StarFox: Third Eyes

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Fox, It's characters, it's original ideas, Nintendo, Namce, RareWare, though all things not officially announced... official, by Nintendo are claimed by me unless copied off of another series, movie, game and/or whatever else.

Authors note: SAW Fox is going to be just a part of this, I said I was going to make a re write, and I'm delivering a whole lot fucking more. and buy the way, I meant to make this feel a bit like an anime sorta thing, because I could never completely envision furries in #d without them either looking cell-shaded or downright stupid, so yeah. Enjoy and R&R, or the dramatic Chipmunk will eat your soul.

Rating: 18+ For Extreme Sexual Content, Nudity (Meaning posssible Lemons) Intense Blood and Gore, Disturbing moments, Extreme Explitic Language (Words like "Cunt", "Shit", "Fuck" and "Dick" will be used in many places) Drug and Aclhohol Refference and more pwnage than you've ever read about before.

Deathly Invitation

Hard Rock blaseted into Fox James McClouds ears at intense volumes almost as loud as the engine of the Arwing he was currently repairing from their recent failed investigation. Fox kept thinking about it, It always made him angrier, he once got pissed at Falco Lombardi for screwing with Slippy Toad by stealing his hat and turning off his music, he almost even went as far as yelling at Krystal McCloud- His recently married now-quite-lusty and now violent minded wife (A/N: Yes I know, thats kind of out of character for her, but hanging around Falco and being around so much violence at the same time would help, not to mention I'm staying true to the good old made-no-sense original SAW fox)- for stepping down hard on his hand accidently, but it hurt like a bitch for a while. His life was already becoming intensly miserable, He was so confused, no matter how many times he tried to put the peices together, they just wouldn't fit. He looked back on the events from the previous day...


"Mehdadw, xid." a light, beatiful voice said from below Fox, he opened his eyes fully and rubbed them, the world transformed from a blur to a fully focused image, there was a large black ceiling fan above him with the light of a lamp reflecting off of it, it slowly rotated in a counter-clockwise direction, he looked below him, he was lieing on his back on a comfortable King-sized bed with a red blanket covering his lower half, he realized he was completely nude, as well as the blue vixen that was nested on his chest, her blue eyes gazed lovingy into Fox's eyes, he noticed her hair was a bit longer, bluer and less braided, this may have also been because it was slightly ruffled, alng with the rest of her fur, he then realized her fur was matted in her more private places, it took a little while to fully awaken and remember everything.

"Mornin' babe." he said before stratching his arms out and yawning, he heard Krystal giggle a little, Fox finished yawning and smacked his lips together with a tired look on his face. "Whats so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just like it when you call me that." Fox started to blush when his concious nearly kicked him. 'What in the bloody hell are you blushing about? Your so laid back about talking about and having sex but you can't handle her saying that she likes you calling her a babe? You confuse me... or I confuse me... oh fuck it you know what I'm saying god damnit' Fox stopped blushing and enganged in a short kiss with Krystal before they both swung their legs over opposite ends of the bed and got up, they both had a shower and got dressed, each of them had their own wardrobe and mirror on opposite sides of the room to keep organized. Fox slipped on a loose black T-shirt, loose blue jeans and gray socks, then slipped into a pair of gray boots. Krystal basically dreessed in the same thing, except her shirt was a small bit tighter and her boots were black. they both stepped out of the room, the door slid open and slid closed with a light hiss, the hall was long with lights that would autommaticly turn on at the immediate sense of someone in the halls and shut off when commanded, they walked down the halls hand in hand talking to each other about casual things and personal things alike, on their small walk they passed Falco's room and Slippy's room, both with gold plates on the doors. they walked through an open doorway without a door at all into their large hangar, they passed by all four Arwings (Which also had Falco's custom painted Ar-wing, with black wing-connectors instead of the standard blue ones) on their way to a door near the other end of the room, it also hissed open and closed behind them. inside the door was a simplistic kitchen: There was a medium-sized round wooden table in the middle of the kitchen with six regular wooden chairs seated around it, there was a counter with dishes of all sorts on it's blue top and more eating utensils in the wooden brown cupboards below it, above it was cupboards attached all across the left of the ceiling where cups would go along with Bowls, plates and knives. on the right was a wall with a medium sized hole and two blue glowing rods on either side of the hole. the front of the room just had another shiny, silver door. Krystal walked up to the hole in the wall and commanded something.

"uuuuh, I'll just take a regular bowl of Cheerios or something." The rods lit up before something phased into the hole, it was a bowl of cheerios. she picked up the bowl and headed over to the cupboard with the eating utensils, she bent over and looked for them, she murmered something in frusteration before saying something aloud.

"Why the hell do we have bowls if they already appear in the first place?" She asked.

"Dunno, hun." He wasn't completely listening, but he did hear her, he always at least listenned to his team-mates, especially her. but at the moment he had his hand on his chin, thinking of what to eat.

"Ah fuck it. I'll take what she had." The rods lit up again and the same object phased in, he took the bowl over, got a spoon and sat down with Krystal and ate silently. they both finished and put their dishes on the counter for future washing. they walked through the door at the front of the room. It was still felt unnatural on the new GreatFox II, it may look the same (only sleeker and faster) on the ouside, but it was completely different on the inside. Especially the living room that they were now in. The couch was on the farther left, it was a comfortable but simple blue couch. on it was Falco Lombardi: The cocky teenage-attitude blue avian, and Slippy Toad, the childish frog that always wore a red cap and was the engineer, he was also improving on his flying skills, he basically wore Fox's kind of older uniform without the red scarf. they were watching a Marilyn Manson video on Much Music on a 50" HD TV, which was pretty basic by their time's generation, though home TV's hadn't grown any bigger since almost two millenia before hand. Falco was smirking and tapping his foot to the music and Slippy was sleeping with his head back and his tounge sticking out to the side. on the right was a bookcase with recorded DVDs of shows like CSI, Evangelion: Remastered and Redone, Hellsing, Black Heaven, Witch Hunter Robin and other anime's, as well as a recorded music video of the rare song "Amrageddon Soul" by an underground band by the name of "Blackline" which Fox listened to when he was either bored or pent up with rage, along with the DVDs there were many burned discs of bands like Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Cold, Slipknot, Korn, Tool, Mindless Self Indulgence, Buckcherry and many others which Fox, Falco and Krystal (Who Falco still doesnt understand how she likes songs like Crazy Bitch.) would occasionally listen to, the floor was covered with a green carpet.

"Hey, Falco." Fox greeted the blue avian, Falco leaned his head back and looked over at the couple at the door.

"Yo, guys, You really gotta see this shit, its fucked up." Fox and Krystal walked over.

"Yeah I know, Marilyn Manson is fucked up, what else is new?" Fox said.

"Nah, Nah, I didn't mean that, I Meant this shit." Falco leaned over the side of the couch and picked up a dvd. He turned the channel to "Video" and plopped in the disc.

"Ya know that Rellik Darqness guy we've been tracking for bounty?" Fox nodded. Rellik was accused of mass murder as well as raping many vixens in Corneria city, Krystal kept saying that she couldn't shake the feeling that he is being wrongly accused.

"Well The cops got a hold of him, check it." The Corneria City News icon came up on the screen and a female red avian (Who Falco had hit on more than once) came up on the screen.

"Good morning Corneria, I'm Hilary Laker with todays breaking news. Police have arrested Rellik Darqness, the most wanted criminal in Corneria city, we now go to the scene live with Adam Brenton. Adam." The camera switched over to a setting with police cars behind a dark-furred lupine. in a formal suit and a Corneria City News mic (CCN) in his hand. he had a slight pause before thanking Hilary and continuing about how the cops had found Rellik at a convenience store in strange clothing that looked slighlty religious. a gray figure with what seemed to be a small ring hanging from the lower part of his muzzle walked out of the convenience store with cops holding his hands behind his back while he fought and screamed at them, there was a Golden-Brown vixen calling to him with tears in her eyes, she had black markings trailing from her ears until they reached the top of her eyebrows and outlined the tops of her eyebrows, she had a gray unzipped vest over a red T-shirt, with blue jeans and black boots, she also seemed to have two Sawed-off double-barreled shotguns. Krystal commanded ROB to stop the video when Rellik took a direct look at the camera, She then ordered ROB to zoom into the image of Rellik and get a full body shot, the system cleared up the blurred images.

"Something strange, Krystal?" Fox asked. Krystal stared long and hard at the picture. Then she went wide eyed.

"Oh... my... fucking... god." Krystal said in extreme amazement.

"What, Whats so damn amazing?" Falco asked.

"Rellik, He's wearing The traditional Cerinian Black Mage Warrior robes." Fox and Falco also went wide eyed.

"So, basically your saying this Rellik fellow is... Cerinian?" Fox asked, Krystal nodded.

"Well, Are you sure that Black Mages were this fucked up with their magic?" Falco said.

Rellik and ??'s point of view

'Fuckin' idiots, They think that someone from the fuckin' Darqness family's gonna go down without a fuckin' fight? These shitheads dont even stand a chance against what I can do.' Rellik flipped out a switchblade from his back pocket that the cops suprisingly didnt find and stabbed the right cop's hip, The cop screamed in pain and tumbled to the ground, Rellik just caught the HandCuffs keys and unlocked himself, the other officer attempted to take him down with his baton, but Rellik grabbed the baton, pulled it back and slammed it into the officer's face, the officer's nose broke with a sickening crack and he also swallowed a tooth, he also tumbled to the ground. The vixen stopped calling his name, pulled out a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun out of her vest, grabbed a distracted cop and pulled him into a grab, she then pressed her shotgun to the side of his head.

"Any of you mother fuckers move, And Im gonna blow this motherfuckers brains out. And believe me, you dont wanna mess with 45. caliber Incinderary explosive rounds." the vixen said loud enough for everyone to hear, though she had an offecer at point blank range, all guns were pointed towards her and Rellik. Rellik pulled a gun from one of the officer's holsters; it was his custom, 45. caliber Venomian Blaster with the same type of round as the vixen's, He unloaded it, checked the clip: Full, he popped it back in and cocked the gun, he then whipped his arm towards the cameraman, a loud shot went off, but it wasnt from his gun, but from an officer's gun, he looked at the moeratly-large bloody hole that had been shot through his heart. a very low laugh eminated from his mouth, it became louder untill it was pratically insane.

"You stupid shits..." He laughed to himself again. Then the wound suddenly closed up, and was once again Fur and skin, everyone at the scene was shocked and confused. "My beautiful Kate just knitted this shit up, and you had to go and shoot me..." He lowered his gun, "Ya know, you may be a cunt for fucking up my robe, but I'll let you live, You don't deserve such punishment, Kate!" The vixen holding the officer at gunpoint responded with a simple 'Hm?' in aknowlagement.

"Let the pig go, He's innocent enough to be spared." Kate responded to this with a nod and kneed the hostage between the legs, causing him to recoil in pain, collapse, and then vomit. Kate then walked over to her husband.

"Now shut the fucking camera off, I think this polotic driven shithole has seen enough for today."

Back On the GreatFox

"That is fucked up shit, man" Fox said.

"My lord, I-I've never seen such power, even from a Cerinian. Did they arrest him?" Krystal asked

"Yeah, for some reason he gave in, probably to prove he's not as much of a dick as their making him out to be." Falco responded.

"But I don't understand... There was only one transport, and I was the only one on it, it's impossible for another Cerinian to survive the planets destruction, and even if they had a bunker, they would wake up on an asteroid and starve to death..." She trailed off as she was starting to tear up about the thought of her lost planet. Fox comforted her by a short hug and putting his arm around her back, whispering an 'Are you alright' only to get a slight nod.

"I'm going to have to think about it, and if this guy is this powerful, then he could be the largest threat to the galaxy since Andross. anyways, I have to get to some repairs on my ship, its been beat up pretty bad from all of the small missions and no repairs" Fox headed out into the hangar. Falco also left for whatever reason, leaving Krystal alone, Krystal looked up at the screen.

"Rellik... I know you, but from where?"


"Fox McCloud, please report to the bridge, you have a call awaiting, caller suggests immediate answer." ROB 64, StarFox's personal robot who inormed them of everything, from status reports to calls. Fox slid out from underneath his Arwing, his shirt, pants, face and body was covered in oil stains.

'thats gonna be a bitch to get out' Fox thought. He also smelled like oil, he headed to the bridge through the living room door, it was the only thing that looked the same as the original hangar: The huge screen in front of five chairs, and stairs that led down to these chairs, as well as control panels with seats in front of them for manual control of the ship. Fox plopped into the chair in the front.

"Bring it up." He commanded, the screen activated and an image came up on screen with a gray vulpine with about the same apperal as Fox and a familiar vixen cleaning two Double-barreled Sawed off shotguns in a Gray vest, red shirt, blue jeans and black boots in the background on the screen.

"Fox, J. McCloud, I hope your taking care of the only other survivor of my kind over there..." A familiar voice came from his mouth.

"Rellik Darqness..." Fox narrowed his eyes. "You've done many bad things, I'd rather kill you than speak a word with you." Rellik as well as the vixen laughed aloud after the statement.

"I'd like to see you try to take me or my wife down. but thats not why I am calling, I am calling to tell you of a favor that I can offer you..." Rellik smirked.

"What kind of favor?" Fox said suspiciously.

"I can help you try the true criminals behind these horrible murders and crimes, at a price..." Rellik paused. Fox just sighed.

"Okay, how much, I can offer you a million tops at the mo-"

"Nonono, McCloud, I do not mean pay us in money, but let us join your team, and get part of the share of your bounties." Rellik said, Fox just froze, he didnt know if he wanted to laugh, agree, or flip him off and fire at his destination. after almost five minutes of thinking, Fox made a decision.

"Agreed, but you must fill out the paperwaork and go through all the training to get into our team, first off, we must meet somewhere to give ou the paperwork and talk about you joining StarFox." Fox said.

"Of course, meet me at the resturaun between Forger and Teller street at twelve-hundred hours in two days." the comm. link was then shut off, and the screen turned back to empty space, Fox then sighed and checked the clock, only Ten in the morning, he decided to work on his arwing repairs for the rest of the day, only taking bathroom breaks and breaks to eat, he worked until it was one in the morning, he was exhausted, so he decided to go to bed, he smiled when he saw Krystal already asleep, she always looked cute to him when she was sleeping. he slipped into bed without waking her, wrapping his arm sotly around her, only feeling her sub-conciously pulling him closer to her before nodding off to sleep.


"So do we kill them, or do we actually go through with this shit?" Kate asked Rellik, who was cleaning his own pistol just as she was cleaning out her Shotguns. Rellik responded with a low, slightly sinister laugh.

"I know exactly what I will do."

--Chapter End--

Authors note: Okay people, I know that was a bit of a stupid chaper, but hey, I had to come up with these Ideas every time I wrote, and I had to write like, every 9 nights a week, because I have that thing called a life. But fear not, the next chapters will be better. So R&R.

Rellik: Im so badass, Im like, fuckin Alucard from Hellsing but Im furry or some shit.

PSFF: Oh no, not this, these skits have already claimed Shadow Fox and Skull Fox, get the hell away from me,

Kate: Hey man, don t freak, we ain't killin' you or nothin'

PSFF: Um, i gotta run... I-

Kate: Flips out shotgun I SAID STAY HERE MOTHERFUCKER!

PSFF: Sigh Oh shit.

Why did I do that? three words: Because I Can.