A/N : Guess what!? I'm writing again! I know you're all happy. Don't deny it. Anyway, if you want to know the real reason why I haven't posted anything in nearly six months, go check out my profile. You'll understand.
Anyway, on with the story!
What I've Come Up With
By Queen of Pascalities
Your hands are shaking. You try your best not to burst out in tears. It's been years since you last felt that way and now you remember why you never wanted to have that feeling again. You grip her shoulders and you shake her roughly, trying to convince yourself it might bring her back.
She lies there in your arms, unconscious, and you're doing everything in your power to make her wake up. You let go of her shoulders and brush the pink hair off her face hurriedly, as if it would make her lack oxygen. You move your hand up and down her face, leaning close to her, trying to catch the slightest flutter of her eyelids.
You're scared. You're scared shitless because you think she won't wake up. You curse yourself. You're mad at yourself. You know you should have protected her better. You're mad at her. She was supposed to be the one taking care of the others. She was supposed to stay back and stay alive. She was not supposed to die before he ever did.
You're mad at her, but you don't hate her. You can't hate her. You're still shaking. You know you don't have all the time in the world, although you killed every enemy that could have attacked the both of you. You're just scared you won't make it in time. However, you can't move her. You don't want to. You might hurt her more. Then again, she might be dead already.
You rip her shirt open. You don't even notice what kind of underwear she's wearing. You don't have time for that. You search for her pulse. It's there, but it's weak. Your own heart leaps in your chest. You might be able to save her after all. You give pushes to her chest, trying to make her heart go faster. You open her mouth and give her air. You push on her heart again.
She's breathing, now. Her eyes are still closed and she looks like she's sleeping. You just sit there, on your knees, next to her, and you watch her. She's peaceful and you are, too. You're still shaking, but you're not scared anymore. You lay down next to her. You don't know why, but you're panting. You gather her in your arms and hold her to yourself as if you were clinging to life.
You're calming down. You're feeling sleepy and you let yourself be drowsy. Nothing can hurt you now. You fall asleep, feeling more peaceful than you've been in ages. You feel her heartbeat and her breath in your neck.
You're happy. You're shaking, sweating like a pig and panting like you've run twenty-three marathons, but you're happy. You're happy you saved her. You're happy she's with you. You're happy you're with her. You're happy she's alive.
And all I've come up with, Uchiha Sasuke, is that you're in love with Haruno Sakura.
A/N: Yeah. Just felt like it. So, what did you think? Tell me!
Queen of Pascalities