katara walked toward Zuko and hugged him closely. "I'll miss you," she said as tears ran over her cheeks.

"I'll miss you too. But it won't be for long," he said while burying his face in her hair and breathing her sweet scent. After several minutes he let her go and sat on his shins, addressing her stomach. "And you young one, be nice for you mother." Katara chuckled at that and wiped the tears from her eyes. Zuko straightened himself again and looked tenderly at Katara. "Don't look so sad Tara, it doesn't suit you."

Katara fought her tears once more. "It's just my hormones," she said, smiling weakly.

Zuko cupped her face and kissed her, he didn't care a single bit about all the people present. He kissed her until he felt her knees would give away. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth. Slowly he pulled away and slowly walked towards Appa. He climbed with some effort on Appa, because his leg was still stiff and with the words 'yip yip' they took off.

Once Appa had become a tiny spot in the horizon, Katara turned around and walked back to the cabin where she and Zuko had been staying. She stood with her back towards the opening when she felt the presence of somebody else inside.

"He'll be fine, dear." Katara nodded at the comforting words of Yagoda. The healer approached her and placed a hand on the young bender's shoulder. "I can see it in his eyes, nothing will stop him from coming back to you." Katara couldn't help but chuckle, she had to give him that. After all he was know for his persistence in capturing the Avatar back then.

"Thank you for your kind words," Katara said with a small smile.

"Now that's better, you are so much like your grandmother. How about I teach you some techniques so you can ease the backaches."

"How did you -" Katara started. "I carried three children and seen many pregnant woman over the years. I can tell when their backs are aching or not."

While Yagoda showed Katara several healing techniques, she was able to get her mind of the things that had happened.

"If you remember your breathing and several of the healing techniques you can ease your pain during labour."

"Thank you, though I hope I won't be on my own when the time comes."

Yagoda chuckled. "I don't think that man of you would allow that to happen."

Katara smiled to herself and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

TBC ...

AN: If you want to make me really happy now, you're always allowed to press the review-button.