It was the year 1995. Marty had just come home after a hard days night at the music studio, meaning he spent most of the day and the majority of the night on his latest demo for his band's up coming album. He now knew what the Beatles meant by the phrase 'A Hard Days Night' as he collapsed onto the sofa.

It was nearly one in the morning. He felt exhausted. All he wanted now was to see Jennifer, and as if by magic she appeared at the doorway. Her figure was silhouetted by the light coming from the other room. 'There you are, I've missed you.' she said coming into where he was sitting.

'I'm sorry honey,' Marty replied, 'we had to finish the song tonight. Man I'm tired though.'

'Awe,' she came closer and sat on the arm rest of the sofa next to him, 'well at least your home now safe and sound back in good old 1995.'

What an odd thing to say thought Marty, 'That sounded like something my Mom would say.' he said out loud.

'I would like to meet your Mom someday.'

Now he was totally confused. 'But Jennifer you've met my Mom plenty of times.'

'Jennifer? Who's Jennifer?' asked the girl in confusion.

Turning directly towards her now Marty realised he couldn't see the girls face. The room was in total darkness. But it sounded like Jennifer. Looking at the lamp at the side of the sofa he turned on the light. To his horror it wasn't Jennifer sitting on the sofa but his Mom! But it wasn't his Mom as he knew her now, but the one he had met in the 1950's.

'How did you…?' he stuttered in shock, 'Where am I?'

'Calvin, are you alright?' asked Lorraine placing a hand on his forehead, 'you feel hot. Are you coming down with something?

'I… but you…' he couldn't get his words out as she went into the kitchen and returned with a wet cloth.

'There now.' she said as she dabbed his head with the cloth, 'just relax.'

'Mo… Lorraine what happened to George? I thought you two were hitting it off now?'

'George Mcfly?' she repeated cautiously, 'well he's kind of cute and all but I prefer a man who can stand up for himself and protect the woman he loves.'

She started to move towards him. She was going to kiss him! Getting up quickly he ran out the door and into the kitchen.

'Where you going?' she asked following him.

But Marty ignored her as he said to himself 'This has got to be a dream! It's 1995 not 1955.'

'I think your working too hard.' Lorraine said soothingly placing her arms around him.

He jumped at her touch and hastily moved her arms away. 'I've gotta see Doc.' Moving towards the front door he tried to unlock it but he couldn't.

'He's gone butthead.' said a voice from behind him. Turning round he realised straight away who it was. Biff looked old, unlike Lorraine. 'He flew off in that time machine, remember? Never bothered coming back.'

'How do you know about the time machine?' asked Marty looking at him.

'Did you think I wouldn't notice when he came with the flying car all the time? You are such an idiot, like your old man.' he laughed menacingly.

'What do you want Biff?' he asked firmly, getting annoyed.

'I know what you did all those years ago with that mad scientist friend of yours.' He now grabbed Marty by his collar with both hands, 'You made me lose Lorraine. I got rid of your friend and now I'm going to get rid of you once and for all!'

'No Biff, leave him alone!' shouted Lorraine behind them.

Marty tried to pull away but Biff was too strong for him. He prepared himself for the first punch when…

Beep… Beep… Beep…

Jumping up from his sleep Marty hastily looked about his surroundings. There are was no Biff or young Lorraine to be seen. His breathing was heavy but started to calm as he realised it had all been a dream. Turning off the alarm Marty lay back down on his bed and groaned. He had so many dreams recently about his time travel adventures that it was affecting his sleep. Sometimes he would find himself stuck back in the past or way out in the future, everything in them would go wrong and he could never find Doc to help him.

Thinking of Doc, he wondered where he was and how he was getting on with his family. It had been a year now since Marty made his sad farewell to him as Doc set off on his adventure with the new machine he had made from the steam train. The photo Doc had given him was safely put aside in his bedside drawer, he would have put it on the stand if it weren't for the fear of his siblings finding it and asking questions.

A few things had changed for himself personally. He was on his last year of school and so he was preparing for his finals. Without having Doc around Marty found he had more time for his studies, not that it made them any more interesting. His band 'The Pinheads' were now starting to get local gigs despite last years dismissal for being 'too loud' to play at his school dance.

Yawning he got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen where his parents and Linda sat having breakfast at the table.

'Morning dear,' said Lorraine cheerfully, 'want some toast?' holding up a plate full.

'Thanks Mom,' he said taking a few pieces as he sat down to join them.

'Marty you look awful.' stated Linda staring at him.

'Yes you do look kind of peaky.' agreed Lorraine with a scrutinising look. 'Have you been going to bed early enough recently? You have spent a lot late nights with that band of yours. I don't want this to affect your studies.'

'It's nothing Mom I'm fine.' trying to avoid the conversation. Lorraine however didn't look convinced.

'Hey son,' said George speaking for the first time since Marty entered the room, 'this letter came for you this morning. It wasn't posted in the mail, so someone must have dropped it off by hand.'

Handing the letter over Marty looked at the hand writing and his heart skipped a beat.

'Is it a secret admirer?' teased Linda.

'No, I'm just going in my room.' without another word he got up.

'But Marty, your breakfast!'

'I'm not hungry Mom.'

Closing the door behind him Marty looked down at the letter. Could it be? Opening it hastily all he saw was a single sentence that read:

I'm back. Come to the house as soon you can, we have much to discuss!

Your friend, E.B.