"Mello? Mello? Are you even listening?"

"No." I murmured.

Matt's voice snapped me out of my daze. I tried to stay conscious and keep my eyes on the dark road, but that was hard, considering the fact that I'd hardly gotten any sleep in the past couple of days. My eye lids were heavy and everything in front of me became a blurry haze again.

Something poked me in the shoulder. I growled.

"Mello, you need to stay awake. You're the one who wanted to drive in the first place." Matt said quietly.

"Well, excuse me, Matt. You're the one who dragged me out here in the middle of the fucking night, just to get some lame video game!" I yelled. I saw his face fall, even though he tried to hide it. I couldn't bring myself to feel just the least bit bad for what I said.

"It is not lame," he defended himself, not succeeding much. Matt turned to the window and stared out it.

I followed the road for awhile. No one seemed to be around. No car lights, no people, no houses even. It was twenty till midnight, and the oh so exciting game that Matt had been annoying me about for awhile now came out exactly at the stroke of midnight. We weren't allowed out of Wammy's after nine, but the look on Matt's face after I had told him that I wasn't going with him was just too much, even for me. So, I reluctantly got out of my warm, cozy bed, and we hot wired that shiny red convertible that I saw Matt eyeing the other day. It would get back a little after one, so there were no worries there.

Rain was falling in buckets from the sky. The top was up in the convertible, so now the rain just poured down the sides of the car.

It was quiet for awhile. I didn't mind that much, although if we didn't want to crash into a tree, then I'd need to stay conscious.

"Matt?" He jumped a little, but looked at me. There was no expression on his face. "Could you…you know, talk? I kinda need to stay awake."

He smiled, and I rubbed my eyes with my one free hand.

"Sure, Mello. Whatever you say." And then he happily proceeded to talk about something…I wasn't sure what, though. I could start to see some lights up ahead, about two or three miles. We were almost to town, at least.

The car came to a crawling halt when I stopped at a red light. I wondered idly why there was even a red light in the middle of nowhere, where there were obviously no people inhabiting the area.

"…and it's got these amazing graphics, not like the last one that came out. Those graphics sucked. The plot line is also supposed better too. I'm so excited, I can't stop bouncing up and down!" I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He actually was bouncing in his seat, looking like a five year old who was promised ice cream.

"Mello? Mello?"

Again, his voice snapped me out of another daze.

"What?" I said, my voice quite loud. The silence that followed made my ears ring.

"I was asking when we were going to get there." He said, trying not to laugh.

"Er, sorry, I kind of spaced out….We're almost there, so you can calm down now. And what's so funny?" I asked him, glaring. He bust out in a round of giggles.

"You didn't space out, you were staring at me!" He quieted down a bit, then looked at me strangely. What was going through that boy's head? Wait, on second though, maybe I didn't want to know…

"Was not," I muttered, and kept my eyes on the few cars that I began to surpass as we entered town.

After ten minutes of driving down endless streets, I knew we were lost. I haven't exactly been here a lot, but I had thought I knew my way around. Obviously not. Matt kind of looked annoyed that we hadn't arrived at his precious game store yet. No doubt people were already lined up in the store, waiting for the game to be released. It was ten till, and I could see Matt fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. It bothered me to no end.

"Matt, could you please stop doing that?" It came out rather mean, but I guess I was kind of irritable from lack of sleep.

"Okay…" He stopped moving around, but now he was biting his nails.

"Matt!" I yelled, exasperated.

"What? What did I do now?!" He raised his voice, throwing his hands up.

"You're driving me insane! I'm so fucking tired, and maybe if you weren't here annoying the hell out of me, then I would finally get some peace!" I yelled. Dead silence. I saw Matt's face fall.

I turned another corner, and saw the game shop up ahead. I was right, there was a long line of people with their multicolored umbrellas, leading out the door and continuing onto the sidewalk. I mentally groaned. I looked sideways at Matt to see if he saw the store, but he had his head hung, staring at his shoes. I felt the corners of my lips turn down in a frown. Had what I said really hurt him that much?

I pressed the brake gently, stopping at another red light.

I turned my attention to him, and opened my mouth to say something, when I saw it. There was a car, whose tires were slipping over the rain coated road, only feet away from ours. It's destination was the passenger's side of our car, Matt's side. I frantically tried to stomp on the gas pedal, but the car refused to move. Uncontrollable fear pooled in my stomach. I reached a shaky hand out to Matt and whispered his name.

It all went by very fast. Time didn't slow down like it was supposed to in your final moments, like it was supposed to. It sped up, and your life never flashed before your eyes. That was all fine by me. I didn't really want to see everything I'd done, every mistake I ever made.

He had just enough time to tilt confusedly tilt his head, before I heard the inhuman screech of metal against metal, and everything went black.

I didn't know how long I had passed out, or if I had even passed out. All I knew was that there was much more pressure on my body than was normal, and that the car was positioned in a way that it shouldn't be. I could just barely open my eyes, and I was aware of a warm substance dripping down my forehead. Instead of sitting up like I had been before, I was lying on something, part of the wrecked car.

I could hear the echoes of the ambulance sirens around me, the screams and cries of the innocent bystanders, the sound of glass crunching. The one thing I couldn't hear though, was the one thing I wanted to hear the most in the world. Matt's voice.

"Matt?" I whispered pathetically, begging to hear the confirmation, that he was alive. I couldn't move.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity, but was only probably about a minute or so. There were now angry shouts of paramedics and the police trying to hush back the crowd. I didn't want to hear them. I didn't even want to be alive if Matt wasn't.

I waited, and waited, until I heard, "Yeah?" His voice broke and wasn't very loud. He sounded like he was in extreme pain. I guess I was lucky- my whole body was pretty much numb now, and the only thing I could feel was the blood that seemed to be everywhere.

"Are…are you okay?" I wanted to kick myself for saying something that stupid, but nothing else could come to my mind.

I could vaguely make out the shape of his crushed body, tangled in the heaps of shattered glass and disfigured metal. His eyes were clenched shut, and the blood streaked across his face was the exact same color as his hair.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Mello?" He asked. The pure pain in his voice made my heart ache.


"I've really fucked up this time." People were digging through the scraps of the accident now, trying to find us.

"Naw, Matt, this is all on me." I tried to laugh, and failed.


"Yeah, Matt?"

"Even if we get out of this…Hell, even if we don't, I just want you to know something. Ow…" He whimpered.

"Mello, I love you." He struggled with his words, out of pain or fear, I couldn't tell. His voice was almost lost in all the commotion.

Despite all that was going on right now, all that had happened, I smiled, wide and big. It was probably the biggest smile I've ever smiled in my whole life. It was ironic, really.

"Matt, you retard, I love you too." He chuckled weakly.

"I knew it." He sighed. "Well, I guess it's time to go."

"I guess so." I agreed. "So, I'll see you later?"

I laughed at the situation; it was no different than any other normal day, when we went our separate ways after classes.

"Wherever we go, I promise to see you later, Mello." He grinned at me, his eyes still closed.

I slowly worked the hand that was partially free out of it's cradle of glass and reached it out to touch Matt's forehead, making a deep gash in it on the way.

Matt smiled and I was happy. It didn't matter where we were, or how many sharp objects were impaling our bodies. I was happy, and Matt was happy, and fuck anyone who wanted to ruin that.

"Bye, Mello."

"Bye, Matt."

There was the grunting of men, and suddenly the door to the driver's side was removed. I heard someone scream, and it registered somewhere in my mind that I had been the one screaming. Streaks of blinding white pain shot through my vision, and suddenly all was gone.