um yeah. hey. i know some people have already tried reading this story and it consisted of 17 really cheesy words and im sorry. i have no idea what im doing and when i downloaded the document or whatever i put in the wrong one and that was a story that i didnt plan on posting and i stopped working on it after those first 2 sentences. so im sorry and now please read this..oh yeah i havent revised it yet so sorry if the grammer and spelling is crap.

The Lake Houses


Its summer and its time to break loose. Come on Bella, you can do it. Just walk outside. Its only Rosalie's lake house and its not like you've never been here before. All you're doing is wearing a bikini. A gosh dang bikini with polka dots. Okay, here we go. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot…AND WE'RE OUTSIDE!

Shit, we're outside.

I ran behind a tree to my right and hid. "Bella, come on! No one's gonna make fun of you! Just come out and swim!" Alice yelled over to me.

"But I can't," I yelled back. I peeked around the tree to look at Alice. She wasn't in the lake with Rosalie and Angela, who were laughing like crazy at something. I looked at the dock, but she wasn't there either.

"GOTCHA!" I heard Alice screech behind me. She latched onto my arm and pulled me toward the lake. For such a short person, the girl's got some muscle. I tried to pull away but my lack of muscle plus how hard I was laughing prevented from making the slightest difference.

"Alice, come on! Let go!" I said, still laughing like a hyena living in laughing gas. Then I was pushed into the lake, but not before I put a death hold on Alice's scrawny arm and pulled her in with me. The water felt fantastic. I came up chuckling and breathing hard. Alice had a scowl on her face; I guess she hadn't wanted to get wet…oh well!

She finally broke out in smile and spoke, "Well at least I got you out from behind that tree and into the water!"

"Yes, you sure did Alice. And I'm going to get you for it," I said with a smile. Then it dawned on me that I was in a bikini. Me. Bella Swan. But the weird thing was, it wasn't that bad. My stomach was pretty pale (Which is really pale, considering how pale I am normally.) from 16 previous years of wearing a one-piece, but other than that, it was nice. I'm sure I looked horrible in it, but I knew my friends, my best friends actually, would never make fun of me.

That was the nice thing about this trip. Rosalie's parents let us all come down here by ourselves for the first time ever. No parental figures whatsoever! It was half Rosalie's birthday present, and half the fact that we finally got a car that we were able to come. It's mine and is ancient but, hey, it runs. My dad got it for me at Christmas. We've been planning this summer trip ever since. All of my friends' parents are loaded with money except me, but surprisingly, I was the first to get a car. All their parents are really conservative about their money and make sure that they didn't spoil their children. Hence, me getting a car first.

"Okay you guys, what do you want to do for tonight?" Angela asked, paddling over on her float to talk to us. "Do you wanna go out to eat or cook something? We need to make sure we save enough money to eat out at least 3 nights. We didn't bring enough food to cook all 6 nights."

"I think we should eat out tonight, my birthday, and the last day we're here. Does that sound god?" Rosalie contributed.

We all said yes and climbed up the ladder onto the dock.

"Hey, guys. You wanna take out the jet skis?" Rosalie asked after we all re-applied sunscreen. Me more than the rest.

"Oh yeah!" Alice squealed. "Okay cool, I'll go grad some life jackets. Who wants to drive, we've got two jet skis so two drivers," Rosalie said.

"I wanna drive!" Alice squealed yet again. Angela and me didn't want to so Rosalie volunteered to drive the other.

"I call riding with Rose!" Angela said right before I did. "No fair! I was going to say that." I said. To be truthful, I was just plain scared to ride with Alice.

"Too bad, I said it first," Angela replied, sticking her tongue out jokingly. "Why don't either of you want to ride with me?" Alice asked, with a gleam in her eye that meant she knew why, and she was gonna go crazy with that jet-ski. Oh boy. ME and Angela didn't bother to reply.

While Rosalie was up at the house getting life jackets, Alice, Angela, and I sat on the dock and watched as a group of guys rode their own jet-skis around in our cove. They looked about our age, maybe a little bit older. There were four of them, each on their own jet-ski. They were doing all kinds of tricks; turning the jet-skis sharp so they'd fly off, hitting waves so they'd go airborne, standing on the seats. They were probably a bunch of jerky jocks out to get a girl. I was just about to say all of that when Rosalie came bounding on to the dock with four black, way too small, life jackets.

"Hey Rose? Are these supposed be human life jackets or Barbie clothes?" I asked. "Oh ha-ha Bella. They're very sexy looking when you put them on; maybe we'll get some guys this week. That'd be a nice birthday present don't you think?" She replied.

"Well Rose, there's a four right out there," Alice said, pointing to the guys we were watching earlier.

They can't be serious.

"Come on Alice, you can't be serious. Those guys are probably a bunch of boneheaded, no-neck, jerks out to get laid or something. We can't hang out with them."

"Jeese, be a little harsh why don't you Bells. You haven't even met them, much less even seen them close up. Don't judge those books by their covers Bells," Angela said staring at them. She's probably already picked out her target. "Let's go meet them and see if they are really as bad as Mother Bella here says they are."

We were all situated on our jet-skis, Angela with Rosalie and me with Alice, when i noticed that Alice was practically bouncing with excitement. "Calm down, Alice. We haven't even turned on the things yet," I said laughing. The girl was a handful, I can tell you that. We're talking about the girl who put pink dye in the pool when she decorated for her mom's friend's baby shower. The lady was supposed to be having a girl and appointed Alice as the decorator for the party. Needless to say, the theme was pink, pink, pink, and more pink.

The baby turned out to be a boy though, and now he has a pink room with any and all pink furnishings in it. Poor thing.

"Okay Alice, you just turn that key," Rosalie pointed to a cord attached under the right handle, "and it'll start up. Then put it in neutral and back out gently." Alice turned the key and did as she was told but when she pulled down on the gas trigger to back out, it zoomed backwards and I was thrown off.

"ALICE!!" I yelled laughing hard.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Bella!" She said laughing as well with a sly gleam in her eye.

"Alice, I should just warn you. You're going to want to sleep with your eyes open from now on. If you don't, please don't be surprised if you are strapped to a rocket and flying to Mars by tomorrow morning!!" I splashed around some and then tried climbing back on the jet-ski. Emphasis on the word tried. Must I explain, or can I just say I have a severe clumsy gene in me somewhere. You can just imagine how that worked out. Needless to say, I will have multiple bruises by the morning.

After our little offset, we were finally able to get me back on the jet-ski, slightly calm down Alice, and set off to ride around and talk to the boys, who were now in a four-way race. Angela has been watching them like a hawk and laughingly reported that they saw and heard my fall and outburst. "They were cracking up at you trying to get back on the jet-ski, Bells. Especially the one on the green jet-ski." I saw her eyes just then. Is that jealousy I see?

I looked over to the guys and was able to see them better as we were quite a bit closer. A huge, muscled one with dark, wavy hair that backed up my opinion on the guys correctly, at least on the outside, rode on a dark purple jet-ski. He had an evil grin on his face as he raced toward the finish line, wherever that was. A smaller but still well-muscled guy with blonde hair was laughing and smiling as he raced along on a light blue on one. Then I looked over to an extremely tall kid with long, dark hair that was on a red jet-ski looking behind him, but at what, I have no idea. Then my eyes fell on the boy on the green jet-ski. He had messy bronze-colored hair and a tall, lean frame. He was in the lead in their race and was smiling a 100- watt crooked smile. He was absolutely beautiful.

We were closing in on them and the race when Alice pushed in the gas and flew up to the last place boy on the light blue jet-ski. "Hi!" Alice shouted over to him. Startled, he looked over as a grin lit up his surprised face. He didn't slow down to talk though. He just sped up into third place in front of Mr. Red jet-ski. He shouted something to Mr. Green jet-ski as he made his way toward him. Mr. Green jet-ski looked back as Mr. Light blue jet-ski yelled to the other two guys. They all slowed down and looked at us as Rosalie and Angela rode over to us. We sat in a somewhat circular shape when Alice spoke up.

"Hi. My name's Alice."

"Hello Alice. I'm Jasper," the boy on the light blue jet-ski spoke up. "This is Edward," he pointed to the green jet-ski.

Edward…I thought in my head.

"That's Jacob," he said pointing at the red jet-ski, "and this here is Emmett." He said, clapping his hand on the shoulder of the guy beside him on the purple jet-ski.

We all muttered hellos and heys. "Well, this girl is Bella," she said pointing behind herself at me. "She's the one that fell off the jet-ski back there. Ya'll saw it right? Cause if you didn't I'd be happy to reenact it for you," she said with a smile.

When I processed what she said, I latched onto her life jacket and squealed, "No Alice! You remember what I said about Mars don't you? Don't for one second think I'm kidding either." We all laughed.

"Anyways, this is Rosalie and Angela." She finished, motioning toward the beauties on the jet-ski next to us.

"Hey, were about to go to this huge rock you can jump off of a couple of minutes from here. Ya'll wanna come with us?" asked Emmett looking at Rose. Well, we all know who Rosalie has her eyes on, now don't we, I thought to myself.

"Yeah, that'd be cool." She replied, not tearing her gaze away.

And with that we took off to some rock with some guys. My parents would kill me if they knew.