A Chance To Start Over

By: Suka Uchiha

Chapter 8

A/N: Hey!!! I know its been a very long time since I've updated and I want to say that I'm very sorry about that. Its because my mom cut off my Internet and so i wasn't able to update.


As my dad was driving us back home, I felt my heart whole again. It wasn't broken into pieces anymore. It wasn't numb anymore. My guilt faded away, my eyes seem more happier instead of sorrow.

And now I can't wait until Sasuke calls me tonight.

Ch. 8

We arrived at my house at around 11:15 p.m. "So, Sakura you going to tell me what you and that guy talked about?" Umi asked.


As I told her the rest that happened, my cell phone started to ring. "Hello?"

"Hey." a voice that I was dying to hear for so long.

"Hey!"I said.

"It's me. The guy from blockbusters."

"Oh yeah the one asking for my number."

"Yeah. So what you doing?"

"Nothing. At my house with my cousin watching a movie and you?''

"In my room listening to music. So what's your name?"


"That's a gorgeous name. My name is Sasuke."

"I like your name."

While I was talking to Sasuke on the phone, Umi leaned over to me and whispered, "Sakura, hey talk lower, I'm trying to watch the movie."


I got up and went to my room to talk on the phone. "So, Sakura, you said that your single right?"


" Can I ask you something?" Sasuke asked.

THIS IS IT!!!! Hes going to ask you out!!! Inner Sakura said with excitement.

Yeah I know! I thought.

" Yeah sure." I said.

" Ummm...would you go out with me?"

" Yes I would love that."

" Really?"

" Yes really." I said.

I then hear my cousin calling me from downstairs. " Hey Sasuke can you hold on for a sec?" I asked.

" Yeah."

I put my phone down on my night table and went downstairs to see what Umi wanted.

" What you want Umi?" I asked wishing that she could tell me quickly so that I can go back to my room and talk to Sasuke.

" I'm going to start the other movie so you better tell Sasuke bye-bye." Umi said.

" Fine." I said. I could always call Sasuke tomorrow..or later in the night. Yeah that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call him right after the movie finish.

I went back to my room and picked up my phone. " Hey Sasuke?"

" Yeah blossom."

" You don't mind me calling you later in the night?" I asked.

" No I don't mind."

" Okay well I'll call you later cuz I'm about to go watch a movie with my cousin."

" Okay bye.''

" Bye." And then I hunged up. I quickly went downstairs with full of happiness. I was so happy in that moment. I guess Umi knew I was happy because she then asked, "What happened? What are you smiling about?"

" Sasuke asked me out and I said YES!!" I told her.

" OMG! Are you serious! I'm so happy for you!" Umi said as she hugged me.

" I'm soo happy!!" I said smiling.

" Hold on Sakura, aren't you still going out with Sai?" My cousin asked me.

Shoot! We totally forgot about that bastard. Inner Sakura said.

Yeah. Damn. I thought.

I didn't even want to think about Sai. All he did was used me. I hate him soo much. If I remember correctly tomorrow morning he's going to call me. So when he does I'm going to tell him we are done for good.

" Yeah we are but im going to break up with him tomorrow." I said.

" Really? But I thought you were so in love with Sai."

" NO! Not anymore. I hate him. All he did was use me."

" What?!? He used you? But why? How do you know? What happened?" Umi asked me.

I told her everything. Well not everything. I just left out about the whole me wishing to go back in time so that I can be with Sasuke again. If I told her that Umi would think I'm crazy and think I have some kind of mental problems.

" I can't believe it! That bitch is going to pay!" Umi was pissed about what Sai did to me.

" Yeah and Aumi too is going to get a payback." I said.

" Hell yeah! I cant stand her anymore. She's been messing with you for too long."

" Yeah I know, but lets forget about this now and watch the movie." I said as I hit the play button to start the movie.

" Yeah I agree."

It was like around 1:30 in the morning when the movie finished. Umi went to my room to sleep, while I stayed downstairs in the living room. I wondered if I should still call Sasuke. What if he was sleeping? I wouldn't want to wake him up. But then again he said he didn't mind me calling him late.

He's probably sleeping now.


But nothing. You can always call him early in the morning.

Yeah i guess your right.

I headed to my room, finding my cousin already sounding asleep in the left side of my bed. I crawled in the right side of my bed and then fell asleep.

It was around 9:00 a.m. when my phone rang. I was sleeping so I didn't bother to answer it. It rang and rang but then it stoped. Five minutes later it rings again. I was so sleepy to check who it was so I just answered it.

" Hello?"

" Ummm..hey Sakura." At first I didn't recognize the voice but then I remembered that Sai was going to call this morning.

" What do you want Sai?" I demanded knowing full well what he wanted.

" Well I've been wanting to talk to you about what happened on Tuesday." he said.

" We have nothing to talk about."

" Yes we do. I have good reasons why I took Aumi's side and not yours." Sai said.

" I don't care what those reasons are. Their just lame excuses, and I don't even want to see or hear from you again!" I yelled.

" No you don't. Please meet me at the mall today around 2:00 so we can talk."

" Yeah, like I'm going to meet you at the mall. So you can humiliate me again? I don't think so." I told him.

" Please! I'm begging you." Sai pleaded.

" No! Besides I'm done with you. I'm breaking up with you."

" No your not. You cant do this to me."

" Oh yeah..watch me." And then I hanged up on him. I was so mad that I through my phone at my bed. A few minuets later and Sai called me again but I didn't bother answering it. I just fell right back to sleep.

I had woken up like around 12:00. I would have slept more but Umi came running into my room and jumped on me yelling,"Sakura! Wake up, it's time to get up. Come on Sakura lets go somewhere. I'm bored."

"Get off of me. I'm tired. Let me sleep a little more." I muttered.

"No Sakura. It's like 12:30 already."

I suddenly got up. " Are you serious? " I asked to my cousin.

" Yup."

" Damn I promised myself that I would call Sasuke early in the morning."

" Well you can call him now and see if he can take us somewhere!" Umi said.

I thought for a second." You know that's not a bad idea."

I dialed Sasuke's number and I waited until he picked up. " Hello?"

" Hey Sasuke!"

" Oh hey blossom. Whacha doing?" Sasuke asked.

" Nothing. I'm just bored."

" Me too. If you like I can take you somewhere today."

" Its funny. I was about to ask you the same thing."

Sasuke laughed. " Okay so where do I pick you up?"

I told him my address. " Oh and can I take my cousin?" I asked.

" Yeah sure. So Ill be at your house in an hour, sounds good?"

" Yup."

" Okay see you later blossom."

" Okay bye."

I hanged up and told Umi that Sasuke was coming in an hour. So Umi and I quickly took a shower and dressed up. By the time we finished putting our makeup, someone knocked on the door.

" That must be Sasuke." I said.

" Yeah." Umi said.

We grab our phone and purse and we were out the door.


A/N: So what did you guys think of this chapter? I hope you leave a REVIEW!!! Ill love that!

-Suka Uchiha