Yo. I lost my mind -again- since it was the last day of school!! So, I decided to create THIS!! Just a little Kamichama Karin spoof!! I've been obsessed with it lately, and anxiously awaiting the next chapter of the manga and the first episode of the anime for the sequel, Kamichama Karin Chu!!

I got this idea from the list of 20 ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity, which I copied into my profile if you want to see it.

Well, yeah, here it is!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kamichama Karin or Kamichama Karin Chu. (Cries in corner)

-x- Note -x- Himeka will be popping in and out of the story randomly. Let's just say she's abroad, or at Miyon's or something. . . . yeah . . .

-o- Note -o- Also, this story will be updated frequently, since I have everything planned out. It's just a fun project to help me relax.



20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity

-o-x-o-x-o- -o-x-o-x-o-

It was a normal spring day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Kazune is yelling at Karin once more.


Karin dashed downstairs in her uniform. "I'MUPI'MUPI'MUPI'MUPI'MUP!!" she yelled, and the two dashed out the door to school.

The bell rang just as Karin stepped into the room. She went to her seat, gasping for air. After the teacher began her boring lecture, Karin dazed off.

'Geez, stupid Kazune. Why can't we use his car when we need it? What's the frickin' point of that thing if it's just going to sit around, collecting dust?' She wondered, glaring at Kazune from the corner of her eye.

"Karin? Your answer?"

Karin snapped awake. "U-um . . let's see . . err . . um . . ."

The teacher sighed. "I'll repeat the question only one more time, Karin. Who invented electricity?" The teacher asked, annoyed.

"Errm, oh! Albert Einstein!" Karin chirped.

"Wrong. No one invented electricity, though Benjamen Franklin proved lightning was electricity." the teacher corrected, then continued the lecture. "Idiot." She heard Kazune mutter.


It was lunch time, and Karin chatted happily with Mi yon and Himeka.

"And then, I answered I'd love to sky-dive, and then he starts freaking out, saying; 'Noooooooo!! My goddess, you'll kill yourself!! You can't sky-dive!!' The look on his face was priceless, let me tell you!! Imagine the look on his face when I'll tell him I'm going to JUMP OFF OF THE TOP OF THE WATERFALL NEARBY WITHOUT ANY PROTECTION GEAR OR ANYTHING TO SOFTEN THE LANDING OR HELP ME IN THE AIR!!"

Karin finished louder than necessary. Jin's eyes bulged. "NOOOOOOOOO!! MY GODDESSS, DOOOOOOONNNNN'TTT!! YOOOOOUUUUUUU CAAAAAAAAN'T!!"

He started crying, taking Karin serious. She giggled. "Ah, Hanazono-san, are you really going?" Micchi asked. Karin nodded, giving him a wink. He took the hint. "Ah. Have fun then!!"

Kazune was concerned.

"You moron!! You'll kill yourself!!" He yelled at her. "Geez, Kazune-kun! I was only joking! What, are you concerned?" Karin taunted him. Kazune growled.

"Anybody could have taken you seriously!! You sound insane!!" He said in his defense, before marching off.

They soon all went to class after lunch.

'Insane, huh? If you want insane, I'll give you insane, Kazune-kun!!'


Just a short little explanation!! Sorry for any OOCness, I just HAD to have Karin do that. For the story, as well as my own joke. (Oh, come on, you know you'd do it too if you were in her position!!)

Well, please read and review!!


Alice as of 5-28-08