Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of it's characters. They are the sole property of Rumiko Takahashi. The original character known as Kaori is mine. Any events or plots in this story that may be similar to anyone else's is strictly coincidental.


Author's Note: Hi everyone! This is my first chapter! It's a little short, so apologies in advance! Please feel free to leave reviews; I like hearing critique (not criticism!!), questions, and suggestions as well as compliments.



Chapter 1

It was a dark night with no moon and three silhouetted figures slowly walked towards a small village lit by only a single bonfire. A tall, silver-haired Lord with pointy ears and wearing armor walked ahead of two servants, a man and woman carrying a tiny blond haired baby. The woman tripped over a small hidden rock and caught herself just before she fell but not before the small baby's cry startled the birds in the trees. The leading figure stopped and looked back. The woman hurriedly tried to calm the child. "S-sumimasen, Taisho-sama. I - I t-tripped..." She stuttered, terrified of what the lord would do to her for breaking the crucial silence. InuTaisho, the silver-haired lord, walked back towards the cowering woman and the crying baby. The man beside her tensed but did not move and the woman flinched as the Lord reached out a hand...and patted the child's head, caressed her face and whispered gently "Daijobu, daijobu. It's alright, small one." The child's pinched face slowly relaxed as her cries subsided and she opened her eyes to reveal startling green irises. Sighing with little hiccups she looked up at the Great Lord and smiled. Looking at her disturbingly bright eyes, he smiled a slow, sad smile back.

" T-T-Taisho-sama..." The woman whispered. InuTaisho looked at her, said nothing, then turned and continued walking on and the two servants followed without a word.


Golden eyes watched the skies for a moment, lost in thought. They weren't searching for anything in particular, it was just one of those times when one looks up and wonders about...well, everything.

A small breeze blew stray silver hairs into those gold eyes causing the muscles around them to blink. A footstep came from behind and a voice: "Kaori-sama?". Kaori turned, her gold eyes meeting old brown ones of an elderly woman. The old woman hesitated then came closer, her eyes full of worry. Kaori cocked her head to the side in question, "Hai, oka-san? What is it?" The old woman grimaced, " As I have humbly stated before, your grace, though Haku and I raised you from infancy, we are simply your servants, Kaori-sama."

Kaori shrugged and turned back to looking at the sky. "You and otou-san are the only parents I've ever known, Kita. Why should I not address you as such?"

Kita shook her head and sighed "Kaori-sama, I am...concerned."

"Concerned? About what? " Kaori asked non-chalantly as she moved gracefully to sit back against a tree.

Frustrated, Kita could not contain it anymore, "About you, Kaori-sama! Ever since the news two days ago of the death of the Great Lord, InuTaisho, your father--"

"By blood only." Kaori muttered looking defiantly at the weeds in the grass.

"--your father, " Kita continued, not listening, " you have been doing nothing but stare at...at...nothing. I don't think I've seen you shed one tear. By the gods child, should you not be grieving your loss?" She gently put her hands on Kaori's face, turning it towards her own. "He was your father, Kaori, by blood yes but not only that. He cared deeply for you. He cared enough to protect you from those who would harm you even though it meant never being able to raise you himself.You should have seen how hard it was for him to leave you with us."

Kaori softly pulled Kita's hands off her face. " I know, oka-san. But, I did not know him. It is sad that he is gone, yes, but can I truly feel grief over someone I never knew, let alone care for? No, Kita. I do not cry, I think and wonder about what I did not (and now never will) have, but I do not shed tears over a stranger." Kaori looked at her with a small smile, " Thank you for your concern, but truly, I feel fine. You should not worry about me."

The edges of Kita's mouth turned up slightly in a sad smile. "Oh, but I do child. I do."