Notes: This is my first Indy fanfiction. Ever. This is a oneshot, but if you guys like it, I might make it multi- chapter. Reviews are greatly appreciated.


Chapter I

Henry "Mutt" Jones woke with a start. He flipped onto his side to glare at the alarm clock on his right. 4: 36 A.M. glowed in the otherwise dark room. He growled as he rolled out of bed. Some way to start the first day of school he thought, as he stood up from the un- made bed. He tripped half a dozen times as he made his way to the door. Surprisingly, light shone from the hallway.

Labeling sleep impossible, the youngest Jones crept down the stairs carefully, to find the reason behind the lights being on two hours early. He rounded the corner and walked cautiously into the kitchen. His new- found father's surprised expression immediately caught his attention.

Mutt jumped. "What the hell are you doing up at 4:30 in the morning?" he asked his father. Indiana swallowed his coffee. "Couldn't sleep. Et tu?"

"Um… Yes? But can you save the Latin for class?" Mutt begged.


They sat for a while in relaxed silence. The professor finally spoke. "So, I've been meaning to ask… Where did you get the name from?"

Mutt tensed a bit. "I can't tell you."

"Why?" his patriarch asked, confused.

Mutt stared intently at his hands. "You'll think it's stupid."

"I won't" Indiana insisted. Mutt looked up. He could tell Indy meant it.

"Fine." He looked back at his hands, avoiding his father's eyes. " When I was a kid I got in a lot of scrapes. Well, there was this one guy, his dad was a Nazi, and he threatened this kid… I stood up for the kid and the Nazi bastard wanted me to pay for it. We were fighting after school and the guy was winning, he had already broken my nose… All of a sudden this big dog -it was at least part husky- came charging up and knocked the guy over. I made a run for it and the mutt followed me home. Mom said we could keep it and we had him for a while. Well, one day, I came home from school and Mutt wasn't there. Turns out, he was hit by a car. I always hated the name Henry and Mutt just kind of stuck." Mutt finished his story and finally looked up at his father, trying to gouge his reaction. After a long second he muttered "Told ya it was stupid…"

"No, not at all!" Indy said, surprised. "You don't think my parents named me Indiana, do you?"

"I guess not." Mutt pondered.

"My name was originally Henry also. Indiana was my dog- he was a husky. I had a lot of fond memories of him, and when my dad and I fought, Indiana was always there. So when he didn't wake up, it just seemed logical to keep the name." Indy replied, intently examining his knuckles.

"I always wondered what it was with Joneses and dogs…" Marion said as she walked down the stairs.