There have always been stories about people magically falling in love and surviving the cruel world that they live in, but what happened to everyone else? They say that everyone needs love, but what about the loveless?
Disclaimer: I'm not JKR 'nuff said.
A/N: Let's just pretend that Krum's thoughts are in English.
Krum's POV:
She was most definitely the most intelligent person I had ever met. I loved the way her chocolate brown eyes soared across the pages that she held so dear to her heart; the way that she could recite bits and pieces of passages from memory; the way that she twisted her finger around the same curly lock of hair when she was concentrating.
But on one in particular day in the Hogwart's library, Hermione looked none of these things, and rather – frustrated. For, I wanted to ask her to the Yule Ball yet found I was too afraid.
Yes me, afraid! I had faced the Wronski Feint and even a bloody fire-breathing dragon. For heaven's sake! Nevertheless I could not ask this one beautiful girl to a simple dance. So, I summoned up all of the courage that I had, went over to her table and mumbled:
"Vould you like to go to the Ball vith me?"
She blinked up at me in surprise, as though she had been in deep thought only moments previously.
"Umm, sure." She blinked again, and then she smiled, "I would love to go. Thank you for asking."
Some intakes of breath were heard behind some of the bookcases but I didn't care, it seemed like I was in a trance.
I grinned and said, "Thank you," before quickly turning away so I wouldn't offend her by staring into her deep brown eyes for too long.
That evening found me in the very center of the Entrance Hall, awaiting her grand entrance. When I turned around to check the staircase once more, my jaw surely wasn't the only one that dropped. Hermione seemed to be…glowing. All of her gorgeously colored and usually curly hair was tied up into a bun. Her face was so dazzling that I never even bothered notice what dress robes she wore until she asked me whether or not the color suited her. (I assured her that it did.)
As perfect as the night might have seemed to be going, there was still him. When Hermione and I began the waltz she barely even looked at me!
At first I thought that she was looking at Harry Potter. (It seems that everyone does.) But after many more of her glances I saw that she was looking not at the Boy-Who-Lived, but at the red-haired boy next to him. Whenever their eyes met Hermione would blush slightly and the red-haired boy would look away from us and frown.
Jealousy swiftly swept over me and I tried to keep her distracted as we danced. Sure enough, though, he would get closer and she would look again. When the boy sat down, she suddenly "needed" a drink. So, naturally, I went to get some.
I watched her as she walked over and sat down next to this "Ronald" boy, a name I'd heard pass through her lips only once and in a moment of frustration. He pretended not to notice. I reached for two glasses and busied myself with the punch bowl.
When I looked back up they were arguing about something and Hermione turned back toward me without a back glance at the red-haired boy.
Oddly enough, I felt a little smug that she was angry, but for the rest of the evening, she just wasn't the same. All she would do was stare at her shoes, and I could've sworn that her eyes were watering. I wanted to kill that 'Ron' for making her cry but thought better of it.
"Do you promise to vrite to me?" I almost begged, my composure nearly slipping.
"I promise," she reassured me.
"You know you can visit me anytime you vant. Are you sure about your summer Holiday?" I heard a coughing noise come from 'Ron', and Hermione glimpsed fleetingly at him.
"I don't know if I can, Viktor, but I promise that I'll write."
"Vell, then…good-bye, Hermy-own-ninny."
"Good-bye, Viktor."
Fleur's wedding day, I had thought, was the perfect opportunity to see Hermione again, because, well, she hadn't been sending as many letters as she used to.
Upon sauntering into the Weasleys' backyard, it felt at though my heart had been ripped out entirely. For, standing there, a giggling Hermione and teasing 'Ron' were holding hands.
It took a moment to unfreeze myself from my tracks, nonetheless, I sighed, put on a brave face, and made my way toward the group…
After all, it was someone else's day for love.
After that no one knows what happened to Viktor Krum. But from the information given he, like many other forgotten characters is Loveless. Beta'd by 100-Percent-Harry-Potter-obsessed.(of course)