Hey, guys! Yes, I know it said complete, but I couldn't resist writing one that centers around Prince Caspian's thoughts. This takes place one week after Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy leave. So this is one week after they left in Narnia time. Hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor claim, any of the characters, plots, and places in The Chronicles of Narnia. I do not gain any profit from writing this.

Note: Prince Caspian centric; One week after the Pevensies left; One week in Narnia time

Caspian walked through the halls of the Telamrine castle, now his. A lot of changes have been made since the Pevensies have arrived, and left, Narnia. He turned the corner and started walking towards the stables.

"Your Majesty," the stable hand greeted, handing him the reins to his noble steed, Destrier. The king gave a small nod of his head to the stable hand before getting on top of Destrier and heading out of the stable.

A few minutes later, he was riding in the forest, headed for Cair Paravel. When he neared the ruins of the once magnificent castle, he urged Destrier faster, until the horse finally reached a gallop. Once he arrived, he dismounted off of his horse and walked around, staring at the remains. Bending down low, he picked up a chess piece made of pure, solid gold.

His thoughts drifted to the owner of the chess piece, King Edmund. Then they turned over to High King Peter, who he attacked during their first meeting. Of course, they were stopped by Queen Lucy. Caspian admitted to himself that he was surprised by her. And finally, he thought of the most beautiful of all, Queen Susan the Gentle. He was immediately attracted to her in the forest, and she filled his mind when he had time, which wasn't often.

He remembered his and High King Peter's constant bickering, Queen Lucy's faithfulness to Aslan, King Edmund's improving skills in battle, Queen Susan's gentle touch, he soothing voice, her lips against his as a final farewell.

The kiss they shared, he realized, was a pretty bittersweet moment. They would never see each other again.

"Why are you here, King Caspian?" he heard, making him jump up in surprise. Turning, Caspian saw a majestic lion standing atop the platform that used to hold the thrones.

"Aslan," he acknoweldged, bowing down on one knee.

"Rise, King Caspian. You are a king now, you need not bow down." Caspian nodded and stood up, staring at the lion before him. "What brings you here, my King?"

He was stunned for a second but quickly recovered. The title of King was still foreign to him; his whole life he was 'Prince' Caspian. Now, he was 'King'.

"I have come for some peace and quiet, Aslan." he told him. "I came to think about High King Peter and his family." He waked closer to Aslan, who gave him a nod.

"I understand that you miss them, especially gentle Susan. But hear this, my King, Susan will never come back to Narnia. But that doesn't mean her memory doesn't live on." Aslan gestured to the ruins with his paw, and Caspian tunred around, finally understanding. The memories of the Pevensies are kept within these walls. He turned back to Aslan but found that he has disappeared.

Disapponted, Caspian looked down at his belt. He took the horn from its holster and blew into it with as much power as he can, hoping to see Queen Susan the Gentle appear before him. But she didn't. She was nowhere in sight.

Sighing dejectedly, the young king walked down to the beach. He kneeled right in front of the water, hands going over the rough, white sand. He looked at the water, crystal blue. He immediately thought of her eyes. He shook his head and looked up at the sky. He sighed and stood up, running a hand through his dark hair.

King Caspian X made his way back to Destrier, and when he finally made it, mounted the horse. He clutched the horn in his left hand and used his right to hold onto the reins of his horse. The whole ride back, he thought of Aslan's words, and how he will never see her again. But he knoew that as long as the ruins remained at Cair Paravel, he will never forget the Pevensies; he will never forget her.

I must not dwell on the past...I must focus on my country...I must not be upset over her leaving...I refuse...

This chapter was pretty OOC, you guys...Sorry. Please review, helpful criticism welcome!