Okay, here goes, I've deleted every chapter of this story so that I can restart it which I am currently doing in conjunction with finishing Evolution of a Relationship and Series 3 with Rose.

I know that a lot of you read this story and reviewed and added it to favourites but it just wasn't working. I've read it over again several times in the last few days and discovered that I wasn't satisfied with the way that it was going. I also thought that I was far too mean to Rose, so I have decided to fix it, the first chapter of the re write will hopefully be up as soon as possible and lets just say, you won't recognise this as the same story but trust me it is, just with bits taken out and bits added in, like the first chapter for example.

I'm gonna go and update stuff now and I'll try to include the first chapter of this amongst them, however, I don't promise daily updates however I do promise that I won't neglet this like I did the original

Thanks again for reading and reviewing, but I just didn't like it, so I hope that you'll all read the re written version as it is posted.

